6. O dreadful hour! when God draws near, And sets their crimes before their eyes! His wrath their guilty souls shall tear, And no deliv'rer dare to rise.
Hymn 326. S. M.
For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God. 1 Thess. iv. 16.
BEHOLD! with awful pomp,
The Judge prepares to come! Th' archangel sounds the dreadful trump, And wakes the general doom!
2 Nature in wild amaze,
Her dissolution mourns; Blushes of blood the moon deface; The sun to darkness turns.
3 The living look with dread; The frighted dead arise; Start from the monumental bed, And lift their ghastly eyes.
4 Horrors all hearts appal,
They quake, they shriek, they cry; Bid rocks and mountains on them fall; But rocks and mountains fly.
5 Ye wilful wanton fools,
Let dangers make you wise! Carnal professors, careless souls; Unclose your sleeping eyes.
6 'Tis time we all awake;
The dreadful day draws near:
Sinners, your proud presumption check, And stop your wild career.
7 Now is th' accepted time; To Christ for mercy fly: O turu, repent and, trust in him, And you shall never die. 8 Great God, in whom we live, Prepare us for that day; Help us in Jesus to believe, To watch, and wait, and pray.
Hymn 327. P. M.
As strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul. 1 Pet. ii 11. 1HOW happy is the pilgrim's lot,
How free from every auxious thought,
From worldly hope and fear! Coafin'd to neither court nor cell, His soul disdains on earth to dwell; He only sojourns here. 2 This happiness in part is mine, Already sav'd from low design, From every creature love! Blest with the scorn of finite good, My soul is lighten'd of its load, Aud seeks the things above.
3 The things eternal I pursue, A happiness beyond the view, Of those that basely pant
For things by nature felt and seen; Their honours, wealth, and pleasures mean,
I neither have nor want.
4 I have no babes to hold me here, But children more securely dear, For mine I humbly claim: Better than daughters or than sons; Temples divine, of living stones, Inscrib'd with Jesu's nanie.
5 No foot of land do I possess; No cottage in the wilderness; A poor way-faring man; I lodge awhile in tents below, Or gladly wander to and fro, Till I my Canaan gain.
Hymn 328. Р. М.
And these Three are One. 1 John v. 7.
and maidens, raise
Your tuneful voices high;
Old men and children, praise
The Lord of earth and sky: Him Three in One, and One in Three, Extol to all eternity.
2 The universal King
Let ail the world proclaim!
Let every creature sing
His attributes and name!
Him Three in One, and One in Three. Extol to all eternity.
3 In his great name alone All excellencies meet; Who sits upon the throne, And shall for ever sit: Him Three in One, and One in Three, Extol to all eternity.
4 Glory to God belongs; Glory to God be given, Above the noblest songs Of all in earth and heaven: Him Three in One, and One in Three, Extol to all eternity.
Hymn 329. C. М.
I pray thee, let me go over and see the good land that is beyond Jordan. Deut. iii. 25.
ON Jordan's stormy banks I stand,
And cast a wishful eye, To Canaan's fair and happy land, Where my possessions lie. 2O the transporting rapt'rous scene, That rises to my sight! Sweet fields array'd in living green, And rivers of delight!
3 There gen'rous fruit that never fails, On trees immortal grow : There rocks, and hills, and brooks, and vales With milk and honey flow. 4 O'er all those wide-extended plains Shines one eternal day:
There God the Son for ever reigns, And scatters night away.
5 No chilling winds nor pois'nous breath, Can reach that healthful shore; Sickness and sorrow, pain and death, Are felt and fear'd no more.
6 When shall I reach that happy place, And be for ever blest? When shall I see my Father's face, And in his bosom rest?
7 Fill'd with delight, my raptur'd soul Would here no longer stay! Though Jordan's waves around me roll, Fearless I'd launch away.
8 There, on those high and flow'ry plains, Our spirits ne'er shall tire; But iu perpetual, joyful strains, Redeeming love admire.
Hymn 330. C. М.
For what is your life? it is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time. James iv. 14.
MY span of life will soon be done,
The passing moments say; As length'ning shadows o'er the mead, Proclaim the close of day. O that my heart might dwell aloof From all created things, And learn that wisdom from above, Whence truc contentment springs!
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