Sir, the atrocious crime of being a young man, which the honourable gentleman has with such spirit and decency charged upon me, I shall neither attempt to palliate nor deny, but content myself with wishing that I may be one of those whose follies may... The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. - Page 331by Samuel Johnson - 1825Full view - About this book
| Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons - 1742 - 528 pages
...palliate, nordeny, but content myfelf with wifhing that I may be one of thole whole Follies mayceale with their Youth, and not of that Number who are ignorant in fpite of Experience. ' Whether Youth can be imputed to any Man as a Reproach, I will not, Sir, aflume... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1787 - 430 pages
...of thofe whofe follies may ceafe with their youth, and not of that number, who are ignorant in fpite of experience. Whether youth can be imputed to any man as a reproach, I will not, Sir, afTume the province of determining ; but furely age maybecome juftly contemptible, if the opportunities... | |
| John Hawkins - Authors, English - 1787 - 640 pages
...thofe whofe ' follies may ceafc with their youth, and not of that number whp ' are ignorant in fpite of experience. ' Whether youth can be imputed to any man as a reproach, I • will not, Sir, afTume tlie province of determining ; but furely ' age may become juflly contemptible, if the opportunities... | |
| Samuel Johnson, John Hawkins - English literature - 1787 - 642 pages
...thofe whofe « follies may ceafe with their youth, and not of that number who • arc ignorant in fpite of experience. ' Whether youth can be imputed to any man as a reproach, I * will not, Sir, aliume the province of determining ; but furely 4 age may become jullly contemptible, if the opportunities... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1787 - 548 pages
...of thofe whofe follies may ceafe with their youth, and not of that number, who arc ignorant in fpite of experience. Whether youth can be imputed to any man as a reproach, 1 will not, Sir, afTume the province of determining ; but furely age may become juftly contemptible,... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1787 - 422 pages
...palliate nor deny, but content myfelf with wifhing that I may be one of thofe whofe follies may ceafe with their youth, and not of that number, who are ignorant in fpite of experience. Whether youth can be .imputed to any man as a reproach, I will not, Sir, aflame... | |
| John Hawkins - Authors, English - 1787 - 632 pages
...follies may ceafe with their youth, and not of that number who ' arc ignorant in fpite of experience. i ' Whether youth can be imputed to any man as a reproach, I f*will not, Sir, affume the province of determining ; but furely *"age may become juftly contemptible,... | |
| John Hawkins - 1787 - 652 pages
...palliate nor deny, but conf tent myfelf with wifhing, that I may be one of thofe whofe * follies may ceafe with their youth, and not of that number who ' are. ignorant in fpite of experience. ' Whether youth can be imputed to any man as a reproach, I f will not, Sir, aflame... | |
| Samuel Johnson - Great Britain - 1787 - 442 pages
...palliate nor deny, but content myfelf with wifhing that I may be one of thofe whole follies may ceafe with their youth, and not of that number, who are ignorant in fpite of experienee. Whether youth can be imputed to any man as a reproach, I will not, Sir, afTume... | |
| John Hawkins - Authors, English - 1787 - 636 pages
...nor deny, but • content myfelf with wifhing, that I may be one of thofe whofe • follies may ceafe with their youth, and not of that number • who are ignorant in fpite of experience. « Whether youth can be imputed to any man as a reproach, • I will not, Sir,... | |
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