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'Lectures on Natural Philosophy," 2 vols. 8vo. -Walker's system of "Familiar Philosophy," 4to. in 12 lectures, with 47 quarto engravings. -Conversations on Natural Philosophy, by the author of Conversations on Chymistry, 1 thick vol. 12mo. with 23 engravings.-Blair's "Grammar of Natural and Experimental Philosophy," especially the late editions, contains (at a small price) a comprehensive view of the principal departments of Philosophy, including Astronomy, Geology, Chymistry, Meteorology, &c.Euler's "Letters to a German Princess," 2 vols. 8vo. contains a popular view of the most interesting subjects connected with Natural and Experimental Philosophy, Logic, and Ethics. This work is distinguished by a vein of dignified and scriptural piety, which runs through every part of it. Euler was one of the most distinguished philosophers and mathematicians of his day. He died in 1783, at the age of 77. A new edi tion of this work, with notes by Dr. Brewster, has been lately published. These notes are excellent, so far as they extend; but it is to be regretted that they are so sparingly distributed, and that the passages suppressed by M. Condorcet, and De la Croix, which were restored by Dr. Hunter, who translated the work, and the notes of the French and English editors, are, for the most part, discarded. Notwithstanding the numerous excellent treatises which are to be found on this subject, a comprehensive work on experimental philosophy, blended with sketches of those parts of natural history, which are connected with it, and enlivened with appropriate reflections on the peculiar agencies of the Deity, which appear in the various processes of nature is still wanting to interest the general reader, and to attract his attention to this department of knowledge. Were philosophers, in their discussions of natural science, more frequently to advert to the agency of the Deity, and to point out the religious and philanthropic purposes to which modern discoveries might be applied, they might be the means of promoting, at the same time, the interests both of science and of religion; by alluring general readers to direct their attention to such subjects; and by removing those groundless prejudices which a great proportion of the Christian world still entertain against philosophical studies. About the period when Boyle, Ray, Derham, Nieuwentyt, Whiston, Addison, the Abbe Pluche, and other Christian philosophers flourished, more atten

tion seems to have been paid to this object than at present. Since the middle of the last century, the piety of philosophers appears to have been greatly on the decline. It is to be hoped that it is now beginning to experience a revival. But, whatever may be the varying sentiments and feelings of mere philosophers, in reference to the agencies of the material system-" all the works of God invariably speak of their Author," to the humble and enlightened Christian; and if he be directed to contemplate the order of nature, with an eye of intelligence, he will never be at a loss to trace the footsteps and the attri butes of his Father and his God.


Davy's Elements of Chymical Ilosophy, 8vo.-Ure's Dictionary of Chymistry, on the basis of Mr. Nicholson's, 1 large vol. 8vo. Henry's Epitome of Chymistry, 2 vols. 8vo.— Accum's Chymistry, 2 vols. 8vo.-Thomson's System of Chymistry, 4 vols. 8vo.-Murray's System of Chymistry, 4 vols. 8vo. and Appendix.-Kerr's translation of Lavoisier's Elements of Chymistry, 8vo.-Chaptal's Chymistry, applied to the Arts, 4 vols. 8vo.-Fourcroy's Chymistry, 4 vols.--Accum's "Chymical Amusements," and Griffin's "Chymical Recreations," contain a description of a variety of interesting chymical facts and amusing experiments.Gurney's Lectures on the Elements of Chymical Science, 8vo.-Mackenzie's One Thousand Experiments in Chymistry, &c.-Mitchell's Dictionary of Chymistry.-Conversations on Chymistry, by a Lady, 2 vols. 12mo.-Joyce's Dialogues on Chymistry, 2 vols. 18mo.-Parker's Rudiments of Chymistry, 18mo. and his Chymical Catechism, 8vo. The four works last mentioned may be recommended as popular ite troductions to the study of this science. Parker's Rudiments and Catechism are distinguished by their constant reference to the agency of the Deity, and by the anxiety which the author displays to fix the attention of his readers on the evidences of benevolent design which appear in the constitution of nature. The numerous notes appended to the Chymical Catechism, imbody a great variety of interesting facts in re ference to the economy of nature, and the processes of the arts. To this amiable and intelligent writer I feel indebted for severa, of the chymica facts stated in this volume.














THE train of thought which runs through the following Work has been familiar to the Author's mind for upwards of twenty-six years. Nearly twenty years ago, he intended to address the public on this subject: but he is now convinced that, at that period, the attempt would have been premature, and consequently unsuccessful. He took several opportunities, however, of suggesting a variety of hints on the necessity of new-modelling and improving the system of education-particularly in the London "Monthly Magazine," the "Edinburgh Christian Instructor," the "Christian Recorder," the "Perth Courier," and several other publications, as well as in several parts of his former volumes.-Of late years the attention of the public has been directed to this subject more than at any former period, and even the British Legislature has been constrained to take into consideration the means by which the benefits of education may be more extensively enjoyed. It is therefore to be hoped, that the subject will now undergo a deliberate and unbiassed consideration, corresponding to its interest and importance.

In endeavouring to establish a new system of education-although every requisite improvement could not, in the first instance, be effected,-yet nothing short of a comprehensive and efficient system should be the model after which we ought to copy, and to which all our arrangements should gradually approximate. To attempt merely to extend the present, in many respects inefficient and limited system, without adopting those improvements which experience and the progress of society have rendered necessary, would be only to postpone to an indefinite period what must ultimately be established, if society is expected to go on in its progress towards perfection.

In the following volume the author has exhibited a brief outline of the whole series of instructions requisite for man, considered as an intelligent and moral agent destined to immortality—from the earliest dawn of reason to the period of manhood. But it is merely an outline; for the subject, considered in all its bearings, is the most extensive and interesting that can occupy the attention of mankind. Should the present volume, however, meet with general approbation, some more specific details in reference to the subjects here discussed, and to other topics connected with the improvement of society, may afterwards be presented to the public.

Several excellent works have lately been published on the subject of education, some of them recognizing the leading principles which are here illustrated. But the author has, in every instance, prosecuted his own train of thought, without interfering with the sentiments or language of others, unless where it is acknowledged. Some of the works alluded to he has not had it in his power to peruse; and the same current of thought will sometimes occur to different writers on the same subject.The greater part of this work was composed before the author had an opportunity

of perusing the excellent treatise of Mr. Simpson, entitled, "Necessity of Popular Education"-a work which abounds with liberal and enlightened views, and which recognizes the same general principles which are here illustrated. But the two works do not materially interfere; and the one may be regarded as a supplement or sequel to the other, both having a bearing on the same grand object.

It was originnally intended to offer a few remarks on classical learning, and on the system of education which prevails in our colleges and universities; but the size to which the volume has swelled has rendered it expedient to postpone them to a future opportunity. For the same reason, the "Miscellaneous Hints in reference to the Improvement of Society," and the remarks on Mechanics' Institutions," have been much abridged, and various topics omitted which were intended to be particularly illustrated.

The author intends proceeding with his promised work "On the Scenery of the Heavens," as soon as his present engagements will permit.

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