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I see my natal hour return,
And bless the day that I was born.

2 A clod of living earth,
I glorify thy name,
From whom alone my birth,

And all my blessings came;
Creating and preserving grace,
Let all that is within me praise.

3 Long as I live beneath,
To thee O let me live!
To thee my every breath,
In thanks and praises give:
Whate'er I have, whate'er I am,
Shall magnify my Maker's name.
4 My soul and all its powers,
Thine, wholly thine shall be;
All, all my happy hours
I consecrate to thee:
Me to thine image now restore,
And I shall praise thee evermore.

5 I wait thy will to do,

As angels do in heaven;
In Christ a creature new,
Eternally forgiven;
I wait thy righteous will to prove
All sanctified by perfect love.
6 Then when the work is done,
The work of faith with power,
Receive thy favour'd son,

In death's triumphant hour:
Like Moses to thyself convey,
And kiss my raptur'd soul away.



Hymn 310. P. M.


WAY with our fears,

The glad morning appears, When an heir of salvation was born!

From Jehovah I came,

For his glory I am,

And to him I with singing return

Thee, Jesus, alone
The fountain I own

Of my life and felicity here;

And cheerfully sing

My Redeemer and King,

Till his signs in the heavens appears

3 With thanks I rejoice
In thy fatherly choice
Of my state and condition below;
If of parents I came,
Who honour'd thy name,


'Twas thy wisdom appointed it so

O the infinite cares,
And temptations and snares,
Thy hand hath conducted me through:

O the blessings bestow'd
By a bountiful God,

And the mercies eternally new!

5 What a mercy is this,
What a heaven of bliss,
How unspeakably happy am I!


Gather'd into the fold,
With thy people enroll'd;
With thy people to live and to die.

6 All honour and praise

To the Father of grace,
To the Spirit and Son, I return :
I the business pursue,
He hath made me to do,

And rejoice that I ever was born.

7 In a rapture of joy

My life I employ,

The God of my life to proclaim;
'Tis worth living for this,
To administer bliss,

And salvation in Jesus's name.

8 My remnant of days

I spend in his praise,

Who died the whole world to redeem:

Be they many or few;

My days are his due,

And they all are devoted to him!


Hymn 311. C. М. 1 COD, only wise, almighty, good,

Send forth thy truth and light,

To point us out the narrow road, And guide our steps aright; 2 To steer our dang'rous course between The rocks on either hand;

And fix us in the golden mean,
And bring our charge to land.
3 Made apt by thy sufficient grace
To teach as taught by thee,
We come to train in all thy ways
Our rising progeny.

4 Their selfish will in time subdue,
And mortify their pride;
And lend their youth a sacred clue
To find the Crucified.

5 We would in every step look up,
By thine example taught,
T' alarm their fear, excite their hope,
And rectify their thought.

6 We would persuade their hearts t' obey,
With mildest zeal proceed:
And never take the harsher way,
When love will do the deed.

7 For this we ask in faith sincere,
The wisdom from above;
To touch their hearts with filial fear,
And pure ingenuous love!

8 To watch their will, to sense inclin'd, Withhold the hurtful food:


And gently bend their tender mind,
And draw their souls to God.


Hymn 312. P. М.

OW shall I walk my God to please,
And spread content and happiness

O'er all beneath my care?

A pattern to my household give,
And as a guardian angel live,
As Jesu's messenger?
2 The opposite extremes I see,
Remissness and severity,

And know not how to shun
The precipice on either hand,
While in the narrow path I stand,
And dread to venture on.
3 Shall I through indolence supine,
Neglect, betray the charge divine,
My delegated power?
The souls I from my Lord receive,
Of whom I an account must give,
At that tremendous hour ?

4 Lord over all, and God most high!
Jesus, to thee for help 1 fly,

For constant power and grace;
That by thy Spirit taught and led,
I may with confidence proceed,
And all thy footsteps trace.
5 O teach me my first lesson now!
That I to thy sweet yoke may bow,
Thine easy service prove,
Lowly and meck in heart I see,
The art of governing like thee,
Is governing by love.

Hymn 313. C. М.

1 FATHER of lights, thy needful aid

us that ask impart; Mistrustful of ourselves, afraid Of our own treacherous heart.

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