SUPPLEMENT OF PIECES NOT AP. PEARING IN THE EDITION OF 1849-1850; ARRANGED IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER. It is with some hesitation that I reprint, even in a Supplement, any pieces not included by Wordsworth himself in his last edition. But he anticipated the time when his works would be treated as those of a classic, and he was willing that others should do with them what he would not do himself. Of an omitted passage from one of his poems, he wrote in half-play and whole-earnest to Barron Field: "It may either be restored, or printed at the end of a volume, among notes and variations, when you edit the fifteenth edition."-ED. LINES WRITTEN AS A SCHOOL EXERCISE AT HAWKSHEAD, ANNO ÆTATIS 14. "I was called upon, among other scholars," Wordsworth says, "to write verses upon the completion of the second centenary from the foundation of the school [at Hawkshead) in 1585 by Archbishop Sandys." Perhaps the Lines were written in anticipation of the bi-centenary, and so, as stated in the title, in his fourteenth year.-ED. "AND has the Sun his flaming chariot driven 6 But she who trains the generous British youth In heavenly majesty she seem'd to move. 15 Now flush'd as Hebe, Emulation rose; 20 25 ""When Superstition left the golden light And fled indignant to the shades of night; When pure Religion rear'd the peaceful breast And lull'd the warring passions into rest, Drove far away the savage thoughts that roll In the dark mansions of the bigot's soul, Enlivening Hope display'd her cheerful ray, And beam'd on Britain's sons a brighter day; So when on Ocean's face the storm subsides, Hush'd are the winds and silent are the tides; The God of day, in all the pomp of light, 30 35 Moves through the vault of heaven, and dissipates the night; 40 Wide o'er the main a trembling lustre plays, Science with joy saw Superstition fly Before the lustre of Religion's eye; With rapture she beheld Britannia smile, isle, The shades of night no more the soul involve, She sheds her beam, and, lo! the shades dissolve; No jarring monks, to gloomy cell confined, 45 With mazy rules perplex the weary mind; 50 54 Her sons no more in listed fields advance To ride the ring, or toss the beamy lance; No longer steel their indurated hearts To the mild influence of the finer arts; 60 Quick to the secret grotto they retire To court majestic truth, or wake the golden lyre; By generous Emulation taught to rise, The seats of learning brave the distant skies. Then noble Sandys, inspir'd with great design, 65 Reared Hawkshead's happy roof, and call'd it mine. There have I loved to show the tender age The golden precepts of the classic page; To lead the mind to those Elysian plains 69 Fair to the view is sacred Truth display'd, In all the majesty of light array'd, To teach, on rapid wings, the curious soul 73 And follow Nature to her secret springs; Nor less to guide the fluctuating youth Oft have I said, the paths of Fame pursue, Go to the world, peruse the book of man, 85 Join to the rigours of the sires of Rome The gentler manners of the private dome; 90 |