"With Mother's pity in her breast enclosed She goeth, as she were half out of her mind, To every place wherein she hath supposed By likelihood her little Son to find; And ever on Christ's Mother meek and kind She cried, till to the Jewry she was brought, And him among the accursèd Jews she sought.
"She asketh, and she piteously doth pray To every Jew that dwelleth in that place To tell her if her child had passed that way; They all said-Nay; but Jesu of his grace Gave to her thought, that in a little space She for her Son in that same spot did cry Where he was cast into a pit hard by.
"O thou great God that dost perform thy laud By mouths of Innocents, lo! here thy might; This gem of chastity, this emerald, And eke of martyrdom this ruby bright, There, where with mangled throat he lay up-
The Alma Redemptoris 'gan to sing
So loud, that with his voice the place did ring.
"The Christian folk that through the Jewry went Come to the spot in wonder at the thing; And hastily they for the Provost sent;
Immediately he came, not tarrying,
And praiseth Christ that is our heavenly King, And eke his Mother, honour of Mankind:
Which done, he bade that they the Jews should
"This Child with piteous lamentation then 170 Was taken up, singing his song alwày; And with procession great and pomp of men To the next Abbey him they bare away; His Mother swooning by the body lay: And scarcely could the people that were near Remove this second Rachel from the bier. 176
"Torment and shameful death to every one This Provost doth for those bad Jews prepare That of this murder wist, and that anon : Such wickedness his judgments cannot spare ; Who will do evil, evil shall he bear; Them therefore with wild horses did he draw, And after that he hung them by the law.
"Upon his bier this Innocent doth lie Before the altar while the Mass doth last: 185 The Abbot with his convent's company Then sped themselves to bury him full fast; And, when they holy water on him cast, Yet spake this Child when sprinkled was the
And sang, O Alma Redemptoris Mater!
"This Abbot, for he was a holy man, As all Monks are, or surely ought to be, In supplication to the Child began Thus saying, 'O dear Child! I summon thee In virtue of the holy Trinity
Tell me the cause why thou dost sing this hymn, Since that thy throat is cut, as it doth seem.'
""My throat is cut unto the bone, I trow,' Said this young Child, 'and by the law of kind I should have died, yea many hours ago; But Jesus Christ, as in the books ye find, Will that his glory last, and be in mind; And, for the worship of his Mother dear, Yet may I sing, O Alma! loud and clear.
""This well of mercy, Jesu's Mother sweet, 205 After my knowledge I have loved alwày; And in the hour when I my death did meet To me she came, and thus to me did say, Thou in thy dying sing this holy lay,' As ye have heard; and soon as I had sung 210 Methought she laid a grain upon my tongue.
""Wherefore I sing, nor can from song refrain, In honour of that blissful Maiden free, Till from my tongue off-taken is the grain ; And after that thus said she unto me; 'My little Child, then will I come for thee Soon as the grain from off thy tongue they
Be not dismayed, I will not thee forsake!'
"This holy Monk, this Abbot-him mean I, Touched then his tongue, and took away the
And he gave up the ghost full peacefully; And, when the Abbot had this wonder seen, His salt tears trickled down like showers of
And on his face he dropped upon the ground, And still he lay as if he had been bound.
"Eke the whole Convent on the pavement lay, Weeping and praising Jesu's Mother dear; And after that they rose, and took their way, And lifted up this Martyr from the bier, And in a tomb of precious marble clear Enclosed his uncorrupted body sweet. - Where'er he be, God grant us him to meet !
"Young Hew of Lincoln! in like sort laid low By cursed Jews-thing well and widely known, For it was done a little while ago- Pray also thou for us, while here we tarry Weak sinful folk, that God, with pitying eye, In mercy would his mercy multiply On us, for reverence of his Mother Mary!"
THE God of Love-ah, benedicite!
How mighty and how great a Lord is he! For he of low hearts can make high, of high He can make low, and unto death bring nigh; And hard hearts he can make them kind and
Within a little time, as hath been found, He can make sick folk whole and fresh and
Them who are whole in body and in mind,
He can make sick,-bind can he and unbind 9 All that he will have bound, or have unbound.
To tell his might my wit may not suffice; Foolish men he can make them out of wise ;- For he may do all that he will devise; Loose livers he can make abate their vice, And proud hearts can make tremble in a trice.
In brief, the whole of what he will, he may; Against him dare not any wight say nay; To humble or afflict whome'er he will,
To gladden or to grieve, he hath like skill; 19 But most his might he sheds on the eve of May,
For every true heart, gentle heart and free, That with him is, or thinketh so to be,
Now against May shall have some stirring
To joy, or be it to some mourning; never
At other time, methinks, in like degree.
For now when they may hear the small birds'
And see the budding leaves the branches
This unto their remembrance doth bring All kinds of pleasure mix'd with sorrowing; 29 And longing of sweet thoughts that ever long.
And of that longing heaviness doth come, Whence oft great sickness grows of heart and
Sick are they all for lack of their desire; And thus in May their hearts are set on fire, So that they burn forth in great martyrdom. 35
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