I see my natal hour return, And bless the day that I was born.
2 A clod of living earth, I glorify thy name, From whom alone my birth,
And all my blessings came; Creating and preserving grace, Let all that is within me praise.
3 Long as I live beneath, To thee O let me live! To thee my every breath, In thanks and praises give: Whate'er I have, whate'er I am, Shall magnify my Maker's name. 4 My soul and all its powers, Thine, wholly thine shall be; All, all my happy hours I consecrate to thee: Me to thine image now restore, And I shall praise thee evermore.
5 I wait thy will to do,
As angels do in heaven; In Christ a creature new, Eternally forgiven; I wait thy righteous will to prove All sanctified by perfect love. 6 Then when the work is done, The work of faith with power, Receive thy favour'd son,
In death's triumphant hour: Like Moses to thyself convey, And kiss my raptur'd soul away.
WAY with our fears,
The glad morning appears, When an heir of salvation was born!
And to him I with singing return
Thee, Jesus, alone The fountain I own
Of my life and felicity here;
And cheerfully sing
My Redeemer and King,
Till his signs in the heavens appears
3 With thanks I rejoice In thy fatherly choice Of my state and condition below; If of parents I came, Who honour'd thy name,
'Twas thy wisdom appointed it so
O the infinite cares, And temptations and snares, Thy hand hath conducted me through:
O the blessings bestow'd By a bountiful God,
And the mercies eternally new!
5 What a mercy is this, What a heaven of bliss, How unspeakably happy am I!
Gather'd into the fold, With thy people enroll'd; With thy people to live and to die.
6 All honour and praise
To the Father of grace, To the Spirit and Son, I return : I the business pursue, He hath made me to do,
And rejoice that I ever was born.
7 In a rapture of joy
My life I employ,
The God of my life to proclaim; 'Tis worth living for this, To administer bliss,
And salvation in Jesus's name.
8 My remnant of days
I spend in his praise,
Who died the whole world to redeem:
Be they many or few;
My days are his due,
And they all are devoted to him!
Hymn 311. C. М. 1 COD, only wise, almighty, good,
Send forth thy truth and light,
To point us out the narrow road, And guide our steps aright; 2 To steer our dang'rous course between The rocks on either hand;
And fix us in the golden mean, And bring our charge to land. 3 Made apt by thy sufficient grace To teach as taught by thee, We come to train in all thy ways Our rising progeny.
4 Their selfish will in time subdue, And mortify their pride; And lend their youth a sacred clue To find the Crucified.
5 We would in every step look up, By thine example taught, T' alarm their fear, excite their hope, And rectify their thought.
6 We would persuade their hearts t' obey, With mildest zeal proceed: And never take the harsher way, When love will do the deed.
7 For this we ask in faith sincere, The wisdom from above; To touch their hearts with filial fear, And pure ingenuous love!
8 To watch their will, to sense inclin'd, Withhold the hurtful food:
And gently bend their tender mind, And draw their souls to God.
Hymn 312. P. М.
OW shall I walk my God to please, And spread content and happiness
O'er all beneath my care?
A pattern to my household give, And as a guardian angel live, As Jesu's messenger? 2 The opposite extremes I see, Remissness and severity,
And know not how to shun The precipice on either hand, While in the narrow path I stand, And dread to venture on. 3 Shall I through indolence supine, Neglect, betray the charge divine, My delegated power? The souls I from my Lord receive, Of whom I an account must give, At that tremendous hour ?
4 Lord over all, and God most high! Jesus, to thee for help 1 fly,
For constant power and grace; That by thy Spirit taught and led, I may with confidence proceed, And all thy footsteps trace. 5 O teach me my first lesson now! That I to thy sweet yoke may bow, Thine easy service prove, Lowly and meck in heart I see, The art of governing like thee, Is governing by love.
Hymn 313. C. М.
1 FATHER of lights, thy needful aid
us that ask impart; Mistrustful of ourselves, afraid Of our own treacherous heart.
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