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The fifth, of Rev. Baker, Trumbauer, Strein, and Messrs. Heller and Schæffer.

The sixth, of Rev. Ulrich, Lochman, Gross, and Messrs. Leibrand and Bauersachs.

Resolved: That the president appoint the examining committee; whereupon Dr. Demme, Rev. Messrs. Baker, J. Miller, Shindel and Waage, were appointed.

Resolved: That the applicants hand their papers to the appointed committee, and that said committee have permission to report on the same at any time previous to the examination.

Resolved: That the reading of the last year's minutes be dispensed with, this year.

The president now appointed a committee to audit the treasurer's account, consisting of Rev. German, Heilig and Col. Hutter; it was also given in charge to the same committee, to examine president Baker's account in reference to the Legacies.

Resolved: That the resolution, which was adopted at the first ministerial session in Baltimore, 1819, be read, and that the Synod say: whether that resolution shall remain in force any longer, or whether it shall be altered, or whether it shall be entirely annulled. After considerable debate upon the subject it was resolved, that said resolution be so altered, that the reception of European Ministers into our body be fixed from 3 to 2 years.-The resolution then, as altered, reads thus:

"Resolved: That this Synod will in future, receive no foreigner into their connexion, except he has resided at least two years in the United States: unless he comes recommended by worthy men of Europe, as an ordained Minister of good and regular standing.

Closed with prayer.

Second Session-Monday afternoon 3 o'clock.

The session was opened with singing and prayer.

The first committee reported on the papers given to them, as follows:

No. 1. A letter from Paul Ferd. Kramer, in which he complains of poverty, and prays for assistance.

Resolved: That the Synod can pay no attention, to Mr. Kramer's petition, as he has not, for a number of years, been a member of our communion.

Dr. Meyer, Dr. Schmucker, Professor of the Theological Seminary at Gettysburg, and Rev. Haverstich, who has recently returned from Germany to his own native country, were introduced and took their seats as advisory members.

Rev. Messrs. Helffenstein and Schmaltz, of the German Reformed, and Dr. Neil of the Presbyterian Church, were also introduced. No. 2. Is an overture, signed by a number of brethren, belonging to the General Synod, in which they affectionately invite all the existing Synods of our Church to connect themselves with that bodyAnd as the objects and wishes of the General Synod are plainly set forth, and fully explained, the committee consider the communication of such importance, that they would recommend the same to be publicly read, and then to be given over to a special committee.

After much had been said for and against a union with the General Synod, it was finally

Resolved: That this Synod for the present can have no connexion with the General Synod, in consequence of the resolution adopted in Lebanon 1823.

Closed with prayer.

This evening Professor Schmucker preached, on Heb. iv. 3.

Third Session--Tuesday morning 9 o'clock.

Opened with singing and prayer.

The report of the first committee was resumed.

No. S. Is a letter from the Rev. Beilharz, in which he requests to be excused for his non-attendance at Synod, and gives a report of his official acts during the past year. He also requests to have 5 copies of this years minutes sent to him, and mentions that their Zion's Church was destroyed by fire on the 9th of February of the past year.

Resolved: That brother Beilharz be excused, and that his request be granted him.

No. 4. Is a letter from Rev. Stein of Jonestown, Lebanon county, in which he says, that for certain reasons he cannot attend Synod, and gives a report of his official acts during the past year.


No. 5. Is a request of Rev. Bahl, to be excused for his non-attendance at Synod, on account of indisposition; he likewise mentions,

that the money intended for Rev. M. Stock, he paid to him, by the hands of Mr. Probst, Poor-overseer of Cattawissa, and gives a report of his official acts during the past year. Excused.

The Rev. brother Ernst, likewise excused himself on account of indisposition, through brother Keller, and sends 5 dollars as a contribution to the Synodical treasury. Excused.

The report of the second committee was now read, and regularly gone through.

No. 6. Is a letter from Rev. Mr. Schulze of Williamsport, in which he

mentions sickness and poverty, as reasons why he cannot attend the meeting of Synod ; at the same time he sends 10 dollars, which his Congregation had given him to pay his travelling expenses to Synod, as a contribution to the Synodical treasury. The committee is of opinion, that the 10 dollars should be returned to him again.

Resolved: That Rev. Schultze be excused, and that the money be returned to him.

No. 7. Is a letter of Rev. David Kæmmerer, Reformed preacher in Pittsburg, praying for assistance, for Rev. Brandstettner, who is confined to the sick-bed in that city, and who has last year received assistance from this body.

Resolved: That the decision of Mr. Brandstettner's petition, be deferred, till we have ascertained the state of our treasury.

The Rev. Mr. Medtart now informed the Synod, that he resigned the charge of his former congregations at Shepherdstown and Martinsburg, Virginia, and that he has taken charge of St. Mathew's Church in the City of Philadelphia; and at the same time expressed a wish to become a member of our body. Whereupon he was cordially received as a member of our communion.

No. 8. Is a letter from Rev. J. Herpel, in Jefferson, Maryland, in which he mentions, that he left his Congregation in Montgomery county, Penn., and took charge of Congregations in Frederick county, Maryland: he also expresses a wish, to remain a member of this body, and prays Synod to excuse his absence on account of the great distance.

Resolved: That Rev. Herpel's wish be granted him, but that he nevertheless, be advised, to connect himself with the Synod, in whose bounds he resides.

No. 9. Is a petition of a number of Lutherans in Wabash county, Illi

nois, for a Minister, who can preach in both languages; they at

the same time wish a little aid towards his support, as they are yet generally poor, they hope however in a short time to be able themselves to support him amply.

Resolved: That the decision of this petition be deferred, till the Missionary cause is brought up. (See Ministerial Session.)

No. 10. Is a letter of the German Ev. Luth. Zion's-Church in Lancaster, Pa., in which the Vestry mentions, that they have unanimously elected Rev. Mr. Merz as their Pastor, and wish the Synod to confirm him as such.

Deferred to the Ministerium.

The committee, to whom the Minutes of the New-York Synod had been given for examination, reported that they did not find any thing that had special reference to our Synod, except that Rev. W. F. Geissenhainer, jr. had been elected Deputy, and would appear as such among us.

The Examining-Committee reported,

That the following eight brethren appeared as applicants, viz: Messrs. C. W. Schaffer, F. J. Jehle, L. G. Eggers, Stephen Hursch, Merz, Frantz Schulz, Friederick Lauener and Professor F. Schmidt. Among the papers handed over, your Committee find the following: 1. A petition of Mr. C. W. Schaffer to be admitted to examination. 2. A communication of Mr. F. J. Jehle, in which he mentions that he spent three years in the Seminaries at Gettysburg and Columbus, Ohio, in providing for the Evangelical Ministry, and finally enjoyed the instructions of Dr. Demme, and prays likewise to be examined.

5. A call from a Congregation in Mifflin, Columbia county, for Mr. L. G. Eggers.

4. Two testimonials of Professors Schmucker and Hazelius, in favour of Mr. Stephen Hursch.

5. A testimonial in favour of Professor Frederick Schmidt.

6. Testimonials for the christian character of Messrs. Franz Schulz and Frederick Lauener, also a certificate of ordination of the latter, and several sermons for examination.

Your committee move, that the petitions of Messrs. Schmidt, Schaffer, Jehle, Eggers, Hursch, and Merz, be granted and that they be admitted to examination.

In reference to Mr. Franz Schulz, who was formerly a Catholic Priest, and Mr. Frederick Lauener, who belongs to the Reformed kurch, and who have both received ordination, your committee is of

opinion, that both, as they have not yet resided the two legitimateyears in our country, may be viewed by the Rev. Synod, till the expiration of that time, as friends, they must nevertheless submit to a Colloquio, if they entertain hope of their future reception.







The above report was unanimously accepted..

Closed with prayer.

Fourth Session-Afternoon, 3 o'clock.

Opened with prayer.

Report of third committee.

No. 11. A communication from the Lutheran Church-Council of the old Dry-Land congregation, in Northampton county, in which they represent the present state of said congregation, and pray Synod to interfere, on account of Rev. German's installing a second new Church-Council contrary to order.

The committee which the Synod last year, instructed to superintend the election in relation to Rev. J. Jæger, was now called upon to make report; whereupon Dr. Demme stated, that the election was held, and the majority of votes were against Mr. Jæger.

The Report was accepted.

As something was also contained in the report of the 5th committee on this subject, both reports were united and it was resolved, that all papers having reference to the Dry-Land affair, be read.

After this was done, and much had been said upon the subject, it was finally resolved, that the whole matter be referred to a special committee, once more to examine every thing minutely and to make report of the same. The Rev. J. Miller, Schindel, Bætis, and Messrs. Bauersachs and King, were appointed as the committee.

Rev. J. C. Baker now rose and gave a brief account of the Legacy of Mr. Fry, deceased, late of Middletown, Pa. Dr. Schmucker succeeded him, and gave a more minute explanation of the manner, after which the heirs are willing at present, to give the one half of the

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