Anno that thou art true, and teachest the Jerufalem. Etat. 33. way of Godin truth, neither carest thou Mar. xi. Minift. 4. for any man: for thou regardest not the : person of men. Tell us therefore, what 14. thinkest thou? Is it lawful to give tribute unto Cafar, or not? * Shall we 15. Mat. xxii. give, or shall we not give? *But he 23. Luk.xx. 18. perceived their craftiness, and faid unto Mar.xii.15. them, Why tempt ye me, ye hypocrites? d Mar. xii.d Sherw me the tribute money. And they 18, 19. 15, 16, 17-brought him a penny. And he faith unto 20. Luk. xx. them, Whose is this image and super 24, 25. 4 Mar. xxii. Scription? They say unto him, Cafars. * Mat. xxii. words before the people. And they 22. * Mat. xxii. 23, 24. peace, * and left him and went their 22. Mat. xxii. way. SECT. CXXIV. Jesus filences the Sadducees, who put T *cer- 23. Mat. xxii. HE same day came to him ** Mar. xii. that there is any refurrection) and asked 18, 19. Jerufalem. him, saying, Master, Mofes wrote unto Anno wife, and he die without children, that Minift. 4. Mat. xxii. 25. feed to his brother. * Now there were Mar.xii. 20. with us seven brethren, and the first Luk.xx.29. Mar. 12. 21. his brother. * And the second took her, Mat. xxii. and died, neither left be any feed. And 26. Luk. xx. 31. the third likewife. Luk. xx.30. ** And in like man- & Mar. xii. ner the seven also; and they left no 22. 32. children, and died. Last of all the wo- Mat. xx.27 Mar. xii. 23. man died also. * In the refurrection 28, 29. Luk. xx therefore, when they shall rise, whose 33, 34. wife shall she be of them? for the seven 24. had her to wife. And Jesus answering, faid unto them, "Do ye not therefore err, because ye know not the fcriptures, neither the power of God? 35. 66 Luk. xx. 34- " * The children of this world marry, Mat. xxii " and are given in marriage. But they 30. "which shall be accounted worthy to Mar.xii.25. " obtain that world, and the refurrecti ८८ 36." ८८ on from the dead, neither marry, nor are given in marriage; neither can they die any more, for they are equal " unto the angels, and are the children " of God, being the children of the Mar. xii. 26." refurrection. *& And as touching the Mat. xx. 27." He is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living. * For all live Jerufalem. * Ye therefore do great- 38. Luk. xx. 27. Mar. xii. * And when the multitude heard this 33. Mat. xxii they were aftonished at his doctrine. But when the Pharifees had heard that 34. he had put the Sadducees to filence, they were gathered together. Then one of 35. them which was a Lawyer * having 28. Mar. xit. heard them reasoning together, and per ceiving that he had answered well, : * Mar. xii. ** asked him a question, tempting him, 35. Mat. xxii. 28. and saying, Master, which is the great 36. unto him, "* The first of all the com- 29. Mar. xiř "mandments is, Hear, O Ifrael, the Mat. xxii." Lord our God is one Lord; 37. 30. 39. And 30. "thou shalt love the Lord thy God ८८ ८८ strength: *This is the first and great 38. Mat. xxi 39. 31. Mar. xil Mar. xii. commandment. And the second is like Mat.xxii. unto it, * namely this, Thou shalt " love thy neighbour as thy felf: there " is none other commandment greater than thefe. * On these two com- 40. Mat. xxi "mandments hang all the law and the • Luk. xx." prophets. ** And the Scribe faid 32. Mar. xii 39. unto him, Well master, thou hast faid whole burnt offerings and facrifices. : Minift. 4. Jerufalem. And when Jesus saw that he answered Anno Mar. xii. 34. difcreetly, he said unto him, Thou art Etat, 33. not far from the kingdom of God. And no man after that, durst ask him any question. Temple. 2. Mat. xxii. 41. * While the Pharifees were gathered 36." vid? ८८ ८८ ८८ 45. For David himself faid by the Luk.xx.41, Holy Ghost, [Pfal. cx. 1.] The Lord 42, 43, 44 Said to my Lord, fit thou on my right band, till I make thine enemies thy 37." foot-stool. David therefore himself And the common people heard him swer him a word; neither durst any Luk. xx. SECT. CXXV. Jesus vehemently inveighs against the Then in the audience of all the people Mat. xxiii. 1. ** spake Jesus to the multitude, Mar. xii. 2. and to his disciples, saying, "The Scribes 38. 3. " and Pharifees fit in Mofes feat. All Luk.xx.45. "therefore whatsoever they bid you ob " ferve, that observe and do: but do 66 not ye after their works; for they fay 66 Anno say, and do not. * Beware of the Jerufalem. Etat. 33. " Minift. 4. " ८८ 66 66 66 66 Scribes. For they bind heavy bur thens, and grievous to be born, and 38. Mar. xii. lay them on men's shoulders: but 4. Mat. xxiii they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers. But all 5. their works they do, for to be feen of men: they make broad their (†) Phy lacteries, and enlarge the borders of "their garments; * they defire to 46. Luk. yx. ८८ walk in long robes, * and love falu-38. Mars xiis • Mat.xxiii." tations in the market places; 6, 7. Luk.xx.46. and "the chief seats in the synagogues, and the uppermost rooms at fealts; " * and to be called of men Rabbi, 7. Mar. xxiiis "Rabbi. But be not ye called Rabbi: 8. "for one is your master, even Chrift, " and all ye are brethren. And call no 9: 66 ८८ man your father upon the earth: for one is your father which is in heaven. ८८ 66 your servant. And whosoever shall "But wo unto you Scribes and Pha-136 (+) Phylacteries was a Parchment in which was |