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ncome of the College, the amount of which should not be less than the amount of the annual allowance made for depreciation on buildings, viz. 24 per cent. on the current estimated value of the Manchester buildings, and 74 per cent. on the current estimated value of the York buildings.

That the said addition to the permanent fund should be over and above the addition now annually made thereto of the surplus income of the long annuities. In pursuance of the above resolutions, the sum of 3261. was voted to the permanent fund, being the amount of the depreciation on the estimated value of the Manchester and York buildings since the last annual meeting.

The chair was then taken by T. B. W. Sanderson, Esq., and the thanks of the meeting were unanimously voted to John Touchet, Esq. for his services as President. S. D. DARBISHIRE, Secretaries. J. J. TAYLER,

} Manchester, August 1822.

Unitarian Congregation, Portsmouth. THE state of the Unitarian Congrega

tion in this town affords the most encouraging proof, that the views of Christian truth entertained by them are well adapted to the spiritual wants of mankind generally. By adopting every allowable means of exciting public attention, then laying open the pure and simple doctrines of the Gospel in a plain, earnest, and familiar manner, contrasting them with prevailing errors, avoiding abstruse dis cussions, and constantly appealing to the Scriptures, the place of worship which was for many years considered the gate of perdition, and frequented chiefly by a few families of the educated classes, is become the regular resort of nearly a thousand persons of all ranks and conditions, who gladly avail themselves of the instructive ministry of the venerable minister, (the Rev. Russell Scott,) and delight to bring

up their families and their friends to the worship of the one living and true God.

Under these circumstances, some anxiety was felt in the beginning of the present year, at finding the ancient chapel so much in need of repairs, that it could no longer be used in safety. Aided by the very munificent donations of individuals and families connected with the society, although several of them non-residents, the congregation has been ena. bled to put a new roof on the building, and otherwise repair and improve it, in a manner promising safety and comfort for a century to come. They have added a

spacious vestry to contain the Subscription Library, amounting to about 400 volumes, and a room over for the Sunday Schools. Upwards of £1100 have been expended on these objects, and they hope to defray the whole expense without appealing to other congregations for assistance; but to accomplish this, their aid must necessarily be withholden for the present from objects which have strong claims on Christian benevolence.

The proprietor of the Crown Assembly Rooms in the most liberal manner allowed them to be used by the congregation gratuitously for several months, till the chapel was re-opened on the 27th of October. On that occasion the Rev. W. Hughes, of the Isle of Wight, and the Rev. J. Fullagar, of Chichester, (whose labours, in connexion with other ministers, at the Fortnightly Lectures established in Portsea and the suburbs, hare effectually promoted the spread of Unitarianism,) preached in the morning and evening to crowded assemblies. Mr. Fullagar shewed wherein the true glory of a Christian church should consist. Mr.

Hughes pointed out the advantages arising from just views of the Divine character. The gratitude due to those who erected the chapel in 1717, was well enforced; and a hope expressed that the "glory of the second house" would be greater than that of "the first." The society were congratulated on their distinguishing name being now inscribed on the front of the building; and the Divine blessing implored that it might be as a house of refuge for the disconsolate and those who are wearied with the weight of superstition; an asylum for the persecuted, and a standard for in-gathering the house of Israel.

D. B. P.

We noticed in our last the intended resignation of the Rev. PENDLEBURY HOUGHTON in the ensuing month of

March, as one of the ministers of the congregation meeting in Paradise Street Chapel, in Liverpool. We are informed that the Rev. JOHN YATES has also signified his desire to retire at the same time. And we farther learn, that it is the intention of the congregation to have only one minister in future.

By the death of Mr. SMYTH, (son-inlaw of the late Duke of Grafton,) a vacancy was created in the representation of the University of Cambridge in Parliament. A new election took place on the 26th and 27th of November. The can

didates were three in number; two who started having withdrawn, viz.the Speaker of the House of Commons, Mr. C. MANNERS SUTTON, (son of the Archbishop of Canterbury,) who found a legal impediment arising from his office in his way, and Mr. R. GRANT, brother to the late Secretary for Ireland, who gave up from finding his sentiments in favour of Catholic emancipation an obstacle to success. The three who went to the poll were Mr. BANKES, son of Mr. Bankes, proprietor of and member for Corfe Castle, who has lately written a Roman History, which the Quarterly Review has mercilessly torn to pieces, Lord HERVEY, and Mr. SCARLETT, the Barrister. Mr. Bankes depended upon the interest of the clergy, excited in his favour by his well-known opposition to the Catholic claims; Lord Hervey seems to have relied upon family interest and upon ministerial and aristocratic support; Mr. Scarlett canvassed as a Whig. The number of votes was as follows:

[blocks in formation]

At the late election of Lord Rector of the University of Glasgow, the candidates

were Sir WALTER SCOTT and Sir JAMES MACKINTOSH, and the liberal principles and feelings of the students were manifested by the result. The votes were

the city. He appealed for protection to the Emperor of Russia, who granted him a licence to remain. The Duke of Wellington is also said to have befriended him. His object was to induce the congress to agree on some measure for the effectual extirpation of the Slave Trade. He was listened to with kindness by the northern Autocrat, and permission was granted him to translate and circulate amongst the "gods on earth," and their satellites, the address on this subject which was issued by the Quakers at their last yearly meeting. The condescension of Alexander caused WILLIAM ALLEN to be bowed to by the high-born nobles attending on majesty; and the people of Verona, seeing that he received obeisances from the great in the public streets without returning them, naturally enough concluded that the immoveable broad brim was the symbol of some high ecclesiastical dignity, and that the unbending wearer was the patriarch of some religion prevailing a long way off.

The Baptist Magazine lately gave a list of the Particular Baptist Churches in England and Wales at four periods. In 1771, they were 251; in 1794, 379; in 1811, 537; and in 1820, 672. In the first period, it is stated that the largest Baptist Churches in London had not more than 150 members, whereas now several

have more than 400.

The For Club has unanimously voted that a monument shall be erected to the

nearly three to one in favour of Sir memory of the late Mr. PERRY, proprie

JAMES MACKINTOSH, who was accordingly elected. Mr. JEFFREY, the late Lord

Rector, gave his vote for this gentleman, expressly stating that he did so upon public grounds. Only two of the Professors supported the Whig candidate, viz. Messrs. MUIRHEAD and SANDFORD. This election will convince Sir WALTER SCOTT that the finest talents and the greatest literary popularity may be nullified, even amongst the young, who are most likely to set a high value upon them, by political subserviency.

AMONGST the visitors at Verona, during the late congress of the Holy Alliance, of unholy name, was Mr. WILLIAM ALLEN, the Quaker, of London, the apostle of philanthropy. His appearance is said to have alarmed the Austrian minister, the ever-watchful guardian of despotism, who ordered the plain Friend to quit

tor and editor of The Morning Chronicle, for his faithful exertions in the cause of the people, and for his constant and uniform adherence to the principles of Mr. Fox.

Close of the Year, 1822.

CONSIDERABLE gloom hangs over the opening year. At home, there are peace and plenty, but the depression of agriculture fills a large body of the people with apprehension and trouble, and the uncertainty of property, occasioned by a change in the value of the currency, tends to discourage commerce, and to unsettle all plans of prospective advantage. Ireland is in a feverish state. The outrages are renewed in the provinces, and in the capital a brutal assault has been made by some of the rabble of the Orange faction on the person of the Lord Lieutenant, the Marquis WELLESLEY, on account of his known sentiments in favour of Catholic emancipation. This impolitic, as well as wicked, explosion of the rage of the faction has led all wise and good men to rally round the government, and has presented an opportunity, which, we trust will not be neglected, of putting down for ever the insolence of a handful of persecutors, who have so long been suffered to keep the island in a state of turmoil and civil war. The Holy Alli. ance has held its congress at Verona. Hitherto, the official proceedings of this junta of sovereigns have been withheld from the public, but it is understood that the congress has given leave to France to make war upon Spain, in order to crush the free government there set up. Whether the French government will use the holy licence is scarcely determined. A sense of justice, however, will not restrain the Bourbons of that country from the mad attempt to enable the Bourbon of Spain to pluck down the liberties of the peninsula. Their fears may, notwithstanding, dictate sound policy. Unsupported, and even opposed by England, they would enter, we apprehend, with faint hearts upon a Spanish crusade, though cheered by the shouts of Croats and Tartars at the extremity of Europe. English opposition to the Holy Alliance, so honourable to our country, we owe to the change in the department of Foreign Affairs. The late Marquis of LONDONDERRY seemed to be pledged to the measures of the continental despots, his successor, Mr. CANNING, is free to act as his judgment shall direct, and, little as we admire his political character, we are bound to say that his conduct since he came into office has been worthy of a British statesman. Gratitude impels us to acknowledge his manly and spirited offices on behalf of our friend, Mr. BowRING, on whose liberation we congratulate our readers. The French government durst not bring Mr. Bowring to trial, but, on the contrary, confessed in the order for his being set at liberty, that they had no

charge whatever to bring against him, and consequently no reason for detaining him a prisoner! This they were six weeks in discovering, during which time an English merchant was shut up in one of their dungeons. The abominable outrage upon the laws of nations will not, we hope, be suffered by our own government to pass without some measure of apology to the injured individual, to the honour of the country, and to the law of civilized Europe. The state of France is variously represented. The mad ultras are the present actors, but the more temperate royalists are said to have the greater power: the liberal party is quietly looking on. To strengthen the hands of the government by means of the church, education is gradually drawn into the hands of the priests, and the Pope has granted a concordat for the erection of new bishoprics. The nuucio of his Holiness has appeared once more upon the stage, and has demanded with success the banishment of LLORENTI, the virtuous and enlightened Spanish ecclesiastic, alleging, as a reason for the demand, his History of the Inquisition, and his other works against papal domination. It was not to be forgiven by the church, that one who had been secretary to the Inquisition, should afterwards reveal the secrets of the prison-house, and animate his countrymen in the work of destroying the horrid engine of spiritual despotism. At seventy years of age, therefore, he is sent, in the depth of winter, across the Pyrennees. His countrymen have, no doubt, by this time welcomed him back to a free country, and shewn him that the persecution of the faction that mourns over the fallen Inquisition, is a recommendation to the esteem and support of every liberal mind. Russia is still watching her interests; Turkey is convulsed with fanaticism; and the Greeks yet exist, and in sufficient strength to annoy and discomfit the barbarians, especially at sea, and to make them tremble for their dominion.


Page 682, col. 1, line 6, for "thus, by," read then, after.

line 36, for "more substantial," read sure and substantial.







***The Names and Signatures of Correspondents are distinguished by Small
Capitals or Italics: as different Correspondents have often adopted the same signature,
tome ambiguity in the references will unavoidably arise; but this is an inconvenience
necessarily attached to anonymous communications,



Alcoran, God, from the,


Aldred, Rev. Ebenezer, obituary of, 769

372 Alexander on an intermediate state,
172. On the indefinite period of
the day of judgment,
Alfred, eulogium on,
Allen, Mrs. Hannah, obituary of,
Ambrose, Isaac, account of,
728 America, public affairs, &c., of, 64,
128. Principal religious sects in,
300. Progress of Unitarianism in,
301, 455, 457. Mr. Wright's pro-
posed mission to, 302. Rebuke of
intolerance in, 400. Opening of
the first Unitarian Church, at Wash-
ington, in,

4.'s hymn to the Deity,
Aar, lines on the fall of the,
4. B.'s recommendation of an En-
glish translation of Griesbach's
Prolegomena and Notes, 541. His
_remarks on register of births at
Dr. Williams's Library,
Abernethy's Inquiry into the Proba-
bility and Rationality of Mr. Hun-
ter's Theory of Life, &c.; his Phy-
siological Lectures, &c., reviewed, 170
ACTON, Mr., on the remission of sins, 666
Acts i. 26, criticism on, 290; iii. 16,
291; ix. 14-21, 107, 292,
Adam, Mr., his conversion to Unita-
tarianism, 584, 682,

Adams, Mrs., letter from, on the Ame-
rican War, 1777,

Addison's, Mr., belief in a future

= state,


American Congress, Unitarian chap-
lain to,







American law against impugning the
doctrine of the Trinity, 224, 585, 690
AMICUS's remarks on a letter on the
Unitarian edition of Penn's Sandy




[blocks in formation]

Address to Protestant Dissenters, com-
mending the Practice of Sitting
while Singing the Praises of God
in Public Worshi Worship, reviewed,
Admission of Catholic Peers to the
House of Lords, motion on the,
Adrian, the Emperor, his letter on
the Christians of Alexandria,
ter on the Unitarian edition of
Penn's Sandy Foundation Shaken, 271
Africa, account of the petrified city

Aikin, Dr. John, obituary of,


[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Bayley's, Mr. Justice, doctrine of the
Trinity, on,

B. D. on a conversation between the
Rev. Mr. M and Pagey, an In-


Meeting-House at,
BOOK-WORM, 200, 411, 479,
377 Borneo, cursory remarks on the
Island, made during a residence of
nearly three years thereon, 13,
Borough, opening of Unitarian place
of worship in the,
544 Boston, North America, laxness of


Beaufoy's, Mr., speech for the repeal
of the Test and Corporation Acts,
in 1787, extract from, (note,) 131
Beauvoir, Louis Henri Scipio de Gri-
moard de, obituary of,
Bell, Mr. Henry Nugent, obituary of, 640
Bell, Mr. Robert Newcome, obituary

Belsham, Mr., remarks on his Sermon
on the Mosaic History of the Crea-
tion, 24, 95, 230, 278, His Ser-
mon, reviewed, 111. His list of
students educated at the Academy
at Daventry under the patronage of
Mr. Coward's trustees, 163, 195,

Bengal Hurkaru, letter to the Editor
of the,

Bennet, Mr. Benjamin, interesting
narrative by, (note,)
Bennet, Hon. H. G., his observations
on the influence of the crown by
means of the church,





morals at,

Bowen, Miss Caroline, obitnary of,
Bowring, Mr., arrest of, 656, Libe
ration of,

Bransby, Mr., conclusion of his dir
course on the death of Mr. Lindsey

B. R. D.'s obituary of Mr. Joseph
Withington, 306. Of Mr. Jeha

Brekell, Rev. John, some account of,
Brettell's Country Minister, a Poem,

BRETTELL, Mr., on the review of The
Country Minister, 159. His obli-
gations to the York College,
BREVIS'S brief notes on the Bible,
329, 425, 522,

Brighton Chapel, on a misrepresenta
tion with regard to,
British Catholic Board, resolutions of

453 Brookes, Mr. Samuel, obituary of,



[ocr errors]







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