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red by him! That if an hue and cry fould come after Antichfit which hould defcribe him by thofe Characters by which he is deciphered in the Bible, he fhould certainly apprehend the Pope for him, and I defire all Papifts, who would not venture theif Eternall Salvation upon uncertainfies, to do our coule and their own Soules that juftice as to parufe the Authors of both fides viz. Whitaker and Downham on the one, and Bellarmine and Leßius on the other, and then I doubt not but they will conclude the notorious weakneffe of their cavils, or pretended Answers to our Allegations to be at leaft an high prefumption of the truth of our Affertion, if not fufficient to put an end to all further doubtings.

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30 My Lord;


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It is no fmall evidence of a good caufe and felicity of our Proteftant people; that they are permitted to fee with their own Eyes, and are both allowed and warned by their teachers, not to take matters of Salvation upon truft but to enquire and fearch the Scriptures and other Authors whether those things be true or no whil❜ft unhappy Papifts like the Andabate of old muft winke and fight, and are obliged with an implicit, Faith to follow their guides in fpight of Chrifts caution

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caution ufed upon the like occafion, If the blind lead the blind both shall fall into the Ditch, Math 15,14 Proteftant Minifters befpeak their hea rers in St Pauls language, I speak to wife men judge ye what I fay, I Cor. 10. 15. While Popill Priefts, if they would fpeak out muft fay I speak

to Fooles, believe all that I fay: A plaine figne their Gold is adulterate becaufe they dare not fuf fer it to come to the Touchstone. frus

My Lord,

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In the handling of thefe Controverfies I thought it moft prudent and ingenuous to follow the Councell which Benbadad gave to his Soul. diers, to fight neither with fmall nor great, but with the King of Ifrael, and therefore I did not mind the branches, but have indeavoured to ftrike at the Root: For fuch is the Doctrine here difcuffed viz. The doctrine of the Churches Au thority and Infallibility and fo it is acknowledged by all the Romanifts, and we are advised by them Lif we mean to do any good) to attaque them in this point. I like the Councell and therefore have refolved use arcem petere to attempt their ftrongeft hold: All the Controverfies of the Church of Rome have (what Caligula wished all the people of Rome had) one neck, and that is this of the Churches Infallible Authority: while this

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is fafe, we do but pare their Nayles,and out theif Haire which will quickly grow againe, but if this failes, all falls,wound them here, and it goes to the heart. Whether I have done this there or no, I fhall not be fo abfurd or arrogant as to give judge ment in my owne caufe, this onely I fhall be bold to fay, that I have faithfully reprefented the trength of the Popish caufe in this great point out of their most famous and approved Authors, and fuch of whom it might be truly faid, Sima nia Rome Defendi poßent dextrâ hac defenfa fuiffent, and therefore if all the plaufible pretences of their most confiderable Writers be here removed and destroyed (which I willingly referre to the judgement of the ferious intelligent and impartiall Reader) I may without injuftice conclude that their Doctrine is indefenfible, and their caule defperate,

My Lord

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The reafon why I devolve the Patronage of this worke upon your Lordship is not onely the confideration of your reall worth and thofe ho-i nourable qualities refplendent in you, that true generofity, fincere friendship, obliging fweetneffe, impartiall valuation of perfons according to their merit, not their party or opinion in little things, and other confpicuous vertues (which they that

have the happineffe of your acquaintance are wit neffes of) nor is it onely the knowne excellenty and exemplary piety of your moft Hlustrious Lady: (which nothing but ignorance or malice can deny nor the particular obligations which I fhall alwayes define to owne to both of you, but the contemplation of that great intereft, which by the high capacity of your Place, and thend bleneffe of your Eftate, and the unexampled atfability of your deportment, you have in the Kingdome of Ireland, which how free it is from other Venoms your Lordship knowes better then I,yet fure I am it is fadly infected with the Poyson of Popish Doctrines, and therefore I thought the Antidote moft needfull there,and that your Lordfhips Authority and Influence accompanied with your zealous endeavours (which God expects and I promise to my felf from you in so good a caufe) might induce many perfons of the Romish perfwafion to read and confider this fhort Treatife, if God peradventure may give them Repentance to the acknowledgement of the Truth that they may recover themselves from the fnare of the Devill

That God would encline your heart to contribute your most effectuall help to fo good a worke and fucceed you in it and recompence you for it,


and that God would bleffe Your felfe and worthy Lady with all the bleffings you want, and mercifully preferve and Sanctifie to you all you have, and crowne all with those inexpreffible felicities of another World, is now and fhall by Gods affiftance be the humble and fervent prayer of,

Sept. 1. 1665.

My Lord,

Your Lordships Orator at the
Throne of Grace


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