1 Sing how he spoil'd the hosts of hell, And led the monster death in chains! Say "Live for ever, wondrous King! "Born to redeem and strong to save!" Then ask the monster, "Where's thy sting? "And where's thy vict'ry, boasting grave?" Hymn 214. С. М. We wretched sinners lay, 3 Down from the shining seats above 1 0 Hymn 215. P. M. GOD of all grace, thy goodness we praise; Thy Son thou hast given to die in our place! With joy we approve the design of thy love; 'Tis a wonder on earth, and a wonder above. 2 Tongue cannot explain the love of God-mar,Which th' angels desire to look into in vain: It dazzles our eyes, thought cannot arise, To find out a cause why the Infinite dies. 3 Or if pity inclin'd him to die for mankind, The ground of his pity what seraph can find! He came from above our curse to remove: He hath lov'd, he hath lov'd us, because he would love. 4 Love mov'd him to die, and on this we rely, He hath lov'd, he hath lov'd us, we cannot tell why; But this we can tell, he hath lov'd us so well, As to lay down his life to redeem us from hell. 5 He hath ransom'd our race: O how shall we praise, Or worthily sing thy unspeakable grace! Nothing else will we know, in our journey below, But singing thy praise to thy paradise go. 6 Nay, and when we remove to the mansions above, Our heaven shall still be to sing of thy love: 1 A Hymn 216. C. М. 2 Was it for crimes that I have done, 4 Thus might I hide my blushing face, 1 Hymn 217. P. M. IVE TE Heavens rejoice in Jesus's grace, a noise and echo his praise: Our all-loving Saviour hath pacified God, And paid for his favour the price of his blood. 2 Ye mountains and vales, in praises abound, Ye hills and ye dales, continue the sound; Break forth into singing, ye trees of the wood, For Jesus is bringing lost sinners to God. 3 Atonement he made for every one, The debt he hath paid, the work he hath done; Shout, all the creation, below and above, Ascribing salvation to Jesus's love. 4 His mercy hath brought salvation to all, Who take it unbought he frees them from thrall; 1 Throughout the believer his glory displays, And perfects for ever the vessels of grace. CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP, AND SOCIETY MEETING. Hymn 218. S. M. ND AN are we yet alive? Glory and praise to Jesus give But out of all, the Lord Hath brought us by his love; Let us take up the cross, Till we the crown obtain, So we but Jesus gain. 1 Hymn 219. Р. М. COME to s (OME away to the skies! And rejoice in the day thou wast born: On this festival day Come exulting away, And with singing to Sion return! 2 We have laid up our love And with singing to paradise go. 3 With singing we praise The original grace, 4 By our heavenly Father bestow'd: From his bounty, and live To the honour and glory of God.. For thy glory we are Created to share Both the nature and kingdom divine! Created again, In time and eternity thine. 5 With thanks we approve That we never can part, Till we meet at the feast of the Lamb. |