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feems to countenance their conceits, then every paffage of the Fathers is dogmatical, and every word an argument: then the Fathers have done playing and quibling, then they have opened their minds fully, and given us their most serious and laft thoughts.

§. 8. And left you should think it was only the opinions of feveral Fathers which they defpifed, I fhall ac quaint you with their practice in cafe of confentofthe Fathers, or the major part of them. That the Angels were corporeal, was the opinion of moft of the Fathers faith Pererius (a). For this opinion Sixtus Senenfis reckons up Origen, Lactant: Athanaf: Methodius, Hilarius, Damafcenus,Caffianus, and the fecond Councel of Nice? to whom Maldonat addės, as iμofúpus, Clemens Alexand: Theodoret, Tertullian, Ambrofe, Auguftine, &c. fuch a Conftellation one shall seldome find in any controverted opinion: Yet bear what Senenfis faith, I think the contrary opinion is the trueft. If a Proteftant had faid as much, what tumults and tragedies would it have raifed in the Roman Court? how would all the world have rung with it? So again, that I may further lay open this Romish impofture, I fhall reprefent to the Reader's confideration that controversy concerning the immaculate conception of the Bleffed Virgin: what is the commun and current doctrine of the Church of Rome at this day is fufficiently known from the decree of the Councel of Trent concerning Original fin, (in which decree they exprefly tell us, they would not have her included) (b) and from the fevere conftitutions of Sixtus the fourth,

(a) Genef.dif.106.

(b) Declarat Jantla Synodus non effe fue intentionis comprehendere in hoc decreto, abi de peccato originali agitur, beatam & immaculatam Virginem Mariam Dei genitricem.Conc. feß.5.

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and Paul the fifth, and Gregory the fifteenth Popes; against those that should prefume to teach this Doctrine, that the Bleed Virgin was conceived in fin, and from the practice of divers Popish Univerficies, who have not only received the doctrine of the immaculate conception of the Virgin, but bind their members by folemn oath to own it, and from the writings of multitudes of the most eminent Popish writers, who pofitively affert it, as Delrio, Henriquez, Azorius, Suarez, Vasquez, Salmeron, Acefta, Abulenfis, Canus, Navarrus, and a world of others. Now let us fee, whether in this point they made the confent of Fathers their rule, or (which is equivalent) what was the judgment of the antient Fa thers therein which I fhall give you from the,mouths of the Papists themselves, then which they cannot defire a fairer tryal. Hear Canus: All the antients that make any mention of this matter, have with one month afferted, that the Bleed Virgin was conceived in fin, ́as Ambrofe, Aug: Chryf: &c. and none of them contradicted that affer tion: and then he addes his mess and the Romish opinion: That the argument from authority is weak, and the contrary doctrine is probably and piously defended in the Church of Rome (a). And he confefseth; be knew no other way to confute this argument of Erafmus against the authori ty of the Fathers, then by faying the opinion was not de fide, or no matter of Faith. (b) A remedy as bad as the difeafe.

1. Because the opinion is most absurd that a Doctrine

(a) Sandli (antiqui) omnes, qui in ejus rei mentionem inciderunt, ano ore affererârunt Beatam Virginem in peccato originali conceptam, & nullus fanétorum contravenit: Infirmum tamen ex omnium authoritate gumentum ducitur, quia potius contraria fententia probabiliter & piè defenditur. loc, theol. lib.7. 6,1,

(b) ibid.cap.3.

is not de fide till the Pope or Councell have determined it, from whence would follow amongst many other goffe abfurdities. 1. That it was not de fide while. Chrift lived that Jefus was the Meffias, no Councell bas ving determined it. 2. That most of the Articles of the Chriftian Religion were not de fide before the Councell of Nice. 3. That God revealing a truth in his Holy Scriptures cannot oblige our faith as much as a Councell revealing it in their Decrees. But I need fay no more of this, because it is rejected by diverse of their own moft Learned Authors: It is the common opinion of Doctors, that a Councell doth not make a thing to be of Faith, but denies, or declares, that fuch a thing is, or formerly was de fide, as the Holy Fathers abundantly confirme, faich White (a).

2. Because this was de fide according to their own Doctrine: For the Councell of Bafil had pofitively defined and determined it, as pious and agreeable to Faith, reason, and Scripture, to be embraced by all Catholicks; and that it fhould be lawfull to no man to teach the contrary. (b) This put S. Clara lo hard to it, that he is for ced to this horrib e fhift, that they onely defined it, tanquam piam & confonam fidei. Now the termes tanquam &confonam are termes of diminution (c). But to returne; Salmeron treating of this point tells us, that his Adverfaries reckon 200, others 300 Fathers against his and the Romish Doctrine of the immaculate conception: Well, what is his Anfwer? Really it is fo full of Heresy that I fear they will chide me for tranflating it be tels you, The Argument from Authority is weak: I Anfwer

(a) Communis Doctorum fententia fert Concilium non facere aliquid de fidfed decernere effe feu prius fuiffe de fid, nt Sancti etiam Patres abuade confirmant. De fide & Theologia. Tract. 2. Sect. 22. (b) Sef.26. (c) in fyllemate fid/cap.35·P·377.

ffaith he) from Exod.23.2.Thou shalt not speak in a cause to incline after many to wreft judgment, as Augustine ans fwered the Donatifts; it was a figne that a cause wanted truth, which leaned upon Authority; That the younger Doctors fee further then the antients: that is to say, the Romish Doctors are wifer then the Ancient Fa thers. (a) I commend thefe paffages to the care of my Lords the Inquifitors, the next time the purging humour takes them, they richly deserve a roome in the Index ex purgatorius.

And yet these are the onely adorers of the Antient Fathers, that tell you We do not receive part of the Doctrine of the Fathers, and reiect part, but we embrace it all faith Durans (b). We hold the whole Volumes faith Campian (c). These are they that hold the Fathers to be uncorrupted judges of Controverfies, whom God would not suffer to fall into error, and lead others into it, faith Cofterus (d). Will you fee more of this miftery of iniquity? I fhall onely name the reft: Diverse Popifh Authors of prime note acknowledge that it was the generall opinion of the Fathers, That the Sacrament of the Lords Supper ought to be given to Infants. So Maldonate, The Opinion of S. Augustine, and innocent the firft, (a Pope, and therefore his

(a) Argumentum ab authoritate infirmum eft-Refpondemus ex verbo Dei Exod. 23.1. In judicio plurimorum non acquiefces fententie ut a vero devies,cum Auguftinus refpondeat Donatiftis fignum effe canfe à veritatis nervo deflitute,que foli multorum Authoritati,qui errare pof funt innititur. Doctores quo juniores co perfpicaciores funt. Rom. 5.

(b) Nos patrum Doltrinam nen aliquâ ex parte admittimus, aliâ repudiamus fed int gram amplectimur. Contra Whitak fol. 140.

(c) Tenemus zategra volumina. In decem rationibus.rat.5. (d) Incorrupti funt judices controverfiarum, neque enim credibile eft eos,prefertim in rebus que fidem attingunt, à Deo fic deftitutos fuiffe,ut ipfi erravint,doctrinaq; fuâ alios in errorem induxerint.In Enchir.p.64.


opinion infallibly true) flourished in the Church for 600 years that the Eucharist was necessary to Infants (a). That the Lords Supper fhould be receaved by the people in both kinds. For the Councell of Conftance in that very place where it takes away one kind, (the Cup) doth ac knowledge that the ufe of both kinds by the people was inftituted by Chrift,and enjoyed by the people in the an tient Church (b) That the Saints departed, fhould not be admitted to the vifion of God, before the day of judg ment: So much Perron confeffeth, and Sixtus Senenfis, (c) That the Saints fhould raigne with Chrift a thoufand years, that Pamelius grants (d). In all thefe and feverall others, it is known that the Church of Rome afferts the contrary, how truly, and juftly I difpute not,nor is it ma terial to my purpoie, which is onely to fhew how upon all occafions,where need requires they do as little regard the Authority of the Fathers as any, whom they moft tra duce for fo doing. But would you know the miftery of this? why, The Fathers are not reckoned as Father's when they deliver any thing which they did not receive from the Church, faith Duraus (e); In earnest, that laying deferved a Cardinals Cap. And Baily the Jefuite feconds him in it, where putting this queftion; Whether the Authority of the Doctors (Fathers) ought to be admitted, he anfwers: Yes,as far as the Church approves of them(f), q.d. The Fathers have Authority with us as far as we please;

(a) Milam facio Auguftini & Innocentii. 1.fententiam qui fexcentos circiter aanes viguit in Ecclefiâ Euchariftiam etiam infantibus Joh.6.verf.s3. (b) Seffione 13. (c) Lib.6. Bibl. Annot. 345. (d) In notis fuper Cypriani hortationem ad martyrium.

(e) Neque enim patres confentur, cum fuum aliquid,quod ab Ecclefiæ non acceperunt,fcribunt vel docent: Gon Whit.ubi fupra.(f) Dibetne ad mitti Doctorum (Patrum) Authoritas? Debet quatenus ab Ecclefia ap probatur.In Catechif,


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