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the worth of your soul, the rapid approach of
and judgment, urge you to make haste-to
life from the destruction that awaits
Ɔ my young friend, as you value your eternal
being, I beseech you awake from this slu
Arise and go to Jesus. Go to him a humble be
go penitent and believing. None such wer
sent empty away. While you tarry, your si
accumulating, your danger is increasing. D
little longer, and your soul, your precious, in
tal soul, is lost for ever."

"Coventry, after school, Friday, March 10,
(To Miss JA— L——.)

Your letter gave me peculiar pleasure, as tained expressions of a hope that you have from death unto life. Yet when we consider t ceitfulness of the heart, and the temptations adversary, it becomes us to rejoice with trem Is Christ indeed precious to you? O happy Happy even in the midst of adversity; hap life, happy in death, and happy for ever. I lo know more particularly what is your state what have been your exercises, both before since your conversion. Let me entreat you faithful to your own soul and to God. Seek al eternal welfare of your companions. You kno

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"Wednesday evening, April 4.—' been observed as a day of fasting, hu prayer, and has been a solemn and in son. Several clergymen of the vicini us; having commenced visiting the ch cession. Each minister present prayed ed the crowded assembly; and the m church expressed, by rising, their mination to be faithful, and live mo ance with their profession. It is suppo half of the towns in this state are now special out-pouring of the Holy Spirit but hope that God will also appear for though I do not know of one serious i grant that his own people may arise to penitent be alarmed, and that there n ingathering of souls."

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On the 16th he addressed a young fri it appears he had agreed to write, fi ject of education and mental improven on "the one thing needful,' without w acquisitions are vain"-requesting in expression of opinions and feeling on In the reply, the former subject seem: overlooked.

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tents of your letter. I am deeply sensible th
gion alone is worth living for. You will pr
say, 'then why not embrace it?' I can onl
that it is owing entirely to the wickedness
heart, which has long been pursuing the ple
of the world. If I perish, I know I have not
plead in excuse for rejecting the offers of
I feel in need of your advice, and beg you
forget me when interceding at the throne of
"Yours respectfully,

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On the 16th April he commenced a corr dence with A. K., a beloved relative now ministry, for their mutual benefit in referend to the present and a future life. In this letter h

"You complain of insensibility to the gre cerns of eternity; and, my friend, you are no in this. I know of no better way to be del from it, than to GO FORWARD in every known relying on the aids of the Holy Spirit. It a that this is the best means of promoting a rev religion in our own hearts, and of being us others. Let us, dear brother, be more active. many of our acquaintance, over whom we ma

One expression in the above clearly faithful as he had been, there was pres mind, not the many he had warned, number remaining, for whose salvation vidually done nothing effectual.

The following attempt to reach th young man whom he highly esteem was only almost persuaded to be a fords another illustration of the manne carried out his desires and purposes to

Coventry, Friday evening, Apri

(To Mr. C. P.)

"MY DEAR FRIEND-I think I fe more interested in your welfare, and you may be useful, especially in prom vation of men. But without the hope yourself interested in the Savior's love, labor for the salvation of others? Were unloosed, and your heart warm with lo souls, how might you take your comp hand, and entreat them, in Christ's st conciled to God! How would you closet and agonize in prayer in their be ever you looked upon them, how wou

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'But, alas! for this you are not prepar one has ever heard you entreating sinners from the wrath to come-no humble pray ever ascended from your heart to God in th half. My friend, if I ever do any th God, it must be done soon. What I say ur I say unto all, Watch; for in such an hou think not, the Son of man cometh.' How s rejoice to take you by the hand as a dear bro the Lord, and to see you far more faithful in vice of Christ than ever I have been! How might we be in mutual efforts here, and wit joy unite for ever in the songs of praise to ing love!


That this joy may be ours, through pe for sin, and faith in atoning blood, is the pr


affectionate friend,


n you ongue ›d and

by the

be re

› your Whenheart nger!



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