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was his misfortune, and in a great measure ceeded from the circumstances in which he placed. It is exceedingly difficult, for young sons especially, to distinguish the wildfire of passions, from the lambent flame of that holy which is lighted at the altar of divine love; an is not unfrequently the case, that these two thi so different in their nature, are blended in the s heart. We have reason to suspect that our ze adulterated with this corrupt mixture, if it bo on uncharitableness; if it incline us to make frames and feelings the standard of all true exp mental religion. There is more spiritual pride in than we are at first aware; we should ever rem ber, that the divine flame of zeal in this resem the natural flame, the higher it rises the mor trembles. In the general revival of religion, which we have already spoken, some tares o mistaken zeal grew up with the wheat; and Br erd was not wholly free from their influer The manner in which he displayed his imprud ardor, and its consequences, are thus related his biographer, Jonathan Edwards, whose prais in all the churches.

"In the time of the awakening at college, sev students associated themselves, who were wont fre to open themselves one to another. Mr. Brain was one of this company. And it once happen that he and two or three more of these his intim friends, were in the hall together, after Mr. Whit sey, one of the tutors, had been to prayer there w

the scholars: no other person now remaining in

what he thought of Mr. Whittelsey; he made answer, "He has no more grace than this chair." One happening at that time to be near the hall overheard those words, though he heard no name mentioned, and knew not who the person was, which was thus censured; he informed a certain woman, who went and informed the rector, who sent for the man and examined him; and he told the rector the words that he heard Brainerd utter, and informed him who were in the room with him at that time. Upon which the rector sent for them; they were. very backward to inform against their friend, of that which they looked upon as private conversation, yet the rector compelled them to declare what he said, and of whom he said it.-Brainerd thought, that what he said in private, was injuriously extorted from his friends, and that it was injuriously required of him to make a public confession, before the whole college in the hall, for what he said only in private conversation.-He not complying with this demand, and having gone once to the separate meeting at New Haven, when forbidden by the rector, and also having been accused of saying concerning the rector, that he wondered he did not expect to drop down dead for fineing the scholars who followed Mr. Tennent to Milford, though there was no proof of it, (and Mr. Brainerd ever professed that he did not remember his saying any thing to that purpose;) he was expelled the college."

The circumstances of this expulsion are peculiarly disgraceful to the college, and exhibit the tutors in no very favorable point of view; a junior student, having acquired the infernal trick of talebearing, communicated what he had overheard in a private conversation; and the tutors, as if on the alert

to seize the victim, instantly call together the gentlemen, the particular friends of Brainerd, and wrest from them by threats the ill-fated sentence, with its application, and then proceed against its author, as against a "Thief and a robber." I pity the students who could be awed by the threats of such men, to disclose the subject of a familiar conversation; above all I pity the meanness of these "Little governors," which involved them in the guilt of a transaction so dishonorable and base. And on the above account I would only remark, that if the circumstances and exigencies of the college at that time, justified the severity of the superiors, on what principles of Christian charity and kindness are we to account for their subsequent and persevering hostility to a man, who sinned but once, and that in word only; and whose whole life was so blameless, so holy, that the enemies of religion, as well as its friends, pronounce him blessed. Some men are deadly in their hate, and so marvellously wise, that they can decide on a man's character from one or two words and actions; and though the whole tenor of his general spirit and conduct for ever gives the lie to their conclusion, their decision is like the law of the Medes and Persians, which altereth not: for such persons to forgive an offending brother seven times, would be torture little less than crucifixion, and as for the "Seventy times seven," it is one of the pas sages they would willingly blot from the book of God. My soul, come not thou into their secret, unto their assembly mine honor be not thou united. Brainerd had infinitely the advantage of these cruel governors; from the eater he extracted honey, and from their persevering opposition he learnt a lesson of prudence; he was more weaned from the world,

more entirely devoted to God, and his work as a missionary of Jesus. And this is the improvement which every good man will make of unfeeling persecution and hostility.


His removal to Mr. Mills's, at Ripton. The preparatory steps to his becoming a preacher, and a missionary.

THE life of a student, is not the field in which the philosopher or the curious will range to collect observations on the human character, or materials for pleasure. From a general barrenness of incidents to seize the attention and captivate the mind, it appears insipid and destitute of interest. From the month of April, 1742, to the July following, Mr. Brainerd was a recluse; his examination and license to preach, and his examination by the correspondents of the Society for promoting Christian knowledge, and his appointment to be their missionary, were the only active scenes in which he was engaged. These were certainly events of considerable importance to him; and he would consider the year in which they occurred as a very memorable period of his life. On his expulsion from college he became a resident with the Rev. Mr. Mills, of Ripton; and under this gentleman pursued those studies which, from his persecution, had suffered a temporary interruption. His diary, at this period, discloses the heart of a missionary; and we here discover the first ardent breathings of his soul for the conversion of the heathen. From it we also


learn, that an unsuccessful effort was made friends to restore him to college, and to re him in the enjoyment of its privileges. Th appointment he must have severely felt, as 1 soon to have taken his degree, and would hav the first of a very numerous class. The sp which he narrates this mortifying circums and the state of his mind in reference to the of his expulsion, exhibit him in a very inter point of view; and we cannot but pity the whose soul could suffer him to be the ene David Brainerd.-The following extracts mu interesting.

"Tuesday, April 6. I cried to God to was soul, and cleanse me from my exceeding filth And I could think of undergoing the greatest ferings with pleasure; and found myself willin God should so order) to suffer banishment my native land, among the heathen, that I r do something for their salvation, in distresses deaths of any kind. Then God gave me to w earnestly for others, for the kingdom of Chri the world, and for my dear Christian friends, myself weaned from the world, and from my reputation, willing to be despised, and to be a ing-stock for the world. It is impossible for m express what I then felt: I had not much joy, a sense of the majesty of God, which made tremble: I saw myself mean and vile, which m me more willing that God should do what he w with me; it was all infinitely reasonable.

"Tuesday, April 8. I had hopes respecting

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