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5. domos, § 101.

6. opera, 'pains or trouble in doing' a thing. 7. suapte: p. 123, C.

8. possim subordinate to the final clause, but it might be subj. in any case: see ch. 145, note 2.

157.-1. ad cetera, &c., equal to acts with almost incredible folly.

[ocr errors]

Certainly the man

2. conventis. This verb is sometimes transitive; hence its use personally in the passive.

3. fide: promise of protection on the one hand and service on the other.

4. cum iis; i.e. the Romans.

5. cetera omnia; that is, they were restored to their families by Abelux, but in the name of the Romans.

158.-1. aliquanto, § 118.

2. in re pari; i.e. by the same action.

3. Carthaginiensium. Supply gratia.

4. fuisset; i.e. if they had done as they intended: so potuisset in the next sentence.

5. illos. Ille commonly means the former, hic the latter, because the first mentioned is the more distant. But here the Carthaginians, though mentioned last, are the more distant in the mind of the writer.

6. expertos: passive, found by experience to be,' &c.; fortuna here means 'ill fortune.'

7. haud frustra, 'not without good reason;' i.e. the secession of Abelux, a man of foresight, was taken as evidence that the Romans were the better allies.

8. spectare, aim at,' § 140, 2. (R. 539.)

9. forent... intervenisset: see ch. 122, 2. (R. 638.)


[In each case the Number of the Chapter and that of the Note is
referred to.]

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

dare stragem, 58. 6.
deditio, 7. 13: cp. 144. 8.
deducere, 30. 9.

de industria, 28. 1: 123. 3.
de integro, 46. 4: 106. 1.
deliberative conjunctive, 20. 8.
Delta, 57. 1.
deposcere, 15. 7.
designatus, 110. 1.
despondere animos, 65. 5.
dicio (ditio) 7. 6: 140. 6.

dicionis facere, 140. 6: 150. 5:
cp. 154. 5.

dictator, 139. 1, 3.
in dies, 92. 1.

dum, with pres. ind. 11. 3: 46.
5: 140. 2, &c., but cp. 40. 1.
dux (a guide), 54. 1: 63. 4.

ecquis, 77. 2.
ellipsis, 77. 1.

emensus (pass.) 54. 3.

ementiri, 111. 1.

Eryx, 16. 2: 75. 7.
et, que, &c., 29. 7.

evadere (with accus.), 59. 5.

ex adverso, 49. 1: cp. 20. 5.
excidere (of lots), 77.7.
ex foedere, 16. 5.

expertus (pass.), 158. 6.

Fabius Pictor, 133. 3.

fauces, 55, 3.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors]
[blocks in formation]

lustrare, 109. 5.
Lutatius, C. 32. 10.

magister equitum, 139. 4.
maior (natu), 57. 3.
manes, 14. 3: 129. 5.
measure, ablat. of, 158. 1.
mereri, 5. 15.

meritum, 36. 2: 57. 4.

miles (collective), 147. 4: 153.
4: cp. 90. 3, &c.

mille, millia, 142. 1.

minus, 145. 3.

munire viam, 69. 1.

navis longa, 31. 3 : 153. 2.
oneraria, 153. 2.
speculatoria, 146. 1.
quidem, 72. 5.


necessarium, 118. 2.

Nova classis, 152. 1.

novae res, 151. 2.

novendiale sacrum, 109. 4.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

populus, 30. 10.

(for regio), 63. 1.

potestatem facere, 84. 3.

prae (in composition), 148. 5.
praecipitare (intr.) 46. 1.
praestare, 57. 6: cp. 64. 6,
price, genitive of, 141. 9.
princeps, 5. 11.

proconsul, 153. 1.

procuratio, 85. 1.

prodigia, 108. 1.

propractor, 138. 1.

prorogare, 153. 1.

provincia, 30. 3: 150. 3.
puberes, 27. 2.
publice amicus, 23. 1.
pulvinar, 108. 5.
Punica fides, 5. 13.
purpose, 13. 4.

, expr. by fut. partic. 53.
2: 142. 3.

ad with gerundive, 5.
7: 21. 6, &c.

causa with genit. 83. 2.

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