Helmholtzt, on the basis of the formal equations of Heaviside and Hertz, in which the free aether is still supposed to be an elastic medium of excessively small density in which the dense atoms are imbedded. If such a view should turn out to be the basis... Philosophical Magazine - Page 881895Full view - About this book
 | English periodicals - 1895 - 614 pages
...von Helmholtzt, on the busis of the formal equations of Heaviside and Hertz, in which the free sether is still supposed to be an elastic medium of excessively...us now consider more particularly the explanation thai would be ottered by the electric theory of light. The difference between a material medium and... | |
 | Joseph Larmor - Electricity - 1929 - 700 pages
...essayed by Bearing on von Helmholtz8, on the basis of the formal equations of Heaviside m0biie°aether. and Hertz, in which the free aether is still supposed...now consider more particularly the explanation that would be offered by the electric theory of light. The difference between a material medium and a vacuum... | |
 | Institute of Physics and the Physical Society - Physics - 1895 - 768 pages
...the electric theory has recently been essayed by von Helmholtzt, on the basis of the formal equations of Heaviside and Hertz, in which the free aether is...now consider more particularly the explanation that would be offered by the electric theory of light. The difference between a material medium and a vacuum... | |
 | William Thomson, Lord Kelvin - Mathematics - 2011 - 700 pages
...essayed by Bearing ou von Helmholtz3, on the basis of the formal equations of Heaviside mobUe°aether. and Hertz, in which the free aether is still supposed...now consider more particularly the explanation that would be offered by the electric theory of light. The difference between a material medium and a vacuum... | |
 | English periodicals - 1895 - 668 pages
...the electric theory has recently been essayed bv von Helmholtzf, on the basis of the formal equations of Heaviside and Hertz, in which the free aether is...excessively small density in which the dense atoms ore imbedded. If such a view should turn out to be the basis of a consistent body of theory, the considerations... | |
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