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me long from the Attempt. After I had entered upon it, it was interrupted for Months and Years by my ill State of Health and the necessary Duties of my Station, which took up all the Time I could devote to Study. It hath been often quite laid afide, without Hope of pursuing it; and, thro' repeated Solicitations from some Persons of Eminence abroad, who knew the Doctor only by his Writings, hath, at some lucid Intervals, been refumed. As it hath been executed with great Care and Honesty, and those of my Brethren, who have revised it, have thought it adapted to serve the Cause of Religion and Charity, I now, notwithstanding all its Defects, venture it abroad into the World; following it with my earnest Prayers, and defiring the concurrent Interceffions of my Friends, that GOD would be pleased to prosper this feeble Attempt to quicken the Ministers of Christ in their Lord's Work, and to promote the Holiness and Happiness of all his Disciples, into whose Hands it may



Shrewsbury, Νου. 6, 1765.



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Dr. DODDRIDGE's Birth, Education, early Diligence
and Piety.

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CANNOT trace the Family from which
Dr. Doddridge sprung very far back; nor
is it material. Wife and good Men lay

very little Stress on any hereditary Ho-
nours, but those which arise from the Piety and
Ufefulness of their Ancestors. Of what Profession
his Great Grandfather was I cannot learn; but he
had a Brother John Doddridge, who was bred to the
Law, and made a confiderable Figure in the Reign
of King James I. by whom he was knighted and
made one of the Judges of the Court of King's Bench.

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