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to certain orders prefcribed in the aforefaid book, and to take that privilege of fishing grounds which belong to us before all nations whatfoever; and fo we bid you heartily farewell.

Given, &c. (in 1660.) We likewife infert Sir John Fielding's fcheme for fupplying the London market with fish, taken from extracts of fuch of the penal laws as relate to the peace and good order of this metropolis, and occafioned by a combination to keep up the price of that useful article.

The author apprehends that the inconvenience might be removed, if the gentlemen belonging to the British herring fishery," a large, able, and refpectable body, would (befides the catching of herrings) become fishermen for this metropolis; which, as they have much leifure from their other fifhery, are accustomed to, and converfant in the building of boats, making of nets, and hiring of fishermen, they can carry on, with more eafe, and lefs expence to themselves, and more utility to the public, than any other body whatever. By this means an immenfe quantity of fish would be brought to Billingfgate and Westminster markets, yet not more than this town would confume, and would totally deftroy the prefent monopoly of different fish, viz, lobsters, turbots, &c. as well as the little combinations lately practifed to make an artificial fearcity and as the conveniency of a plenty of fish in London and Weftminfter to all ranks of people, is much easier to be conceived than expreffed, I fhall now mention what feems neceffary to the further ance of this plan and firt, that

the legislature fhould enable the members of the free British herring fifhery to apply a neceffary part of their capital to this propofed fifhery, which cannot be attended with any hazard, as ready money is always paid at the fishmarkets, fo that it will rather enrich the body, and enable them to carry on the herring fishery itself, with more effect and advantage, than to obftruct it.

"Secondly, Befides the provifions made by the late statute relative to fea fifh, an officer fhould be appointed to attend both markets to fee fuch methods faithfully executed, as the legislature fhall think neceffary, to prevent the engroffing or monopolizing of any fish brought to

the faid markets for fale.

"Thirdly, That every perfon felling fish by retail out of the faid markets, fhall be obliged to expofe to open view, from eight to twelve in the morning, whatever fish he has to fell, with a penalty for concealing any part of the fame.

"In this plan, public fpirit and intereft will go hand in hand; and as they will be enabled to fit out a larger fleet of fishing-boats than was ever yet fent to fea, great plenty of fish muft be the confequence, and cheapnefs will naturally. follow ; and by little bounties and rewards which they themselves will be able to give to fishermen, it is hoped that the evil now fo loudly complained of, will be moft effectually cured; and the fifhmongers themfelves, who have lately been the dupes of the fishermen, and the monopolizers of particular fifh, would have reafon to rejoice; for by felling more fifh at reasonable rates, their gain would be the fame."

They write from Paris, that the


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marquis de la Galiffoniere has prefented the royal academy of fciences with feveral pieces of granate, found near Montaign, which will take the finest polish imaginable. It is amazing to fee what plenty of this ftone, which has been thought peculiar to the Upper Egypt, is to be found in France.

A marine belonging to one of his majefty's tenders, was committed at the laft Bristol aflizes, and executed accordingly, for fhooting fome time ago the young man who gives the intelligence of the arrival of fhips at that port, commonly called the


This marine and fome of his comrades had been fhooting birds for their diverfion in a piece of ground where fome women were at work, and on the warner's civilly intreating them to defift or go farther to divert themselves, they gave him very rough language; upon which he withdrew but the marine in question, in a minute or two turned about, and in a barbarous frolick, to fhew himself a good marksman, told his comrades he would fetch that fellow down, and accordingly fhot him dead.


A dreadful fire broke out at Workfop Manor, the feat of his grace the duke of Norfolk. It was firft difcovered in a clofet near the library, that had been newly washed, raging with fuch violence, that notwithflanding the affiftance of feveral neighbouring gentlemen, and moft of the inhabitants in the adjacent villages, it could not be extinguifhed. The engine had little or no effect, as the building was principally of lime-ftone. The chapel, with fome part of the eaft wing, is all that now remains of this late yenerable feat; which, by feveral improvements made by the prefent

duke, was thought to be one of the fineft feats in England. It contained five hundred rooms. The library, pictures, &c. which were very valuable, are entirely confumed; and the magnificent furniture, efpecially a rich bed of needlework, of which the hangings only were faved, fuffered confiderably by this dreadful conflagration. One man loft his life in the rubbish, and another was much burnt. When the duke received the fad account, he faid, God's will be done; and the dutchefs, How many besides us are sufferers by the like calamity! Great as this lofs is to the family, being computed at 100,0001. it will be followed by a ftill greater to the country, as upwards of 12,0001. of late have been yearly paid in wages to workmen who were conftantly employed about the house.


The city of London came to a refolution to give their reprefentatives in parliament inftruction relating to the prefent frate of affairs, and thank Mr. Pitt for his fervices, &c. all which, and Mr. Pitt's anfwer, the reader will find in the State Papers.

Ended the feffions at the Old Bailey, at which four received fentence of death, viz. Richard Parrot, for the wilful murder of his wife, by cutting out her tongue; Efther Bowden, for the murder of her baftard child; John Perrot, a bankrupt, for concealing his effects, [tee our characters for this year ;] and Samuel Lec, for publishing a forged bill of exchange, who were accordingly executed. Twenty received fentence of transportation for feven years, two to be whipped, and one was branded.

Parrot on his first examination appeared to be deaf, tho' his plea,


it is faid, for cutting out his wife's tongue was, that the was an intolerable (cold.

The meffenger who found in a trunk of Perrot's, the half of a 10001. bank note, having delivered it to one of the principal creditors, without putting any mark upon it, faid when it was fhewn him that he could not fwear to the identity of it, and the prifoner's council objected to the gentleman, in whofe poffeffion it was, being examined; but one of the judges, telling the gentleman, if he would give up his right to the proportion he might receive of it, he might then be examined; this the gentleman very readily did, and fwore it to be the identical note he received from the meffenger. 26th. Leeds, Oct. 20. A few days

ago a young woman, about 20, dreffed in man's cloaths, was imprefled at Plymouth, and fent to capt. Toby in this town. On her arrival, the was committed to prifon; but not liking confinement, the difcovered her fex, and was difcharged. She gives the following account of herfelf; that her name is Hannah Whitney; that fhe was born in Ireland, had been a marine on board different fhips for upwards of five years, and would not have difcovered her fex, if he had been allowed her liberty.

Extract of a letter from Great Mal

vern, O&. 16.

"On Wednesday last we had the moft violent thunder ever known in the memory of man. At a quarter pait four in the afternoon, I was furprited with a moft fhocking and difmal noife; a hundred forges (the nearest resemblance I can think of) were they all at work at once, could fearce equal it; I ran to the fore-. door, and cafting my eye upon the

fide of the hill about 400 yards to the fouth west of my houfe, there appeared a prodigious finoke, attended with the fame violent noise. I ran back into the house, and cried out a volcano (for fo I thought) had burft out of the hill; but I had no fooner got back again, than I found it had defcended, and was paffing on within about a hundred yards of the fouth end of my houfe ; it feemed to rife again in the meadow just below it, and continued its progrefs to the eaft, rifing in the fame manner four different times, attended with the fame difinal noise as at firft; the air was filled with a naufeous, fulphureous fmell. I faw it gradually decrease till quite extinguifhed, in a turnip field about a quarter of a mile below my houfe. The turnip leaves, with leaves of trees, dirt, fticks, &c. filled the air, and flew higher than any of these hills. The thunder ceafed before this happened, and the air foon afterwards became calm and ferene. The furprife and astonishment of all ranks of people, during the appearance of this ftrange phænomenon, is fcarcely to be expreffed."

The vaft column of fmoke, mentioned in the above letter, was fo large, that a phyfician of eminence at Worcester, faw it in its progrefs down the hill, about a mile from Feckenham, which is above 20 miles from Malvern.

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of piracy, ordered them to carry

and grandfon. Convicted of va

plicities, impenitent hardnefs, prevarication, and broaching many heretical doctrines.'

back the things laid in the indict-rious impoftures, falfehoods, dument, at the peril of their lives, he was honourably acquitted. Extract of a letter from Lifbon, Sept. 22.

"I cannot fend you a printed lift of the Auto de Fé, which we had on the 20th, becaufe there was none published by the tribunal. This Auto exceeded all we have ever feen in magnificence. Boxes were built round the fquare da Rofico. All the regiments of horfe and foot furrounded the fquare to the gate of the Dominican convent, and each foldier had eight charges.

"The fcaffold built in the cloifter of St. Dominic, on which the criminals had their fentence read to them, was in the form of a theatre, richly adorned. All the nobility, the judges, and great officers of ftate were prefent, but none of the royal family.

"A grand entertainment was given in the convent, by the inquiAitor Nuno de Mello, to all the nobility.

"The number of the criminals amounted to fifty-four, including three in effigy. Father Maligrida was the only perfon burnt at a ftake. His crime is fet forth in the following fentence.

Abandoned in the flesh*, Michael Maligrida, native of Milan, jefuit, for feigning revelations and falfe prophecies, for com'mitting lewd actions, and for following heretical opinions; of which was the aflerting in the life of St. Anne, and in another work of his compofing concerning Antichrift, that the three perfons of the Trinity, were father, fon,


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Philadelphia, Aug. 20. A very laudable example has been fhewn by the paftors, or minifters of the feveral perfuafions in this country, viz. church of England, Prefbyterians, Baptifts, and German Lutherans, in an addrefs to the honourable James Hamilton, Efq; lieutenant-governor, and commander in chief of that province, &c. fetting forth the ill confequences of encouraging gaming and all forts of luxurious and vicious publick diverfions, particularly a new fubfcription by way of lottery, for opening publick gardens, Laths, bagnios, &c. and other schemes of diffipation, which they obferve have already increafed too much within thefe few years: all which they petition the governor to ufe his influence to fupprefs, as they are willing to preferve the character that province has hitherto borne, of a fober, fedate, induftrious, frugal and religious people.-To which the governor has given, his word and honour, that every fcheme tending to the diffipation of the minds of the people fhall be difcountenanced to the utmost of his power.

One Daniel, condemned 31ft. for the murder of his wife, and whofe execution was poftponed as falling on the day of their majefties coronation, has after many refpites received the king's pardon, it appearing by the ftrongeft citcumftances, that the unhappy woman was the author of her own

That is, delivered over to the fecular arm.


death, by throwing herfelf out of the window. He is the firft inftance of a murderer refpited fince the act for their immediate execution.

The inhabitants of Bow were lately greatly alarmed by the appearance of a leopard, which tore a man's leg in a terrible manner, and killed all the dogs that ventured near him; feveral perfons were thrown down by this ferocious animal, and a general confternation enfued. At length fome refolute fellows refolved to deftroy him, and prevent any further mifchief; for which purpose they provided a large quantity of fifhing and other nets, which they found means to throw over him, and luckily entangled him in fuch a manner that all his efforts to efcape were fruitlefs; when clubs, pitch-forks, and other inftruments foon put an end to his life.

A new piece of artillery was tried lately in Dublin, after the manner of marfhal Saxe's amufette; it carries a ball of lead of half a pound, is loaded at the breech by a chamber; its bore is two thirds of the diameter of the fhot, and its point blank range is about 800 yards. It has a ftock and lock, and is fired from the fhoulder like a common mufket, refting on its carriage, which ferves as a parapet to fire over. It is drawn by one man on all occafions, and its carriage is fo contrived, that in cafe of bogs, brooks, ditches, &c. the fhafts lide back, and it is carried by two men like a fedan chair..

A caft gun carriage, of a new invention, has likewife been tried at Woolwich, and highly approved..

Five hundred pounds worth of herrings were lately taken, in one

morning, at Galway, valuing them at 18 or 20 pence per hundred.

A cave containing three acres of ground, feveral beautiful rooms, entered by a narrow floping paffage, that only one perfon can pafs through at a time, has been difcovered near Dry-Harbour, in Jamaica.

By an eftimate made in France in the year 1710, there were then in that kingdom 612 jefuits colleges, 340 refidaries, 59 noviciates, 200 miffionaries, and 24 profeffors houfes of that fociety, amounting in the whole to 20,000 jefuits; and it was thought, that within the 50 years fince that time their houfes are very much enlarged, and their number greatly increased.

As the island of Malta has nothing further to fear on the part of the Turks, the grand mafter has permitted all the knights whom he had fummoned thither for the defence of the ifle, to return to their refpective places of abode. The Italians embarked on board gallies, which failed first to Naples, afterwards to Civita-Vecchia, and from thence to Leghorn. The French were to return home on board a man of war. The island has been well fortified, and provided with every thing for a long and vigorous defence; the commander of Xamora having, for that purpose, advanced to the order the fum of 200,000 crowns at two per cent. and more over made them a free gift of another large fum in ready money. An account of the proceedings of

the French king's frigate Ame thyft, of 32 guns, capt. Oxeoday, (lent to the merchants) from Cape Blanco to the river Gambia.


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