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no more,

a much loved and highly useful member of | joy, which shall endure when time shall be the church under my care. I will not attempt giving a biographical sketch; my wish is merely to put on record some statements from her own pen, the perusal of which will, I think, conduce to the important purpose above named.

Though she had the advantages of Christian instruction from her childhood, her heart remained uninfluenced by the gospel till about the year 1824. In that year she began to keep written memoranda of her own personal history. A few extracts, therefore, will, I expect, at once interest and edify the reader.

1. Her Conversion.—“ 1825, Jan. 27th. This day I have completed my twenty-first year. Each succeeding anniversary naturally leads to the inquiry, What improvement have I made during the past year? What account can I give of the use made of the talents committed to my trust? For one-andtwenty years I have enjoyed the use of the means of grace; have been blessed with religious instruction, and the tenderest warning and most precious example from those who are followers of Jesus. To whom much is given, of them will much be required. And yet how many years has the Lord of the vineyard come seeking fruit, and finding none? But though Justice might have said, 'Cut this barren tree down; why cumbereth it the ground?' Mercy has withheld the blow; and I am spared yet another year. Oh, what a monument of grace am I! For nearly twenty years did I live wholly unto myself. My affections were set on this vain world; and although the education I received, or, rather the unseen and unacknowledged mercy of God, kept me from falling into any gross violation of his law, yet the sins of my heart, which are known to God alone, were such as to deserve everlasting punishment. I well recollect that, even before I was led to know the saving love of Christ, it was always the chief desire of my heart to be one day made acquainted with that change of heart without which I knew it was impossible to see God. But this desire arose rather from fear of the punishment that unconverted sinners will be doomed to, than from a wish to partake of the blessings of the righteous. In fact, I imagined that those who were followers of Christ as dear children, certainly spent very gloomy lives, and my wish would have been to unite the pleasures of the world with such a serving of God as would insure to me eternal life. Praised for ever be the name of the Lord, that he has, I trust, opened my eyes to see my danger and my remedy! Now I can say:

'Far from my thoughts, vain world, be gone,' &c. This is my happiness; here is a source of

'When I can say, my God is mine,' &c. Gracious Father, I entreat thee to grant that the past time of my life may suffice to have wrought the will of the flesh! May I henceforth devote myself to thy honour and glory! May I no longer live unto myself, but unto Him who died for me, and rose again! So that, while months and years are hastening on, and the time shall soon come when I shall say, I have no pleasure in them,' I may be ripening for glory, keeping myself in readiness for the coming of our Lord; yea, that I may be led to exclaim :

Fly swifter round, ye wheels of time,
And bring the welcome day.'

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2. Her Reasons for keeping a Diary. 1827, May 22nd. Nothing should be undertaken without our proposing some motive; and I would now wish seriously to ask myself this question -For what purpose do I keep a sort of occasional diary?' I appeal to the Searcher of all hearts when I answer, that it is in the hope of keeping alive that spark of grace which, I trust, has been implanted in my proud heart, that I thus from time to time note down my feelings. A work of grace once begun, will, I am convinced, be carried on till it shall be perfected in glory. But who that knows anything of the strivings of the Spirit, has not to mourn over seasons of spiritual darkness-too often over awful declension and consequently anguish of soul? A memorial of my religious experience I find an excellent plan for rousing me from that spiritual torpor, so much to be dreaded by the Christian. By looking back at what was my state months ago, I see which way has been my motion. Progressive or retrograde, I know, must have been my course. If I can hope the former, what matter of thankfulness;-if I must fear the latter, with all haste, I trust, I can flee to my Saviour, whose look, which causes tears of penitence to flow, is expressive of willingness to receive us, his wandering children. Noble examples are before my eyes for the observance of this plan. Few books have proved more profitable to me than the Memoirs of H. Martyn,' which consist almost entirely of Diary. To emulate any act or frame of mind of that devoted servant of Christ, would, indeed, be presumptuous, were we not disciples of the same Master, candidates for the same kingdom, and children of the same fallen parents. In him was everything to be admired which could form the agreeable man, the accomplished scholar, or the humble Christian; and yet what humility - what sorrow for sin-what mourning over unfruitfulness-are conspicuous in his writings! If such a saint of the Lord had reason thus to

speak of himself, in what terms of debasement shall I represent my unholy life ?"

3. Her Anxiety to save Others.-Under same date, she writes, "Who made me to differ? Till within the last four years of my life, how completely did I live without God in the world! Who at length led me into the path of peace? Who caused me to stop and think, before I plunged into irremediable misery? It was that Saviour whom I had slighted, upon whose covenant of grace I had trampled, and to whose blessed Spirit I had done despite! It was that Saviour, whose laws, since professing to love him, I have so grievously broken, whose glory I have so little promoted, from whose fold I have so often strayed, and whom my sins have so often pierced! Yes; it was that Saviour who watched for my soul, who, I trust, has redeemed it to himself by his precious blood, and who, having redeemed and justified it, will eventually sanctify, and finally glorify it. Blessings innumerable he has given me here; but I desire not to take up my rest in these. Oh! I would not live alway,' though all the glittering toys of this world were laid at my feet. What were all without the presence of Jesus! Here he at times vouchsafes to grant me a glimpse of his presence; but in heaven I shall see him 'without a veil between.' And what have I that I have not received? For blessings so bountifully bestowed upon me, an account must be rendered. If I have been taught the way of life, am I to conceal it, while all around me are perishing for lack of knowledge? The awful declaration to unfaithful shepherds, will, I fear, be denounced against me: 'Their blood will I require at thy hands.' I see poor sinners hastening to their eternal doom without scarcely an effort to save them! Oh, will not many stand up in the judgmentday, and reproach me with not showing them the way of salvation? The thought is too distracting. I will plead with these distracted souls around me. I will, Divine grace assisting me, tell how willing Christ is to receive them; I will pray more earnestly for them. And, Oh, may the Lord add his blessing, and bring many of these simple ones home to himself! When I look around me, and see their whole souls turned to this world, sorrow fills my heart, and it ascends to Him who is often found of them that sought him not;' but the remembrance of the few opportunities I take of warning them to flee from the wrath to come, weighs heavy on my conscience. The Almighty can, I know, accomplish his own work without the use of instruments; but he usually employs means, and blessed us, I know, so mercifully here in this place. Full as has been my cup with the favours of my heavenly Father, must I not suppose that he has something for me to do here? Show me, O blessed

Lord, the way in which I should go. Teach me, that I may teach others. Forbid it that any should be lost through my neglect. Give me a mouth and wisdom which shall bring many unto Jesus."

4. Her Marriage. "1829. Feb. 7th. What an important time! What an eventful season! What a train of providential circumstances has guided me to this moment! Oh, what shall I render to the Lord for all his benefits towards me? May I not trust that he has been my guide in the events which have lately transpired? May I not hope that in every change and in every condition of life, He will be my protector? In the prospect of entering upon so new and important a sphere as that of the married state, I feel how especially I need the direction of my heavenly Father, and how entirely my future happiness depends on his gracious smiles. I trust I have, as well as the dear friend to whom I am shortly to give my hand, sought Divine direction in this important event. The Lord is round about them that fear him, to do them good.' Surely then we may expect his blessing. I trust we have long, both of us, made his Word our guide, his commandments our rule of conduct. His favour, I believe, we prize above all things; his frown we would dread as our worst evil. Seeking, then, as I trust we do, one object as the end of our lives, having the same hope in a crucified Saviour, the same trust in his righteousness, looking up to the same throne of grace, and regarding heaven as our mutual home, may we not, in being united in the closest and dearest of all earthly ties, expect that our hearts, our hopes, our aims, will be one? and that, enjoying the smiles of our heavenly Father, we shall together happily run our Christian race on earth, and finally spend our eternity in mutual love and mutual praise? Oh, how gracious is the Lord! May I never be unmindful of his mercies. May I consider the increased responsibility I am taking upon myself, and be zealous to adorn in all things the profession of the gospel."

5. Her Entrance upon Church Fellowship."1830. Feb. 5th. At length the wish of my heart is accomplished, and we are this evening to be proposed as members of the church. What are my views on this occasion? Can I with sincerity say, Lord, thou hast my whole heart? Search, gracious God, and see. I trust it is my desire to yield myself, body, soul, and spirit, to the service of my Redeemer. This is saying much, and surely my life does not testify such a dedication. Lord, accept the desire to serve thee. Thou knowest our frame; thou rememberest we are but dust.' Quicken me, O Lord, according to thy word.' It is an important act, to be joined to the Lord's people. May we

have grace granted unto us that the ordinance | Though the pestilence walketh in darkness, of the Lord's Supper may be the means of and though destruction wasteth at noonday, rousing us to greater spirituality, to more holi- if I am dwelling in the secret place of the ness of life, to stronger faith in Him whose Most High, I need fear no evil. Yea, though death we commemorate, to a greater hatred I walk through the valley of the shadow of of sin, and more continual cleaving unto the death, his rod and his staff shall comfort me. Lord. Look, O my Saviour, upon both thy Oh, there is a passing sweetness to be able, in servants, and give unto them an assurance of this time of trouble, when death is stalking thy love. May they have the witness in with rapid strides through our country, to themselves that they are born of God, and feel the blessing of a superintending Proviknow what it is to say, I am my Beloved's dence. It is his arm which directs the arrow; and my Beloved is mine.' Thou only canst and we know that if it pierce the heart of a make the ordinance a feast to the soul. Lord, believer, it will be but a summons to eversend us not empty away, but fill us with the lasting bliss. To his gracious care I desire riches of thy grace. Give unto us a spirit of to commend myself, my beloved partner, and prayer; and when we pray, do thou hear and all my dear relations and friends. If it be his answer, for thy name's sake. Amen."- merciful will, I would pray that they all may "March 5th. This day I have been recog- be preserved from this awful disease. May nized as a member of the church assembling his gracious care keep our families in health in York-street. May a Divine blessing attend and comfort in the midst of general calamity; this new era of my life. What a privilege! but, above all, I would pray that we may be to be permitted to unite with my beloved prepared for every event-whether called to husband, and many of God's dear people, in surrender our beloved friends, or to give up celebrating his own ordinance. I trust we our own spirits, may we be enabled to say, 'It shall enjoy many, very many, times of re- is the Lord, let him do what seemeth him freshing from the presence of the Lord. I good.' have long been waiting, hoping, and praying for this enjoyment, and the Lord has heard the voice of my supplication, and has abundantly granted the request of his handmaid. Oh, may we ever meet him at his table; may we feed upon his love, and drink deep into his spirit. May our faith be strengthened by every opportunity of waiting upon him, and may we receive out of his fulness, and grace for grace."

6. Her Reflections in a Time of Pestilence.— "1832. April 26. This is a time of awful visitation. The Almighty seems speaking to us by severe judginents. That awful malady, cholera, has entered our city, and is making most fearful ravages. Would to God it might prove a means of humbling the inhabitants, and of leading them to inquire how matters stand as to eternity! So rapid is this disease in its effects, that the body is no sooner smitten than the spirit seems required to surrender herself to God. There is no time then for making peace; no time for repentance. Happy they whose whole dependence is on the finished work of Christ, who have been reconciled to him, have been crucified to the world, and are found waiting for the coming of the Lord. It is not a death to be chosen even by the Christian; but if it should please our Heavenly Father thus to call any of us away, the passage, though painful, is very short; the stream is unpleasant to cross, but soon we shall reach the shore. There Jesus waits to receive us; then all our troubles cease; in that land of rest we shall fear no disease, but shall live and reign with Christ for ever and for evermore. And is this my hope? Surely, then, I need fear no evil.

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If we are found in Jesus' hands,
Our souls can ne'er be lost.'

Oh, for faith to trust ourselves more and
more to Him. The minds of the people seem
much alarmed. May the spirit of grace turn
this calamity to a national blessing. Lord,
deal with us in mercy; have respect unto thy
covenant; hear the prayers of thy own peo-
ple, and turn away thy wrath from us. Thou
hast still a few praying souls. Oh, let their
crics come into thine ears, and answer, and
forgive, and send the angel of mercy amongst
us, and stay the plague. Sanctify thy rod,
O blessed Lord, and let it be the means of
bringing many to thee. Into thy hands, O
God, I commend my spirit: thou, I trust,
hast redeemed me: thou art my trust: be
with me through life, in death, and to all
eternity. Amen."

She is

7. Her Maternal Solicitude.-"1836. January 1st. The last time I recorded the goodness of God in this book, I had only the prospect of being a parent. Now I am such! Now a beloved infant calls me mother! What a thought! The interests of almost the dearest object in existence are, in a great measure, committed to my care. Oh, for grace to bring up this dear child for God! blessed with an apparently healthy constitution, and the use of all her faculties, and I would bless the Lord for these mercies. God grant that she may become a lamb in the fold of Christ, a young disciple, choosing the better part which shall never be taken from her. The past year has been fraught with mercies, though sorrows have at times been mingled therewith."

"1843. January 27th.-What innumerable


mercies surround me! a most affectionate hus-
band, beloved children, an affectionate circle
of pious friends. What could I wish for more?
This day I complete thirty-nine years of my
How far has it been spent to the
Thanks to his holy name, I
glory of God?
think it is increasingly my desire to live to
the praise and glory of his grace, and to bring
up my beloved children in the nurture and
admonition of the Lord. The Almighty has
graciously removed from them all delicacy.
After a season of trying illness, they are now
all in robust health. I would most unfeign-
edly, too, thank him for my own improved
health: our present residence in the country
has greatly contributed to this. Oh, that all
may be consecrated to His service from whom
all these gifts proceed. Stamp thine image,
gracious God, upon the heart of each of our
beloved offspring. It is the fondest wish of
my heart that they may be thine for time
and for eternity. What a blessing to be per-
mitted to bring them up in the ways of the
Lord. It is my daily, almost hourly prayer,
that they may be led to give their hearts to
God. Oh, thou Divine Spirit, who alone must
teach to profit, do thou shine into their hearts,
and give them to feel the blessedness of loving
and serving the Lord. I stand now in a promi-
nent and highly-important situation as the
head of a somewhat large family. May grace
be afforded me to walk before them according
to the abundant light I have received, not
only to point them to the way to glory, but
myself to lead in it. My earnest prayer
effort is that we may all be found pressing
forwards in the path to heaven, and at last,
as one undivided family, surround the throne
of God above."

To the above extracts might be given many others on the same, and additional topics; for example, her Conflicts with Indwelling Sin, her Concern for the Souls of Relatives, her Enjoyment and Profit under the Ministry of

the Word, &c. ; but to introduce them would
unduly extend this notice. If the foregoing
specimens in any case quicken from neglect
to vigilance, inattention to closet religion, and
engage to more earnest aspirations and more
fixed resolves in the piety of the gospel, my
object will have been attained.

It must not be supposed that our dear de-
parted friend's faith, and hope, and love, ex-
pended themselves in private meditation and
desire. Her journal seems but to lay open
the hidden spring of a spirit thoroughly prac
tical-a character uniformly consistent-an
activity always forward to fulfil her duties in
the family, to minister to the good of those
about her, and to co-operate in every good

She was a sincere friend to the poor, and a succourer of many in trouble. The interest of the church she belonged to lay near her heart. Her habit of walking with God was felt by all who knew her. Her beloved partner mourns his own loss, while rejoicing in her everlasting gain. It is hoped that her children will rise up to call her blessed. Her companions in our mutual associations, her fellow-members in the church, and Christian acquaintances beyond its pale, cherish her memory with gratitude to God and advantage to themselves.

Death came to her without any marked signs of his approach. Under an indisposition, not supposed by her medical attendant or her friends to be at all serious, her constitution, greatly enfeebled by a protracted, severe illness some time before, suddenly gave She at once lost her consciousness to way. surrounding objects, and in a few hours had gone to be with her God and Saviour.

O happy world, where the spirits of the just perfected dwell in light and love divine! O glorious grace, that brings us sinners to it through the blood of the Cross!

Yours, my dear Sir, most truly,

W. U.

Home Chronicle.

DIORAMA OF JERUSALEM AND THE HOLY | Holy Land. We feel it to be strictly within


Ir is seldom that we call the attention of our readers to the public Exhibitions of the metropolis; not because we are indifferent to their effect upon the taste and advancement of the age: but simply because they do not in general belong to the particular walk in literature which we have chosen for ourselves. This, however, is by no means the case with Mr. Beverly's Diorama of Jesusalem and the

the province of the EVANGELICAL MAGAZINE to descant upon all such public Exhibitions as may tend to illustrate and render impressive the lands of the Bible, and especially that land in which the INCARNATE ONE was manifested as the Light and Life of our guilty race, where he was born, where he grew up, where he taught, where he performed his mighty works, where he prayed, was tempted, suffered, and died, and from which he rose to his native heavens.

All the associations connected with this land are of the most hallowed character; and it is most gratifying to find that modern travel and research, combined with modern art, have greatly increased our acquaintance with the Promised Land, and with the countries adjacent.

manner; and the Rev. Mr. Hirams (Baptist), closed with prayer.

Between the services, several of the friends dined at the British School-rooms, which had been kindly lent for the occasion; after which, addresses were delivered by the Rev. Dr. Morison, whose presence was gladly hailed by the company; the Rev. George Smith of Poplar, the Rev. E. Mannering, the Rev. J. Hill, the Rev. R. Saunders of Latimer Chapel, Mile End, the former colleague of the minister; the Rev. Mr. Hunt, and Mr. Heptenstall. There were likewise present, the Rev. Messrs. Rose of Bermondsey, Davies of Wandsworth, Bealby, Seaborne, and others, some of whom took part in the service.


To Mr. Bartlett we have long since expressed our deep sense of obligation for his truthful and beautiful Sketches of Palestine. Upon those Sketches, which probably will never be surpassed, the realizing paintings of Mr. Beverly's Diorama are founded. Most thrilling and delightful is the effect produced upon the mind and heart by this unique and tasteful exhibition. We could visit it, without weariness, from day to day, did our engagements permit. The different scenes in the Desert, on the Red Sea, in Edom, in THE Annual Meeting of this Society was Palestine, and along the coast of the Mediter- held on Tuesday evening, May 20th, in Finsranean, are most forcibly portrayed. The bury Chapel. C. Hindley, Esq., M P., took impression produced is, perhaps, little short the Chair at half-past six o'clock, and made a of that which an actual sojourn amidst the few observations on the importance of disscenes represented would create. We are seminating the principles of universal peace. the more confirmed in this feeling by the fact, that some who have just returned from the Holy Land accord this high praise to Mr. Beverly's Diorama. Mr. Freeman expresses himself in the strongest terms as to the truth and effectiveness of the Pictures, and the taste and discrimination with which they are displayed. We earnestly advise all lovers of the Bible who live in London, or who may visit our great city in this eventful year, to repair to the Diorama of Jerusalem and the Holy Land. A more rational and instructive hour they cannot spend; and if they can retire from the affecting spectacle without shedding tears, as they gaze upon "the Jews' place of wailing," they will be made of sterner stuff than we can boast.

UNION CHAPEL, BRIXTON HILL. THE recognition of the Rev. John Hall to the pastorate of the church assembling at Union Chapel, Brixton-hill, took place on Thursday, June 5th, 1851. In the morning, the Rev. Mr. Kent, of Norwood, opened the services with reading and prayer; the Rev. J. Hill, of Clapham, delivered a most lucid and convincing discourse upon the nature of a New Testament Church; the Rev. Dr. Thomas, of Stockwell, proposed the questions; in consequence of the absence of Mr. Dubourg, the Rev. Mr. Hill offered the recognition prayer; the Rev. Dr. Morison, of Brompton, delivered an admirable and most impressive charge to the minister; and the Rev. Mr. Hunt concluded the service with prayer.

In the evening, the Rev. Mr. Eldridge opened the service with reading and prayer; the Rev. E. Mannering, of Holywell Mount Chapel, preached to the church and congregation in his usual persuasive and convincing

The Rev. II. Richard, the Secretary, then laid before the meeting a statement of the chief points contained in the Report, which had been read at the business-meeting in the morning; making special reference to the Congress held last summer, at Frankfort-onthe-Maine, and to the next Congress to be held in London, in the approaching July. Allusion was also made to the lamented death of the Rev. Dr. J. Pye Smith, whose place, as Vice-President of the Society, had been supplied by the Rev. Dr. Harris.

Mr. Elihu Burritt moved the first resolution, in a very comprehensive and striking speech. G. W. Alexander, Esq., seconded the resolution, which was supported by the Rev. J. Steinitz.

The meeting was likewise well addressed by Mr. J. Sturge, Signor Ferretti, Rev. Mr. Garnett (New York), J. S. Buckingham, Esq., Rev. M. Dobie, and Rev. J. Sibree.

A vote of thanks to the Chairman concluded the business of the evening.


A SOIREE, in connexion with this Society, was held on Monday evening, May 19th, in Freemasons' Hall.

There was a large and highly respectable assemblage of the friends of freedom present, amongst whom were several persons of colour. At six o'clock, tea and coffee were handed round, and at seven, G. W. Alexander, Esq., was called to the Chair, and delivered a very suitable introductory speech.

The Rev. J. H. Hinton then addressed the company, and spoke powerfully in favour of the Anti-slavery cause.

The Rev. H. H. Garnett-whose narrative

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