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Be temples of the Holy Ghost,

And fill'd with faith, and hope, and love. 4 Their hearts from things of earth remove, Sprinkle them, Lord, from sin and fear; Fix their affections all above,

And lay up all their treasures there.

5 Give them an ear to hear thy word;
Thou speakest to the churches now:
And let all tongues confess their Lord,
Let every knee to Jesus bow.



Hymn 287. C. М.

CELESTIAL Dove, descend from high,

water brood:

Come, with thy quick'ning power apply
The water and the blood.

2 I love the Lord that stoops so low,
To give his word a seal;
But the rich grace his hands bestow
Exceeds the figure still..
3 Almighty God, for thee we call,
And our request renew;
Accept in Christ, and bless withal,
The work we have to do.



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Y Saviour's pierced side
Pour'd out a double flood:

By water we are purified,
And pardon'd by his blood


2 Call'd from above, I rise,

And wash away my sin;
The streams to which my spirit flies,
Can make the foulest clean.

3 It runs divinely clear,

A fountain deep and wide;
'Twas open'd by the soldier's spear
In my Redeemer's side!

Hymn 289. L. M.

1 COME, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
Honour the means ordain'd by thee!
Make good our apostolic boast,
And own thy glorious ministry.
2 Father, in these reveal thy Son :
In those for whom we seek thy face;
The hidden mystery make known,
The inward pure baptizing grace.
3 Jesus, with us thou always art,
Effectuate the sacred sign:
The gift unspeakable impart,
And bless the ordinance divine.
4 Eternal Spirit, descend from high,
Baptizer of our spirits thou!
The sacrumental seal apply,
And witness with the water now!




Hymn 290. P. M.

N that sad memorable night,
When Jesus was for us betray'd


He left his death-recording rite,
He took, and bless'd, and brake the bread,
And gave his own their last bequest,
And thus his love's intent exprest.

2 "Take, eat, this is my body given,
"To purchase life and peace for you,
"Pardon, and holiness, and heaven;
"Do this my dying love to show:
"Accept your precious legacy,
"And thus, my friends, remember me."
3 He took into his hands the cup,

To crown the sacramental feast,
And full of kind concern look'd up,
And gave to them what he had blest:
"And drink ye all of this, (he said)
"In solemn mem'ry of the dead."

4 "This is my blood, which seals the new "Eternal cov'nant of my grace; "My blood so freely shed for you, "For you, and all the sinful race: "My blood that speaks your sins forgiven, "And justifies your claim to heaven."



Hymn 291. S. M.

ET all who truly bear
The bleeding Saviour's name,
Their faithful hearts with us prepare,
And eat the Paschal Lamb:

Our passover was slain,

At Salem's hallow'd place, Yet we who in our tents remain,

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Shall gain his largest grace.


2 This eucharistic feast,

Our every want supplies,
And still we by his death are blest,
And share his sacrifice;,
By faith his flesh we eat,
Who here his passion show,
And God out of his holy seat
Shall all his gifts bestow.

3 Who thus our faith employ
His suff'rings to record,
E'en now we mournfully enjoy
Communion with our Lord;
As though we every one

Beneath his cross had stood, And seen him heave, and heard him groan, And felt his gushing blood.

4 O God! 'tis finish'd now!


The mortal pang is past!

By faith his head we see him bow,


And hear him breathe his last,

We too with him are dead,

And shall with him arise,

The cross on which he bows his head
Shall lift us to the skies.


Hymn 292. P. М.

OCK of Israel, cleft for me,
For us, for all mankind,
See, thy feeblest foll'wers sec,
Who call thy death to mind:
Still the fountain of thy blood
Stands for sinners open'd wide,


Now, e'en now, my Lord, my God,
I wash me in thy side.

2 Now, e'en now, we all plunge in,
And drink the purple wave;


This the antidote for sin,
'Tis this our souls shall save:
With the life of Jesus fed,
Lo! from strength to strength we rise,
Follow'd by our Rock, and led
To meet thee in the skies.

Hymn 293. L. M.

AUTHOR of our salvation, thee With lowly thankful hearts we praise, Author of this great mystery; Figure and means of saving grace. 2 The sacred, true, effectual sign, Thy body and thy blood it shows! The glorious instrument divine,

Thy mercy and thy strength bestowa.
3 We see the blood that seals our peace;
Thy pard'ning mercy we receive;
The bread doth visibly express
The strength thro' which our spirits live.
4 Our spirits drink a fresh supply,
And eat the bread so freely given,
Till borne on eagles' wings we fly,
And banquet with our Lord in heaven.

Hymn 294. С. М.
THOU, who this mysterious bread
Didst in Emmaus break,

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