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Sunday Morning.t

O ALMIGHTY AND EVERLASTING GOD, I prostrate myself before thee to present my humble prayers, and devout supplications, before the throne of thy sacred

Books of Prayers, says an admired writer, composed for private devotion, are very useful, and they are certainly not to be examined with great seventy of judgment.

+ " Let that day," says the ine pus and exemplary Bishop of London, (Porre nal destination by all mer the lowest. Letifeddes

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Majesty. I beseech thee to direct and guide all my thoughts, words, and actions; and grant that no dulness or weariness may attend the performance of my religious duties, or retard my anxious wishes to please thee in all I think, and say, and do. Exempt my mind from all perplexing thoughts, and infuse into my soul the affections which it was meant to inspire. Let me not, however, be misunderstood. I mean not that it should be either to the rich or the poor, or to any human being whatever, a day of gloom and melancholy, a day of superstitious rigour, and of absolute exclusion from all society and all innocent recreation. I know of nothing in scripture that requires this; I know of no good effect that could result from it. On the contrary, it is a festival, a joyful festival; a day to which we ought always to

DR. WATTS truly observes that "RELIGION was never designed to make our pleasures less ;" and we read in the Proverbs, that "her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace.”—“ 'Rejoice in the Lord alway," says the Apostle ; "and again I say, REJOICE." Prov. iii. 17. Philip.iv. 4.

mild and amiable principles which SO peculiarly belong to those who sincerely love thee, and follow thy commandments. Give me a serious disposition to listen to thy blessed word, and a retentive memory to render it efficacious in promoting my present and future happiness. May every good instruction, whether in thy house of

look forward with delight, and enjoy with a thankful and grateful heart. But let it be remembered at the same time, that it is a day which God claims as his own; that he has stamped upon it a peculiar sanctity; and that it ought to be distinguished from every other day, in the first place, by resting from our usual occupations, and giving rest to our servants and our cattle; in the next, by attendance on the public worship of God; and in the remaining intervals, by relaxations and enjoyments peculiarly its own; not by quotidian tumult, noise, and dissipation; but by the calm and silent pleasures of retirement, of recollection, of devout meditation, of secret prayer, yet mingled discreetly with select society, with friendly converse, with sober recreation, and with decent cheerfulness throughout the whole."

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