PAGE Father of mercies, in thy word......... 228 of For lo! the Lord a seed hath chose. 186 G GIVE me a sober mind....... 216 Giver of concord, Prince of peace..... 134 Glory be to God above... 121 ..... Glory to God on high... Glory to God, whose sov'reign grace.... 195 152 206 the Lord.... 173 Glory to thee, my God, this night... H HARK! a voice divides the sky........ 250 76 AL PAGE He wills that I should holy be... 104 5 Hosanna, with a cheerful sound. .. 200 How can a sinner know... 46 How happy are the little flock...... 268. How happy, gracious Lord, are we...... 81 How happy is the pilgrim's lot... 272 How sad our state by nature is.......... 25 Holy Lamb, who thee confess. 139 Hoping against hope, I wait. 56 1 I KNOW in Christ all fulness dwells.... 101. 91 "I the good fight have fought". 177 I will hearken what the Lord.. 162 If now I have acceptance found. In hope, against all human hope... ! PAGE Jesus, I throw my arms around......... 28 Jesus, in whom the weary find.......... 58 Jesus, in whom the Godhead's rays...... 111 Jesus, Lord of life and peace......... Jesus, my Advocate above. 119 48 Jesus, my Lord, I cry to thee.......... 106 Jesus shall I never be...... 90 Jesus, shall reign where'er the sun...... 188 Jesus, take all the glory....... 38 187 92 175 67 Jesus, the Conqueror reigns....... 173 238 111 L 1 L L L Jesus, to thee my heart I bow... Jesus, to thee our hearts we lift.... 124 Jesus, thou hast bid us pray. Jesus, to you his fulness brings...... 26. 218 Jesus, we look to thee....... Jesus, thou source of all our joys........ 178. 124 Join all the glorious names.. Jesus, with kindest pity see......... 132 61 Toin we then with one accord. Join all the ransom'd sons of grace...... 282 248 LAMB of God, for sinners slain........ 63 191 Let all men rejoice, by Jesus restor'd... 79 Let God, who comforts the distrest. 6 233 10 Let me but hear my Saviour say........ 232 179 .. Life is the time to serve the Lord........ 23 Lift up your hearts to things above.... 112 Lift your heads, ye friends of Jesus.. Lift up your eyes of faith and see...... 252 262 Lo! God is here, let us adore... 155 Lo! what an entertaining sight. 132 Lord, hear our prayers for Zion's peace.. 137 Lord, how secure and blest are they.... 64 Lord, I am vile; what shall I say..... 200 Lord, I despair myself to heal.... 66 Lord, we are vile, conceiv'd in sin.... 21 Lord, when we see a saint of thine....... 245 MAY I throughout this day of thine.... 156 85 PAGE My gracious loving Lord. ........ 42 My Jesus, my hope, when will he appear 82 0 My passions I obey'd... 43 0 0 259 0 0 My Saviour, Lord, give me an heart..... 97 My soul before thee prostrate lies...... 85 My span of life will soon be done...... 2750 My sufferings all to thee are known... 74 My thoughts on awful subjects roll...... 255 N None is like Jeshurun's God. 103 Now by the bowels of my God........ 142 Now let our mournful song record...... 147 0 O come and dwell in me.............. 115 57 97 168 62 94 Jesus, full of truth and grace.. may our lips and lives express...... O my God, what must I do.......... that I could revere.... ..... .. 89 174 72 50 51 O that the grace were now applied...... 121 |