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which, if we add the 100,000l. for paper, which was in the fame predicament, it will be obvious, that no juft argument can be drawn, from the unfavourable balance in 1675, against a commercial intercourfe with France at the prefent period.

With regard to the profperous state of our woollen trade, few arguments are neceffary; for though the author of the View affected to reprefent it as in the utmost danger of total ruin, he nevertheless, though perhaps inadvertently, acknowledged, upon the authority of the most intelligent perfons, that it is ten times more valuable, taking it generally, than all the foreign trade put together; and that this augmentation of our home trade more than repays all our loffes by foreign countries. When to this confideration we add the acknowledged fuperior quality of the British woollens, is there not the ftrongest reafon to expect that this branch of manufacture will be greatly extended by opening a new channel of commerce ?

The author of the View' laid much ftrefs upon the difference in the price of labour in France and England; but the writer of the Vindication obferves, that, though this difference were greater than it is, the operation of the treaty cannot be affected by it to the difadvantage of Great Britain. He admits that the low price of labour is an advantage in manufacture, but then it affords no temptation to artizans to emigrate; and as the price of labour is always regulated by the degree of demand for it, if the demand increafes, which must happen upon the establishment of new, or the extension of old manufactures,, the price of labour rifes, and the expected advantage is loft.

It has been strongly infifted upon in this difpute, that the price of labour, and even the price of the material, are always decifive in establishing the fuperiority of manufactures; but the author of the Vindication maintains that nothing has lefs foundation in fact, experience, or reafon. He obferves that credit, capital, a quick circulation, knowlege-thefe form the foul, the vital principle of manufactures; and that all other circumftances, however beneficial they may be when put in motion, and invigorated by thefe, are, without them, totally inanimate and ufelefs. Indeed this obfervation feems to be fufficiently. confirmed by experience: for cheapnefs of labour, and of the material, are advantages which molt other countries have poffeffed in a greater degree than England; but credit, capital, and knowlege muft ever flourish molt in a country where property is guarded by wholefome laws, and where the exertions of kill and industry are favoured by a mild and impartial administration,

A few other objections of lefs confequence are noticed by the author of the Vindication, but we prefume we have faid enough to give our readers an idea of the fubject. The more closely we investigate the arguments produced against the treaty, we must candidly acknowledge that they feem to be founded more in mifreprefentation or erroneous conception than in fact; and fuch


fuch being the cafe, we fhou'd confider it as criminal to diffem. ble our opinion on a matter fo important to the most effential interefts of the nation.

Hiftorical and Political Remarks upon the Tariff of the Commercial Treaty. 8vo. 25. 6d. Cadell.

This pamphlet contains many general obfervations on commerce, previous as well as pofterior to the revolution in the trading fyftem of Europe, which took place at the treaty of Munfter. It would neither afford information nor entertain ment to our readers, to accompany the author in his detail, in which, though by no means minute, we cannot help thinking him unneceffarily diffufe, and frequently too remote from the particular object of his researches. As he appears, however, to be well informed, and writes with great moderation, we shall felect one or two of his most pertinent obfervations relative to the tariff of the commercial treaty,

He is of opinion that it will admit of a doubt, whether the proposed rate of reduction of the duties on French brandies be fufficient to prevent fmuggling; for even the duty of seven fhillings the gallon is almoft five hundred per cent. on the prime coft; and whether, by fuch an ineffectual reduction of the duties, the revenue will not fuftain a confiderable lofs, without any adequate compenfation or advantage to the public. That foreign brandies would admit of a yet farther reduction of the duty, to the advantage of the revenue, we cannot entertain any doubt; for there is reafon to fear that a duty of feven fhillings will continue to afford too great a temptation to fmuggling. But this is a meafure which may be easily adopted, and that without the affiftance of our commercial negociator at Paris.

To thofe who are apprehenfive left the French woollens fhould fupplant the British in our home market, the following information will be acceptable,

- Much has been faid of the lownefs of wages and the cheape nefs of materials in this branch of French manufacture, yet it is very demonftrable, that both their very fine cloths and their coarse woollens are as dear as in England. The best cloths of Sedan, Louviers, and Abbeville, fell at twenty fhillings the English yard, and they are generally thought to be of a flighter texture and lefs durable than our fuperfines. At Auxerre, Samur Macon, Grenoble, Vienne, Arles, and many towns in the province of Orleans, coarfe woollen ferges are, for their quality, found to be higher priced than the fame articles are with us their fecond cloths alfo, which do not excel ours of twelve fhillings the yard, either in the texture or the dreffing, are fold at Vervins, Fontaine, Chalons, and other parts of Champagne, and about Poitiers, from fifteen to fixteen livres four fols the yard. At Romantin, indeed, in the generality of Orleans, there is a manufactory of white cloths, made with


equal proportions of Spanish and Berry wool, which is in high eftimation, and from certain local advantages, fends out its goods better finished, and at a more reafonable price.'

This is followed by a curious inftance, related by lord Sheffield, of the preference given to our woollens before thofe of France. Our own obfervation authorizes us to affirm, that, at prefent, the French are unable to rival us in the article of woollen cloth. How long we fhall retain this honourable diftinction must depend on a variety of circumstances.

The Necefity and Policy of the Commercial Treaty with France, &c. confidered. 8vo. 1s. 6d. Richardfon.

The author of the prefent pamphlet founds the expediency of the treaty with France upon the diminution of trade which Great Britain has fuftained by the feparation of America, and the known inability of that country to pay an equivalent for its imports. This is, doubtlefs, an argument in favour of the project; but the conclufion of a profitable commercial treaty with fo great a nation as France, ftands in need of no additional circumftance to recommend its utility. With regard to the treaty in question, this author obferves, that an attempt has been made to excite a clamour against that article which allows of the importation of cambrics into England under certain reftrictions. This article, he remarks, only legalizes what is. every day committed with impunity, and which cannot be prevented; for that every linen-draper's fhop in England abounds with this commodity, imported in defiance of law; and that no more of it will be imported than would have been, had the prohibition continued; confequently that, without any injury to our own manufactures, the revenue will be benefited.

The author next obferves, that an attempt has been made to spread an alarm among the woollen-manufacturers, as if their interefts were facrificed by the prefent treaty; but he observes, with regard to this fubject, that the woollen cloths of France, though confiderably improved within this century, are yet very much inferior to our's, He admits that their fcarlet and black are in high estimation, not for any fuperior excellence in those cloths, but for the beauty and firmnefs of their refpective dyes; yet, high as they are in the efteem of all the world, that their fale, on account of their exceffive dearness, is partial and inconfiderable.

The other parts of this pamphlet are occupied with remarks on the conduct of oppofition. The author's obfervations have generally the appearance of much juftice, and are delivered with temper; but we cannot fay that they are diftinguished by great force, and ftill lefs by elegance of compofition.

An Anfwer to the Complete Investigation of Mr. Eden's Treaty. 8vo. IS. Stockdale.

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The Complete Investigation' being fo nearly allied to the View of the Treaty of Commerce with France,' the principal arguments against that fide of the question have already been


anticipated in our account of the Short Vindication.' Indeed fo concife is the prefent Answer, that the author is filent with refpect to the greater part of the Investigation. This neglect is of lefs confequence, as the invefligator betrayed great prejudice, and the fubject is otherwife elucidated; though we cannot approve the conduct of the author of the pamphlet under confideration, in laying before the public fo inadequate an Anfwer to a production which, from its artful plausibility, merited a more full refutation.

A Letter from a Manchester Manufacturer to the Right Honourable Charles James Fox, or his Political Oppofition to the Commercial Treaty with France. 8vo. IS. Stockdale.

This Letter, which is dated from Manchester, relates to Mr. Fox's oppofition to the commercial treaty with France. The manufacturer expreffes much indignation at fuch conduct; and reproaches Mr. Fox by remarking, that the time has been, and very lately too, when he did not confider himself degraded, or his time mifapplied, in listening to the fuggeftions of a commercial man.

The Letters of an Englishman; in which the Principles and Conduct of the Rockingham Party, when in Adminiflration, and Oppofition, are freely and impartially displayed. ovo. 25. 6d. Stockdale. Thefe Letters were originally printed in the Public Advertifer, and exhibit a view of the principles and conduct of the Rockingham party, when in adminiftration, and oppofition. In this epiftolary colle&ion, Mr. Haftings forms a principal object, concerning whom, on the state of India, the author affirms, that the party were not right, even by accident, in any one affertion they made.' He certainly adduces fome very ftrong arguments in fupport of this propofition, as well as against the political conduct, in general, of thofe whom he defcribes; but though he entrenches himself amidst many ftubborn facts, we cannot confider him as entirely an unprejudiced opponent.

The Letters of a Friend to the Rockingham Party, and of an Englishman. 8vo. 25. Stockdale.

This collection prefents us with ftrictures on the preceding article, by a Friend to the Rockingham Party, and the Englishman's Reply. We cannot acquit the Friend of partiality, any more than the Englishman of prejudice; but, of the two, we must ingenuoufly confefs, that the champion laft mentioned feems to have the better in point of argument.

A Hint to the British Nation on the Violation of their Confiitutional Rights. 8vo. 15. Debrett.

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This pamphlet is occupied with a complaint from fome military gentlemen in the East Indies, relative to the fuperiority of rank which his late majetty was pleafed to confer on the officers of his own army over thofe of the Eaft India company.


This circumftance is held forth to be the more humiliating, as the officers of the militia in England, and the provincials in America, have lately been relieved from the fame invidious distinction.

The True Policy of Great Britain confidered. By Sir Francis Blake, Bart. 8vo. IS. Debrett.


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In a former pamphlet *, fir Francis Blake declared himself of opinion, that Mr. Pitt's plan, relative to the discharge of the national debt, allowing for the contingent intervention of wars, can effect nothing better than to establish in this country a perpetuity of payment to the prefent amount;' and that the greater probability is, that it cannot by any means operate to prevent the ruin of this country.' In the prefent performance, this author propofes the total abolition of cuftoms; that all the ports in Great Britain be made free; and that the whole revenue be collected by a pound rate, which will then raise as much at five, as is now produced at fifteen fhillings. But thefe are not the only admonitions with which we are prefented by fir Francis he now infifts vehemently on maintaining the homage of the British flag, and on diftrufting all the advantages expected to refult from the commercial treaty, at prefent so much the object of attention. He compares it to the Trojan horfe, and conjures us to remember the fate of Troy. He likewife declaims very emphatically against corruption in government; but with regard to this fubject, we must confefs that his ideas feem to be involved in obfcurity. One point, however, is fufficiently intelligible, and we have not the fmalleft inclination to difpute it; we mean the patriotifm of the author; for he folemnly affures us, that, for the good of his country, he would live upon the thing he hates the most, an onion by the day for years to come, and flake the noisome thirst which it would raife with heaven's dew.' One would almoft be tempted to imagine, that this political prophet has caught the mantle of a certain noble earl, who, for feveral years fucceffively, predicted the inevitable deftruction of the nation. We pray to heaven that the baronet, with whofe principles we are not equally fatisfied, may not continue to thunder in our ears this ominous, and, we ardently hope, vifionary doctrine. The New Syftem of Libelling illuftrated, in a Critical Examination of a late Short Review, &c. 8vo. Is. 6d. Debrett.

The Short Review of the Political State of Great Britain,' with all its merits, and all its defects, might foon have been configned to oblivion; but it is indebted for a prolongation of fame to the frivolous cenfures of thofe who affect to despise it. By what motives thofe induftrious commentators are actuated, we fhall not take upon us to determine; but fo much infignificant observation is hardly reconcileable with any other defign than that of deriving a little benefit from a temporary subject.

Efficacy of a Sinking Fund of One Million per Annum considered.


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