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less money. The Pocket Hymn-Book, lately sent abroad in these States, is a most valuable performance for those who are deeply spiritual, but is better suited to the European Methodists, among whom all the before-mentioned books have been thoroughly circulated for many years. But all the excellencies of the former publications are, in a great measure, concentred in the present, which contains the choicest and most precious of the Hymns that are to be found in the former editions: and at the same time is so portable, that you may always carry it with you without the least inconvenience.

We are the more delighted with this design, as no personal advantage is concerned, but the public good alone. For after the necessary expenses of publication are discharged, we shall make it a noble charity, by applying the profits arising therefrom to religious and charitable purposes.

No motive of a sinister nature has therefore influenced us in any degree to publish this excellent compilation. It has received the approbation of the Conferences, and contains many valuable Hymns, which some of the former editions did not. As the profits of the former editions have been scrupulously applied as above, so the same appropriation of


the profits of the present shall be conscientiously abserved. We must therefore earnestly entreat you, if you have any respect for the authority of the Conferences, or of us, or any regard for the prosperity of the Connexion, to purchase no Hymn-Books, but what are signed with the names of your Bishops. And as we intend to keep a constant supply, the complaint of our congregations, "that they cannot procureour Hymn-Books," will be stopped.

We exhort you to sing with the spirit and with the understanding also: and thus may the high praises of GOD be set up from East to West, from North to South; and we shall be happily instrumental in leading the devotion of thousands, and shall rejoice to join you in time and eternity.


We are,

Dear Brethren,

Your faithful Pastors in Christ,









Hymn 1. C. M.

FOR a thousand tongues to sing
My great Redeemer's praise;
The glories of my God and King,
The triumphs of his grace.
2 My gracious Master and my God,
Assist me to proclaim,
To spread through all the earth abroad,
The honours of thy name.

3 Jesus, the name that charms our fears,
That bids our sorrows cease ;
'Tis music in the sinner's ears;

'Tis life, and health, and peace.
4 He breaks the power of cancell'd sin,
He sets the pris'ner free;
Hiş blood can make the foulest clean;
His blood avail'd for me.

5 Look unto him, ye nations, own
Your God, ye fallen race;

Look, and be sav'd through faith alone,
Be justified by grace!

6 See all your sins on Jesus laid!
The Lamb of God was slain;
His soul was once an off'ring made,
For every soul of man.


With me (your chief) ye then shall know,
Shall feel your sins forgiven;
Anticipate your heaven below,
And own that love is heaven.

Hymn 2. P. М.

COME, ye sinners, poor and needy,

and wounded, sick and sore,

Jesus ready stands to save you,
Full of pity, love, and power;
He is able,

He is willing, doubt no more.
2 Now, ye needy, come and welcome,
God's free bounty glorify;
'True belief and true repentance,
Every grace that brings you nigh;
Without money

Come to Jesus Christ and buy.
3 Let not conscience make you linger
Nor of fitness fondly dream:
All the fitness he requireth,
Is to feel your need of him;
This he gives you,
'Tis the Spirit's glimm'ring beam.

4 Come, ye weary, heavy-laden,
Brais'd and mangled by the fall,
if you tarry till you're better,
You will never come at all;
Not the righteous,
Sinners Jesus canie to call.

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