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Chemical News and Journal of Physical Science, Volume 70

Chemistry - 1894 - 448 pages
...selective absorption ; the elasticity of the medium alone being operative, and no other internal forcive. A theory based on difference of rigidity without difference of inertia, after McCullagh's manner, would have to be realised by ascribing to the atom an atmosphere of intrinsic ethereal...
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The London, Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science

English periodicals - 1895 - 614 pages
...V2 (?, •n,'^ in which p = c' ( -. — \- -r + ~r I ; and the phenomena of crys_ ' \(/.c (I i/ </:/ talline media could be included by assuming a vector-coefficient...difference of rigidity without difference of inertia, after MacCullngh's manner, would have to be reali/.ed by ascribing to the atom an atmosphere of intrinsic...
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Mathematical and Physical Papers, Volume 1

Joseph Larmor - Electricity - 1929 - 700 pages
...c'/j+j + t and the phenomena of crystalline media could be included by assuming a vector coefficient instead of the scalar a. The conclusion, then, is...difference of rigidity without difference of inertia, The after MacCullagh's manner, would have to be realized by ascribing to the atom an atmosphere of...
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Proceedings of the Physical Society, Volume 13

Institute of Physics and the Physical Society - Physics - 1895 - 768 pages
...I* i / J- V o Pi. ttv in which p = e' f -3 — h -7 — I~ 77) i an<l the phenomena of crystalline media could be included by assuming a ascribing to the atom an atmosphere of intrinsic aethereal strain, instead of endowing it with great inertia ; and this could only be possible in a...
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The London, Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science

English periodicals - 1895 - 668 pages
...vibration assume the forms in which p = c' ( -j- + -7- + ~ ) ; and the phenomena of orys_ \dx dy dzf J talline media could be included by assuming a vector-coefficient...difference of rigidity without difference of inertia, after MacCullngh's manner, would have to be realized by ascribing to the atom an atmosphere of intrinsic...
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Mathematical and Physical Papers, Volume 1

William Thomson, Lord Kelvin - Mathematics - 2011 - 700 pages
...+ -r) ', and the phenomena of crystalline media could be included by assuming a vector coefficient instead of the scalar a. The conclusion, then, is...difference of rigidity without difference of inertia, The after MacCullagh's manner, would have to be realized by ascribing to the atom an atmosphere of...
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