The nullity of the Romish faith, or A blow at the root of the Romish ChurchHen, 1667 - 344 pages |
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Page 54
... adversaries , we do not fee why Bertram doth not deferve the fame equity , and diligent recognition . ( e ) And thus they deale with the Fa- thers , when they displease their humour , and oppofe their doctrines . But if the Fathers ...
... adversaries , we do not fee why Bertram doth not deferve the fame equity , and diligent recognition . ( e ) And thus they deale with the Fa- thers , when they displease their humour , and oppofe their doctrines . But if the Fathers ...
Page 131
... Adversary : That Society of Chriftians , which alone pretend to teach nothing but what they have received from their Fathers , and they from theirs , and fo from the Apostles , they must needs hold the truth which first was delivered ...
... Adversary : That Society of Chriftians , which alone pretend to teach nothing but what they have received from their Fathers , and they from theirs , and fo from the Apostles , they must needs hold the truth which first was delivered ...
Page 234
... adversaries & c . ) ( a ) . Now the power of these arguments is not confined to the original langua ges , but common to true Tranflatious for it is not the Thell of the words , but the kernell of the matter which commends it felf to the ...
... adversaries & c . ) ( a ) . Now the power of these arguments is not confined to the original langua ges , but common to true Tranflatious for it is not the Thell of the words , but the kernell of the matter which commends it felf to the ...
Page 6
... Adversary shall put into his hand , if this do not speedily and effectually work the cure , he may be given over for defperate , ' } 2 2. Though to determine that this fuppofed converfion was a plotted bufineffe , may feem an intrusion ...
... Adversary shall put into his hand , if this do not speedily and effectually work the cure , he may be given over for defperate , ' } 2 2. Though to determine that this fuppofed converfion was a plotted bufineffe , may feem an intrusion ...
Page 16
... Adversary before had acknowledged ? and is this all the relief they have towards the ending of all differences , and the fatisfaction of their confciences ? When Alexander was asked , To whom he would leave his Empire ? and he answered ...
... Adversary before had acknowledged ? and is this all the relief they have towards the ending of all differences , and the fatisfaction of their confciences ? When Alexander was asked , To whom he would leave his Empire ? and he answered ...
Common terms and phrases
abfurd Adverfaries affert affurance againſt alfo alledged Anfwer antient Apoftles Argument Arrian Authority becauſe believe Bellarmine Bishop Bishop of Rome Catholick caufe cauſe Chrift Chriftians Church of Rome Churches Infallibility Conclufion confcience confeffe confequently confiderable confute controverfies decrees defire deny Difcourfe difpute diverfe Divine Doctrine doth Ecclefia effe Ergo erre errors evident fafe faid faith falfe fallible fame Fathers fecond feems felf fenfe feverall fhall fhew fhould fide fince folid fome foundation fpeak fuch fufficient funt fuppofed fure generall hath Hereticks himſelf Holy Infallibility of Councels inftance Jefuites Jewes judge leffe miracles moft moſt muft muſt neceffary obferve occafion opinion paffages Papifts perfons Peter pillar of truth Pope and Councell Popish prefent pretend promife Propofition Proteftants prove queftion reafon reft Romanifts rule Salvation ſay Scrip Scripture ſhall Succeffors Teftimony thefe themſelves ther theſe things thofe thoſe Tradition Tranflation true truth underſtand unleffe whofe words Writings
Popular passages
Page 177 - ... or the wonder come to pafs, ' whereof he fpake unto thee, faying, Let us
Page 197 - Sat. i. 4, 100.] I suppose they will not tell a Pagan or a Mohammedan this story ; at least I heartily wish that men would not suffer themselves to be so far transported by their private interest as to forget the general concernments of Christianity. " We cannot," say they, " know the Scripture to be the word of God but by the authority of the church of Rome ;" and all men may easily assure themselves that no man had ever known there was such a thing as a church, much less that it had any authority,...
Page 152 - Spirit, but a£red by the rulers of the darknefle of this world, the fpirit that now worketh in the Children of difobedience.
Page 104 - The following passage, from a valuable work of an old writer, gives a statement of their perplexities and inconsistencies upon this subject : — " There is another shift which some subtle Romanists have lately invented, who, perceiving how their brethren have been beaten out of the field by strength of Scripture and argument, in the contest about the infallibility of the Pope or Council, come in for their succour with an universal tradition, and the authority of the present Church.
Page 110 - Church, by which traditions come to us, is infallible, from ft divine revelation, because it is evident from the Scripture that the Church is infallible ;' and this was the constant doctrine of the Romish masters in all former ages. Now come a new generation, who, finding the notion of infallibility hard beset, and the pillar shaken, support their cause with a quite contrary position...