And now, saith the Lord that formed me from the womb to be his servant, to bring Jacob again to him, Though Israel be not gathered, yet shall I be glorious in the eyes of the Lord, and my God shall be my strength. Lectures on the prophecies of Isaiah - Page 584by Robert MacCulloch - 1800Full view - About this book
| Samuel White - Bible - 1709 - 542 pages
...Commiffion he gave me, tho' with little Snccefs. Ver. 5, 6. And nan faith the Lord that formed me front the womb to be his fervant, to bring Jacob again to him, Tnough Jfr eel be not gathered, yet fliaft I be g loriotts in the eyes of the Lord, and my God fiall... | |
| United Brethren in Christ - Hymns - 1754 - 828 pages vain : yet furely my judgment is with the Lord, and my work with my God. And now faith Jibmiub, that formed me from the womb to be his fervant : to bring Jacob again to him, Tho' Ifrael be not gathered : yet Ihall I be glorious in the eyes of °Jtbwah, and my God mall be my... | |
| Samuel Westcott - 1762 - 276 pages
...confented to the Publication of it. SAMUEL WESTCOTT. ISAIAH xlix. 5, Tbo Ifrael be not gathered, yet Jhall I be glorious in the Eyes of the Lord, and my God Jkall be my Strength. ,: , t. >-"W"^IS generally acknowledged that the • Prophet, in this Chapter,... | |
| Ralph Erskine - Bible - 1763 - 584 pages and affiftance in the work, Ifa. xlix. 5. Though Ifrael be not gatheredt feys Chrift, yet Jhall I be glorious in the eyes of the Lord, and my God Jhall be my Jtrength, Ifa. 1. 7. tfbe Lord God will help me, therefore Jhall 1 not be confounded; therefore... | |
| Samuel Rutherford - Presbyterianism - 1765 - 566 pages
...fome fick foldiers get pay, when they are bed faft, and not able to go to the field with others. ' Though Ifrael be not gathered, yet fhall I be glorious in the eyes of the Lord,- and my God ihall be my ftrength, Ifa, xlix. 5.' and we are to believe it ihall be thus ere all the play be played,... | |
| Richard Rawlin - Justification (Christian theology) - 1772 - 324 pages
...ftrength ' for nought, and in vain, yet Purely my judg' ment is with the Lord, and my work with my ' God. Though Ifrael be not gathered, yet ' fhall I be the eyes of the Lord, and ' my God fhall be my ftrength,' Ifa. xlix 4, 5. Where Chrift is introduced, as it were, remonftrating to the Father, that... | |
| Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge - Sermons - 1785 - 618 pages
...Liften, 0 i/les, unto me, and hearken ye people from far. — Though Ifrael be not gathered, yet /hall I be glorious in the eyes of the Lord, and my God Jhall be my Jlrength. — And he faid unto me it is a light thing that thou /houldeft be my fervant... | |
| Bible - 1788 - 598 pages
...for nought, and in vain ; yet furely my judgment is with tha Lord," and my work with my God. 5 iCT And now, faith the Lord, that formed me from the womb...glorious in the eyes of the Lord, and my God fhall be my ftrength, 6 And he faid, It is a light thing that thou fhouldeft be my fervant to raifc up the tribes... | |
| John Fletcher - Apologetics - 1790 - 464 pages
...and my work, with my God. And now, Jfaith, the Lord that formed me from, the womb to be his Servant, to, bring Jacob- again to him, Though Ifrael be not gathered, yet ihall I be glorious in the eyes of p 3 " the Lord, and my God (hall be my firength. And he faid. It... | |
| Ralph Erskine - Sermons - 1795 - 572 pages
...for his help and affiilance in the work; Ifa. xlix. 5. " Tho' Ifrael be not gathered, fays Chrift, yet fhall I be glorious in the eyes of the Lord, and my God fhall be my ftrength. Ifa. 1. 7. The Lord God will help me, therefore fhali I not be confounded; therefore will... | |
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