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thing almost in the fame words (a), and when he was gravel'd with the authority of that famous Councel of Chalcedon, (a Councel that Pope Gregory the great faid be reverenced as one of the four Gospels) and a Decree of theirs against the Primacy of the Bishop of Rome, he anfwers roundly, that that Decree is of no force,because it was mads in the absence of the Pope's Legates, who afterwards did protest against it (b). Where by the way we may take notice, what opinion that oecumenical Councel had of the Popes Supremacy and Infallibility, who first paffed and afterwards ratified that decree, notwitstanding all the folicitations and proteftations of the Roman Legate in the Popes name to the contrary. In like manner faith Andradius, That Councell erred, in as much as it did rafbly and without caufe prefer the Church of Conftantinople before that of Alexandria and Antioch (c). And Gregory de Va lentia being affaulted with a Canon of the Synodus Trullana, defends himself with this answer: That Synod is of no authority, because its Canons were not confirmed by the Pope (d).

S. 21. It is true, the Papifts perceiving the danger of their caufe from this difference between the Pope and Councels, have at last found out this Cópor papuanor (and

Erare 2. Concilia Provincialia, que à Papa confirmantur, errave non poffunt, reliqua autem poffunt. loc. com. lib. 5. c. 4...

(a) De conciliis. lib. 2. c 11.

(b) Decretum illud magni quidem eft Concilii, fed non legitimè faElum, proinde nullius eft robòris, vel authoritatis, quia factum est abjontibus legatis Apoftolicæ fedis & poftea reclamantibus. De Pontif. lib. 2. C. 17. §. Quart.

(c) Erravit in eo,quid temere & nulliâ ratione Conftantinopolitanam Ecclefiam Alexandrina & Antiochene duxerint præferendam. In defenf. fidei. lib. 1.

(d) Trullana Synodus nullius eft authoritatis, quia non erant ejus Canones approbati à Pontifice Remano. In libro de Calibatu. p. 861.


by that means they pretend they are all agreed) the Pope and Councel joyning together are infallible: And in this fence their doctrine is true, that general Councels are infallible, viz. if they are called and confirmed by the Pope. For anfwer whereunto I commend four things to the Readers obfervation.

I. Obferve the non-fence of this opinion. The queftion is, whether general councels lawfully called have an infallible affiftance and guidance of the Spirit in the forming of their decrees? The Papifts affirm, we deny: now comes in a condition in their affirmation, which overthrowes the affirmation it felf. They are infallible (fay they) if the Pope confirmes them: well then, the Councel meets, confiders, decrees, here is their work done, hitherto (fay our Masters) they are fallible: they fend them to the Pope for confirmation, for ubi definir Concilium, incipit Papa: if the Pope confirms them, they are infallible; if he disapprove them, they are fallible. And fo, it feems, the councell receives infallible direction from God for their work, after their work is done; and it ceafeth to be, before it be infallible, in fpight of the old maxime of the Logicians, Ab est tertii adjecti, adelt fecundi adjecti valet confecutio. Really the councels have an hard bargain of it,that cannot get Infallibility, till they have loft their exiftency.

2. Obferve the hypocrifie and felfe conviction of this opinion. The infallibility of councels is the great gazeizoua caft before the eyes of those who cannot penetrace into the depth of things. Severall Scriptures are pretended, which are faid evidently to prove this infallibility: now we fee they themselves deny the thing which they pre tend to prove,& councels are infallible no further thenthe Pope pleafeth. And with this key you must open all the alledged Scriptures: you must hear the Church, i. e. unlefs the Pope fhut up your eares. Chrift is prefent where


two or three are met together in his name, viz. if they have the Popes approbation. The Spirit will lead you into all truth.viz. it you follow the inftructions of his Holineffe, And if a Councel may fay, It seemed good to the Holy Ghoft and us, it fignifies nothing, if it be not added, and to our Lord the Pope. Thus councels are meer cyphers, except the Pope adde his figure: and councels are joyned with Popes, only as Bibulus was with Cefar, to fill up a vacancy, and make a noife in vulgar ears. Nor is the wound of the Popish cause healed by this device, but only skinned over for as the affertors of the infallibility of councels deny infallibility to the Pope, further then he adheres to fuch councels; fo the affertors of Papal infallibility allow to councels no infallibility, but what they have in dependence upon,and by influence from the Pope. So Bellarmine in terms faith, Infallibility doth not.come part. ly from the Pope, and partly from the Councell, but wholly from the Pope (a). And Stapleton is expreffe: The Pope receives no new power, nor authoritie, nor infallibility from the addition of a Councel (b). What need 1 fay more, fuch contemptuous thoughts bath Bellarmine of the infallibility of councells, that he spends one entire chapter upon the proof of this Propofition, That general Councels may erre, if they do not follow the Popes inftruction, if they have not the Legates confent; nay more, if it be in a point wherein the Legates have no certain inftructions from the Pepe: and he gives us amongst many inftances of erring Councels this remarkable one: TheCouncell of Bafil by common confent, and with the Legates concurrence concluded, that a Councel is above the Pope, which certainly is now judged er

(a) Tota firmitas Conciliorum legitimorum eft à Pontifice, non partim à Pontifice,partimà Concilio. De Pontif.lib.4.c:3.

(b) Papa adjuncto Concilio nullam poteftatem, vel authoritatem, vel etiam ecrtitudinem in judicando novam acquirit: In relect.con.6.q.3.

art. 5.


roneous (a). You see how hard it is for Councels to carry their difh even. By what hath been faid it appears what a forry foundation the Infallibility of Councels is, when from their principles it unavoidably followes, That a colledge of Jefuites is as infallible as a general councel: for they conteffe a provincial Councel (which in it felle hath no more Authority to oblige the whole Church then fuch a Colledge) is infallible with the Popes concurrence, and without it general Councels are fallible.

3. Observe the infufficiency of this evafion: For if Infallibility were granted to fuch a combination of Pope and Councell, this gives them no reliete, fave only during the Seffion of the Councell, for when the Councell is diffolved, their Writings mnft indure the fame fate with the writings of the Apostles of being unable to judg or decide controverfies: For all the Papifts most vehemently plead for the neceffity of a living Judge that can hear both parties and determine all emergent controverfies: Thus Infallibility is not fo much as res unius atatis: Nay oftentimes it is but res unius anni,like Jonan. gourd,it comes up in a night and withers in a night. And the Church for thee hundred years after Christ had no Infallibility, and fince the Councell of Trent the Papists have not had an infallible Judge, and at this day their Church hath no Infallibility and confequently no folid Foundation for their Faith.

4. Obferve the prepofteroufneffe of this opinion: if Councels come to the Pope for Confirmation, he may fay to them as John the Baptift faid to Christ Mat 3.14. I have need to be baptized of thee and comeft thou to me?

(a) Concilium Bafilienfe una cum legato Pontificis communi consensu ftatuit Concilium esse fupra Papam, quod rectè nunc judicatur Curoncums De Romano Pontifice lib. 2. cap. xx.


So may the Pope fay, I have need to be confirmed by your Authority, and without you am but magni nominis umbra, and do you come to me? But I confeffe manus manum fricat. If the Pope have any infallibility, he had it from Councels, for Scripture ownes it not(as we have feen) and the particular Fathers could not give what they never had, and now it is good manners to requite them, and fo he communicates to them that infallibility he receives from them.

To conclude this confideration: It is fufficient for my purpofe which is acknowledged by the greatest and molt confiderable part of the Romish Church at this day, That generall Councels in themselves are not infallible, and confequently are no folid Foundation for a Papifts Faich, which is all this Propofition pretended to make good, though you fee I have given them an ov

§. 22. A third confideration is this: If the Infalli S. bility of general Councels rightly called, conftituted and ordered, were granted, yet this would give no Advantage to the Romish caufe nor fecurity to their Faith, and that for fuch reafons as diverfe of the moft Learned Pa. pifts themselves do ftamp with their approbation, And here I might infift upon fundry particulars, but I fhall confine my felf to a few, and for the reft refer you only to one of their own Authors, White in the oft mentioned Treatife who thus breaths out his doubts concerning this Doctrine of the Infallibility of Councels: -If You alert an unknown and invisible influence of Gods Spirit it is fo uncertaine and doubtfull, that it is fruitleffe to coxtend about it. Seeing it is matter of strife, rather then evidence to what Councels, and when this affiftance is giuen: whileft fome quarrell with the calling, others the absence of nations or Patriarchs, and others difpute about the prefi dency, and others about the method and circumstances in the handling of questions: others about the number, weight or


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