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Hymn 271. C. М.

the great Jehovah's praise!

SING to the

to him belongs:

Who kindly lengthens out our days,

Demands our choicest songs:

His providence hath brought us through

Another various year;

We all with vows and anthems new

Before our God appear.

12 Father, thy mercies past we own,
Thy still continued care;
To thee presenting through thy Son,
Whate'er we have or are:
Our lips and lives shall gladly show
The wonders of thy love,
While on in Jesu's steps we go.
To seek thy face above.

3 Our residue of days or hours,
Thine, wholly thine shall be;
And all our consecrated powers,
A sacrifice to thee:
Till Jesus in the clouds appear,
To saints on earth forgiven,
And bring the grand sabbatic year,
The jubilee of heaven.



Hymn 272. C. М.

ND now, my soul, another year
Of thy short fife is past;

I cannot long continue here,

And this may be my last. 2 Now a new scene of time begins, Set out afresh for heaven;


Seek pardon for thy daily sius,
In Christ so freely given.



Hymn 273. Р. М.

LL glory to God in the sky,
And peace upon earth be restor'd:
O Jesus, exalted on high,

Appear our omnipotent Lord!
Who meanly in Bethlehem born,
Didst stoop to redeem a lost race,
Once more to thy creatures return,
And reign in thy kingdom of grace.
2 When thou in our flesh didst appear,
All nature acknowledg'd thy birth;
Arose the acceptable year,
And heaven was open'd on earth;
Receiving its Lord from above,
The world was united to bless
The Giver of concord and love,
The Prince and the Author of Peace.

3 O wouldst thou again be made known,
Again in the Spirit descend,
And set up in each of thine own
A kingdom that never shall end:.
Thou only art able to bless,
And make the glad nations obey,

And bid the dire enmity cease,
And bow the whole world to thy sway!

4. Come then to thy servants again,
Who long thy appearance to know;
Thy quiet and peaceable reign
In mercy establish below!
All sorrow before thee shall fly,
And anger and hatred be o'er,
And envy and malice shall die,
And discord afflict us no more.
5. No horrid alarum of war,

Shal break our eternal repose;
No sound of the trumpet is there,
Where Jesus's Spirit o'erflows:
Appeas'd by the charms of thy grace,.
We all shall in amity join,
And kindly each other embrace,

And love with a passion like thine...

Hymn 274. S. M.

FATHER, our hearts we lift
Up to thy gracious throne,
And thank thee for the precious gift
Of thine incarnate Son!

The gift unspeakable

We thankfully receive,
And to the world thy goodness tell,.
And to thy glory live.

2 Jesus, the holy child,

Doth by his birth declare,
That God and man are reconcil'd,
And one in him we are:

Salvation through his name
To all mankind is given,
And loud his infant cries proclai
A peace 'twixt earth and heaven.
3 A peace on earth he brings,

Which never more shall end:
The Lord of hosts, the King of kings
Declares himself our friend;
Assumes our flesh and blood,
That we his grace may gain:
The everlasting Son of God,
The mortal Son of man.

4 His kingdom from above
He doth to us impart,
And pure benevolence and love
O'erflow the faithful heart:
Chang'd in a moment, we
The sweet attraction find,
With open arms of charity
Embracing all mankind.
5 O might they all receive
The new-born Prince of Peace,
And meekly in his Spirit live!
And in his love increase!


Till he convey us home,
Cry every soul aloud,
Come, thou desire of nations, come,
And take us up to God!

Hymn 275. P. M.


LL hail! happy day,

When enrob'd in our clay, The Redeemer appear'd upon earth;

How can we refrain
For to join the glad strain,
And to hail our Immanuel's birth!".

How boundless that love,

First begotten above,

And thro' Jesus to sinners made known!

Lift, lift up your voice,

And exulting rejoice,

For Jehovah to earth is come down.

3 Ye angels of God,

Sound his praises abroad,

And acknowledge him JAH the I AM:

We also will join

In a hymn so divine,

Giving glory

to God and the Lamb!

4 To Christ we will sing,

As our High Priest and King,

And our Prophet to teach us the road:

But more than all this,

For Almighty he is :

And we own him our crucified God.

5 To Jesus's praise

Let us spend all our days!

For 'tis he who our surety hath stood:

He sojourn'd below,

That his mercy might flow,

And he purchas'd our pardon with blood.

6 O may the return

Of this once blessed morn,

Be for ever remember'd with joy:

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