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ana. It appears that this is one of the many unplea- rapidly populating with busy and industrious men.*
sant, and often injurious, mistakes that occur, because Many commercial vessels are sailing on the lake-
we have not ingenuity enough to give new names to a steam boat plies every week between Buffalo and
new places! It is New Albany in Pennsylvania, near Detroit, stopping at several towns-three other steam
Brownsville, at which this glass was made; and the boats are building at Buffalo, one at Erie and one at
Pittsburgh papers say that, though it is good glass, it Cleveland. These will be launched in a few weeks.
sells in that city for 25 cents per box less than that The great Ohio canal will soon be begun and speedily
of the manufacture of Pittsburgh.
finished; and then, what an interior voyage may be
made from New York to New Orleans! No country
in the world can present any thing like it.

ANCHORS. The navy commissioners are advertising that they will receive proposals for a large quantity of anchors, to be made out of the "best American tron," and delivered at the different navy yards. Two are to weigh 10,000 lbs. 3, 8,900, 6, 8.600, several 6,700 and 6,400, the rest from 3,500 to 300 pounds.


this subject is about to be published at Philadelphia, A splendid work on embellished with first-rate engravings, &c. The part relative to quadrupeds will make three volumes in octavo. It is written by Dr. John D. GoodmanSome of the principal contributors are Professor Say, Drs. Dekay, Mitchell and Harlan, and Messrs. G. Ord and Charles Bonaparte. It is to be hoped that the association of the latter in this great work, will not offend the "holy alliance." The members of the league may be assured, though the movement of a Bonaparte, from one village to another, is a matter of grave and serious consideration in Europe, that Mr. Joseph Bonaparte and his family are very quiet and orderly people, and much respected by all who have

intercourse with them.

ing is an extract of a letter from a person well acDELAWARE AND CHESAPEAKE CANAL. quainted with the progress now making in this canal: The follow"Its whole length, from the tide lock at Buck creek to that at the Delaware, which will shortly be completely finished, is about 14 miles; 54 of which passes 7 inches. Near this there is to be a bridge, from through a high ridge of land termed the "Deep Cut." The greatest cutting here from the surface is 76 feet which, when this great work shall be completed, the eye can wander and behold the vast products of ing its course to a ready market, whilst the astonished the country bordering on the Susquehannah, windspectator shall be ready to acknowledge the power of width of the canal on the bottom is 36 feet, and at the surface of the water, which will be ten feet above man when blended with art and enterprise. The the bottom, 66 fect, being navigable for sloops.There has been, since the commencement of this work, which was in April, 1824, 12,161,139 cubic yards of earth excavated."

LAW. It will be recollected that a citizen of Rich"CONCORD FIGHT." the of Concord, which took place on the 19th April, ington City Lottery. Mr. Clark first obtained a verThe anniversary of the bat the prize of $100,000 in the "National," or Washmond, Va. named Clark, held the ticket which drew 1775, has been celebrated with much splendor on the dict in his favor, in an action against the corporaspot. Nearly sixty of those who bore arms on that day tion, but another trial was granted, and the matter were present a venerable band! The corner stone has been referred to the supreme court of the United of a monument, to be erected on the place where the States. It is contended, that the managers, on the first blood was shed in the revolution, was laid in part of the corporation, having sold the scheme to ample masonic form. After which, the people moved Gillespie, (who has absconded), that he, only, can be to the meeting house, where prayers were offered held responsible for the payment, though his name and several original pieces sung. These were fol- does not appear on the ticket, and the public knew lowed by the oration of professor Everett, which is nothing more of him than that he was a contractor. spoken of in the strongest possible terms of approba- If this opinion be correct, every seller of lottery tion. Then five hundred persons sat down to a din- tickets must become responsible to the holders of ner, provided for the occasion, at which many good them for the payment of prizes, and any set of matoasts were drunk-among them the following-nagers, by selling a scheme, may so manage as to realize "Concord fight: an electric spark, which, for half a its whole proceeds to themselves, save what it may century, has shaken the world." The celebration be necessary to give some one to be a purchaser of it. of the day was closed by a ball in the evening. All this is well-we cannot believe there is any thing "wicked" in cherishing those feelings, or honoring those deeds which made our country "free, sovereign and independent!" But such things will not longer be called "wicked." The people of the United States are assured that they have a home and a country; and a national feeling is now growing up, perhaps may be said, is established, that will forever forbid a repetition of that blind and slavish devotion which too many had, not very long ago, for foreigners and

their notions.


It would open a door to imposition that could not be closed, and so, perhaps, good might come out of evil, in the destruction of the whole system.

law of this state, every negro is prohibited from car-
rying a gun or keeping a dog.
MARYLAND. By a late repeal of the proviso of a

war in Peru, and gave a rich and populous country to
PERU. As the battle of Ayacucho terminated the
liberty, we insert the official account of that brilliant
affair. It will shew that the Colombians not only
to defend their freedom.
deserve to be free, but also that they well know how

LAKE ERIE. At the beginning of the late war, 1812, we all knew there was a lake called Erie, for we had seen it laid down on the map, and some few persons had visited it but its southern shore, for Spanish troops have lately arrived at Cuba and THE WEST INDIES. A considerable number of many miles in the interior, was a perfect wilderness, Porto Rico, from Spain-also a large body of British except as to a few acres of land adjacent to two or troops at New Providence, from England; and the three little villages, the chief of which was Buffalo-French islands are strongly garrisoned. Besides, a point more distant then from Baltimore than St. Iouis now is. It was as a place on the border of the civilized world! It is now a large town, and will soon be a great city, and there are many flourishing towns on the borders of the lake, and its shore is

addition to the facilities afforded by the steam boa t
*This will easily be supposed from the fact, that, in
and other vessels, there is a line of stages which runs
daily between Buffalo and Erie!

there is, apparently, a more powerful naval force in the West India seas than is usual in time of peace; and, from some articles inserted below, it seems possible that there may be a reason for these things.

SWEDEN. A commission, appointed by the king of Sweden. has just presented a report, containing the result of its researches respecting the increase of the population of the kingdom. Finland excluded, since the year 1748. The number of inhabitants, at that date, was 1,736,482; in 1773, it was 1,958,797; in 1796, it was 2,353,298; and in 1823, it was 2,687,457. The average annual increase, for the whole period of 75 years, was 12,680. In 1923, the number of deaths was 56,057, and of births 98,259, making an excess of 42,192 in a single year. This accelerated increase is attributed to the general comfort produced by the progress of agriculture and industry, and to the propagation of vaccination. In 1779, there were 15,000 deaths by the small pox; in 1822, there were but eleven in the whole kingdom of Sweden.

COM. PORTER. The Washington papers tell us that the court of inquiry for the investigation of the conduct of commodore Porter, on the Faxardo affair, &c. convened at the navy yard in that city on Monday last, present commodore Chauncey, captain Crane and captain Read.

rated by one of our south sea whalers, these islands may, ere long, become of considerable importance, in a commercial point of view; indeed, we are credibly informed, that, within the last three years, the natives of Taheite have enclosed 12,000 acres, and are planting cotton, which is said to possess the finest fibre."

In 1815, the quantity of cotton manufactured in Manchester, England, was 110,000,000 lbs. making 99,587,500 lbs. yarn, at 1s. 6d. 7,487,562. In 1823, 160,000,000 lbs. were manufactured into 145,000,000 lbs. at 1s. 6d. 10,875,0001.

The first steam engine used in' Manchester, was in the year 1790. In the year 1824, there were upwards of 200 engines. At this moment there are upwards of 30,000 looms worked by engines. At the close of the year 1814, there was one in use.

The pacha of Egypt is said to be raising cotton in great quantities: his next crop is expected to produce 400,000 bales.

THE SUPPLY OF COTTON. Two writers, one in the Augusta Chronicle, and the other in the Savannah Georgian, have offered calculations of the consumption and supply of cotton during the year 1825.-The first makes the whole consumption amount to 1,183,644 bales, and the supply, including the stock on hand, 1,285,751-leaving an excess of only 102,107

that the British consumption will be 633,000 bales, and the export 50,000-together 683,000; and that the supply will be 1,016,000 bales, leaving an excess of 333,000 at the end of the year. The rest of Europe, he seems to admit, will consume and be supplied as heretofore. The last appears to be the most probable calculation of the two, and surely will be the safest to act upon.

It is understood that commodore Porter took ex-bales, on the 1st Jan. 1826. The second supposes ception to the composition of the court, on the ground that a majority of the members were officers junior to himself. This exception, being referred to the secretary of the navy, he addressed a note to the court stating, that the opinion of the department, as to the legality of the manner in which the court was composed, had been expressed in the very act which created and convened the court, and that nothing was discovered in the argument of commodore Porter to change the opinion.

The court has commenced the examination of witnesses, (officers of the navy, of course), many of whom are attending this investigation. Among them are captain Cassin, captain Dallas and captain Finch.

HIGH PRICE OF COTTON. The Columbia S. C. Telescope, of the 22d ult. has the following very sensible article on the present high price of cotton We sincerely hope that what is suggested may be attended to; and some, no doubt, will profit by these hints.

weeks, from 15 to 23 cents-120 per cent.* To our farmers this occurrence is of the utmost importance; but it will prove a blessing as it is prudently used.

The most important event that has occurred to the ANECDOTE. When the British fleet arrived off New southern states, in the last five years, is the late exOrleans, in December, 1814, previous to Packen-traordinary rise in cotton, which is now risen, in six ham's landing his army, the admiral of the fleet sent his compliments to general Jackson, and informed that he, (the admiral), would do himself the honor of eating his Christmas dinner in New Orleans. "May be so," replied old Hickory, "but I shall do myself the honor of sitting at the head of the table."

COTTON. The Georgia Journal says, "the cotton market opened last fall at 7 and 8 cents-and yesterday, (the 18th April), twenty-seven cents were of fered and refused!"

It is worth while to stop and reflect a moment, whether the evils that followed the late depressed state of the cotton market were more extensive than those which may possibly result from the present high price of the article? The first taught economy, and brought about a reduced cultivation of the commodity -the other will lead to prodigality, and cause the raising of an extra quantity, which may, and probably will, again reduce the price. But, perhaps, we shall profit by experience.

We trace the causes which have made the change in cotton from the following sources:

1st. The short crop last year.

2d. Increase of manufactories in Europe and America, from the increase of consumption from every part of the world, but more particularly from the free institutions which have recently come into existence in Spanish America.

These are sufficient to justify an increase of price: but not to the extent to which it has reached. As far as we can judge, the market in Europe would, this season, justify our market being at 25 cents, and we believe that, whatever it has reached, above that price, is attributable to the spirit of wild speculation, too common amongst our merchants.

There will inevitably be a re-action, and, though we may count on better prices than we have had, for a few years to come, yet the very cause which has A Paris paper says that the late advance in the prices now, more than any thing else, contributed to the preof cotton, coffee, &c. is caused by an association of sent high value of our cottons, will as inevitably occapitalists in England, who have set aside the enor-casion its final downfall-we allude to the free instimous amount of 100 millions sterling, for the purposes of speculation.

In the Quarterly Review, for December, 1824, in a note to Cruise's visit to New Zealand, is the following, on Otaheite:

"From the improved condition of the Taheitars, as represented by capt. Duperray, and which is corrobo

tutions of Spanish America, occupying a country which, for climate and for soil, doubtless, is superior to our own; and, as far as the culture of cotton is in question, much more extensive; they have only want

*Since writing the above, there has been a decline of a few cents in the market.-Tel.

[ocr errors]

ed our political institutions, to out-rival us in this his antagonist, general Jackson, (who really seems to great staple of the south. These, under the guidance have been more popular of the two, judging by the of Divine Providence, they are acquiring. Their im- number of votes which each received in the different mediate wants they are supplying from the manufac-states), we shall only say, that his election would tories of our raw material, and for which they must and will pay by the creation of a raw material of their


Let us, then, be warned by recent experience and reason. Let us prepare in our prosperity for the adversity which must follow the imprudent use of the present. As our property will rise with our cotton market, let those who are in debt dispose of sufficient to pay their debts-and prudently employ the remainder. While we pay due attention to the cultivation of cotton, let us not neglect the grain crop which must supply our own consumption.

Let us pay strict attention to our stock of hogs and cattle. Let us employ our evenings and wet weather in clothing ourselves and our domestics. Let us ride our own ponies and drink at our own pure fountain. For it is a solemn fact that, in 1817 and 1818, when our cotton was worth above 30 cents, that the whole crop of cotton made, in South Carolina and Georgia, would not pay for the luxuries brought from the West Indies, manufactures from Europe, notions from the eastern states, corn and slaves from the northern and middle states, and hogs and cattle from the western states. To conclude, we sum up all in the following:

have given us less satisfaction. We should have remembered the executions of Arbuthnot and Ambrister -the hero, as he is called, of New Orleans-the fierce and turbulent soldier-but we should have looked in vain for any one action of his life that designated the statesman. Such a man would have appeared to us better qualified to fight the battles of the republic with the backwood Indians, than to preside over its diplomatic relations.

From the same, of March 16. The new president of the United States, as we mentioned yesterday, is the son of the celebrated president John Adams, and was early brought forward in political life, under the auspices of the federal party, the aristocrats of the northern republic. By their influence, he was appointed, in 1801, minister plenipotentiary to the court of Berlin; and by their influence, too, when he was recalled by president Jefferson, he obtained the honorable post of professor at Harvard college, in Massachu setts, and subsequently a nomination to congress.Notwithstanding this, Mr. Quincy Adams afterwards abandoned the party to whom both his father and himself owed their distinction, and wrote in favor of the democratic party. His labored defence of the embargo law lies before us; and of this we need only cite one passage. He ridicules his colleague, Mr. Pickering, for having maintained, (and be it observed that this was in 1808), "that England was contending for the common liberties of mankind, and was the only safe-guard of America against the ambition and injustice of France." But, though we do not look with any great approbation on this part of Mr. Quincy Adams's political career, yet candor obliges us to say that we no where trace in his conduct the violence and bigotry of a blind hater of England. His writings, if not very profound, are moderate; his personal deportment is said to be mild and pleasant, and his mind is THE PRESIDENT. As we have inserted so much certainly, to a considerable degree, cultivated. When matter of "American manufacture" on the late elec- we compare him with his competitar, general Jackson, tion of a president, perhaps it may amuse some of the contrast is striking. Jackson has been always a our readers to see what the British press has pro-democrat; and as democrats in power are generally duced on the same subject-especially that of our old friend "The Courier."

1st. Get out of debt while your property will bring its full value, and stay so.

2d. Make all within yourself which you have to consume at home.

3d. Sell all you make to spare, and then lay out the proceeds on substantial property.

Do these three things, and you will acquire riches by prudence, morality by temperance, individual independence by industry; and happiness from all.

"And may you better reck the rede,

"Than e'er did the advisers."

despotic, his conduct, as a general, was arbitrary and ferocious in the extreme. He is the favorite of the mob; because the mob is always servile, and always ready to follow an armed and arbitrary leader. The mob of England were for Cromwell, the mob of Rome for Casar, and the mob of France for Bonaparte.

There are a few mistakes, in point of fact, as to what is stated in the "Courier"-but this is so generally the case in British papers, when they speak of American affairs, that it is not necessary to notice ther.

From the London Courier, of March 15. The arrival of New York papers, to the 13th ult. enables us to lay before our readers much interesting matter, connected with the election of president of the United States. The successful candidate, it will be seen, is John Quincy Adams; but the manner of his election, by the union of Mr. Clay's interest, seems to have grievously offended general Jackson's friends. Their outcries are loud and vehement; and, what must appear wonderful to the admirers af republican purity, corrupt motives, and an utter disregard of public rights, are WONDERFUL! Lord Lauderdale, in the British house as freely charged upon the successful party, as they of lords, commenting on the danger likely to arise would be in England, where, we are told, by a cer- from rash speculations, stated that "there were, at tain class of perennial politicians, those vices emi-present, piaced at the command of the directors and nently flourish. We, ourselves, are not surprised at all this, inasmuch as we think men are only men, and are no more in the habit of looking for angels in republics than in monarchies; but it must strangely puzzle those who are never at a loss for a model, when they inveigh against their own country.

other managers of the joint stock companies, more than 1.200,000,000"-[nine hundred millions of dollars!] four times as much, he added, as any minister had raised by loan, at once, during the war.

Lord Liverpool, in deprecating, with lord Lauder-. dale, so wild a spirit, took the opportunity to declare, The clection of Mr. Adams, however, is one upon that, though, in times of pressure and calamity, the which we feel inclined to congratulate the people of government had, heretofore, on application of bankthe United States. He filled the office of secretary ers and merchants, issued exchequer bills for their of state, (generally considered the immediate step-relief, he would never consent to, nay, he would ping stone to the presidential chair), and is the son of strenuously oppose, under all circumstances, any the former president Adams. He represented his such issue in favor of these joint stock companies. country at several European courts, and among others, at our own. He is considered a man of high

GAMBLING IN STOCKS. In a recent debate in the literary attainment, a character which some of his British house of commons, on the incorporation of e public papers, as secretary of state, fully justify. Of new mining company

There can be little doubt that this new experiment

AFRICA. Some new particulars of the interior of this quarter of the world may soon be expected The English major Denham has just returned from a residence of eighteen months with the Schick of a powerful nation in "central Africa,"

Mr. Baring said it was deplorable to see the gam-1 bling mania that was at present abroad; it had seized on the credulity of the British people, will fill the upon all classes, and was spreading itself in all parts pockets of a few knowing schemers; and some of the of the country. If it was to be lamented that men of associations may produce profit to the proprietors of the first rank and family in the country haunted gam-shares; but, it is more than probable, that most of bling houses at the west end of the town; it was still them will turn out to be mere bubbles, the bursting of more to be lamented that merchants at the east end which will awaken many a silly adventurer from a of it should imitate their example, and make a gam- dream of brilliant splendor to a gloomy reality of [Nat. Journal. bling house of the royal exchange. He saw no dif- loss and disappointment. ference between the gambling of the noblemen in the hells of St James' street and the gambling of the merchant on the royal exchange, except that the latter kept earlier hours and more respectable company than the former (Hear.) The evil was certainly one which deserved to be checked, though he hardly knew how the check could be applied. The remedy would be worse than the disease, if, in putting a stop A MOOT CASE. Newburgh, New York, April 5. to this evil, they put a stop to the spirit of enterprise. circuit court and court of oyer and terminer was He believed that all the mining speculations would held in this village, during the last week, under the turn out to be delusions, and that many innocent per-presidency of judge Betts, on Monday, and the resons, who had embarked their little capital in them, mainder of the term under that of judge Edwards, of with the expectation of realizing large fortunes, the first district. would be awakened some day, unpleasantly, from their dreams of grandeur, by the intelligence that their all was lost.

BRITISH STOCK COMPANIES. The rage for forming joint stock companies in England, exceeds, at this moment, every mania which has gone before it, and left its trace on the history of the country. From the London papers, which have just reached us, we copy the following list: The Anglo-Mexican, Anglo-Chilian, Brazilian, Chilian, Colombian, General mining association, Pasco-Peruvian, Royal Irish, Real del Monte, United Mexican, Ditto New, Welsh iron and coal. All these are mining companies. We would recommend the addition of a North Carolina company to the list. Independent of the above, we find the following companies, all, like the others, with their stock in the market, and all bearing a premium of from 3 to 300 per cent. viz: Atlantic and Pacific, British iron company, Canada company, Chilian and Peruvian, Colombian colonial, General steam navigation, Great Westminster dairy, Hibernian joint stock company, Mexican company, Metropolitan fish, Pearl fishery, Yellow receipt, (from which we may infer the existence of an opposition of some other color), Irish provincial bank, Patent bricks, Patent steam carriage, Royal stannary. Then, again, we have the Tlalpuxahua, the Amsterdam, the Gold Coast association, the Metropolitan Alderney dairy; the South American gem; the Imperial Brazilian mining; the Guatamala association; the British Barilla and Soda, Arigna iron and coal mines; Birmingham and Liverpool rail-way; London Northern ditto; London and Bristol ditto; Yucatan indigo; Isthmus of Suez canal; Rio de la Plata agricultural; Irish silk; Irish flax and hemp; Atlantic mining and Pearl; Imperial distillery; British distillery; Stone and slate; Leasehold investment; Steam washing; Irish manufactures; Genuine drug; and a hundred other companies.

On the second reading of the bill to incorporate the Pasco-Peruvian company, a considerable discussion | took place in the house of commons, from which, it is evident, that there was a considerable exertion of Lobby influence on the subject. By the opponents of the bill the scheme was decried as delusive, and intended only for the benefit of a few unprincipled gamblers. The advocates of the measure, on the other hand, censured the opposition, as intended to depreciate the value of shares in the market. Several members of parliament admitted themselves to be shareholders; and the general character of the discussion was such as not to add much to the dignity of the house, nor the pure disinterestedness of its memberg.


The cause which excited the most interest was that of the bank of Newburgh against Thomas Powell, survivor of Jacob and Thomas Powell. This action was brought, some three or four years ago, against the defendants, for $2,300, the amount of a check which the bank affirmed had been received from the Mechanics' bank in the city of N. York, and charged, in the course of business, to the defendants. Payment was resisted, on their part, on the ground of forgery. This cause had been tried at a former court, and the decision set aside by the supreme court; and was now brought on for a second hearing. It commenced on Tuesday morning. The bank of Newburgh proved, through its officers and clerks, the positive receipt of the check from the Mechanics' bank of New York, and maintained, by a great number of witnesses, its genuineness. The defence maintained, with equal ability, that the check was a forgery, and had never They were supportbeen in the bank at New York. ed by the cashier and all the clerks in the bank, except a Mr. Colfax, who was in the bank at the time, and is since dead.

The amount of the check, and the supposed connection the decision had with the reputation of the parties; the great number of highly respectable witnesses who had, in some way, been connected with the parties, or were called on to judge of the hand writing of the defendants,and the diversity of their judgments, gave unusual interest to the trial. It was continued until Thursday afternoon, and the mystery of its genuineness or forgery, and how it found an existence, remained undiscovered-when Mr. Oakley addressed the court, and stated: "That the counsel for the parties had investigated the subject for three days, and that they were unable to come to any satisfactory solution of the question in dispute-that the bank was satisfied that the defendants had never received a consideration for the check, and, from the evidence before the court, the matter of forgery was unsettled; he then paid a just tribute to the pure motives of the defendants, and to the memory and integrity of Mr. Jacob Powell, whose check was the matter of dispute; and said he was authorized, by the surviving defendant, to say that the bank directors, in prosecuting for the amount, had acted a fair and honorable part, and that he had no imputation to cast on any of its officers; that, after making these frank declarations, and with these views, the parties had agreed to divide the loss, and each one pay its A conclusion more satisfactory, perhaps, own cost." than a verdict for either of the parties would have [Index. been.

IMPORTANT DECISION. In the case of the owner of tho sloop Eliza against the sloop Decatur, judge Pe

ters, of the district court of the United States, for the eastern district of Pennsylvania, has given judgment for plaintiff to the amount of $298 72. It appeared that the Eliza, last November, was sailing upon the Delaware, with all hands upon deck; the Decatur was discovered coming on the same, (the larboard), tack; the Eliza put about, and while the crew was trimming down the jib, the Decatur run down the Eliza, and sunk her, so that she was entirely lost. As the Eliza was ahead, and to the windward, it was proper for the Decatur, either to bear away or tack, in season, to avoid the windward vessel-the windward being the right hand at sea.

ANOTHER. The Charleston Courier contains the following highly important decision, and which, from the circumstance of its being a novel case, is the more interesting.

In the federal circuit court, now sitting in this city, his honor, judge Lee, overruled a demurrer which was filed in a case, and the ground of which was, that an alien who, by the act of South Carolina, had become a denizen, so as to enable him to hold land, Lost thereby his privilege of suing in the courts of the United States. As this ground is entirely novel, and the decision of the court was able and conclusive, it is hoped that it may be hereafter published.

ever, the old one of cutting straight through the Isthmus of Darien, which, even at the narrowest part, would be a work of incalculable labor and expense, and indeed would probably never accommodate any vessels larger than barges. A line has been discovered in the new state, entitled the "The United Provinces of Central America," formed by rivers and lakes, which will only require a canal of twelve miles long, and the clearing of a river channel, to complete an entire water passage for large ships, from one ocean to the other. Surveys of the whole communication were found in the office of a late Spanish minister of marine; for the bigotted government of Spain, în conformity with its general colonial policy, kept all information of this kind as secret as possible, lest foreigners should take advantage of it. The propos ed capital of the company is only one million, and it seems that mining in Guatamala is said to be united with the other object. It is thought that the toll, which the South sea whalers alone could well afford to pay, would make the proposed canal a profitable scheme. If the data upon which the plan is founded are correct, the undertaking will be one of encrmous benefit, and will effect a sort of revolution in our distant and most valuable commerce. There could not eertainly be a better time for trying such a speculation with the requisite spirit. There only wants now a canal through the isthmus of Suez, and then the two great desiderata, for which all geographers have sighed, would be accomplished, and little of circuitous navigation left in the world!

THE ELEVEN MILLION LOAN. Treasury department, April 29, 1825. Notice is hereby given, that, on the first day of October next, the principal of the six per cent. stock of the United States, created under the Capt. Isaac Doane, who is at Washington city, authority of an act of congress, entitled "An act au- has written a letter to judge Woodward, (who is also thorizing a loan for a sum not exceeding eleven mil- there), on the subject of this projected canal, and, lions of dollars," approved on the fourteenth day of among other things, says--"Captain Cook, by astrono March, one thousand eight hundred and twelve, toge-mical observations, ascertained that the waters on the ther with the interest then due thereon, will be paid Atlantic side were nineteen and a half feet higher to the proprietors of said stock, or to their attorneys than the Pacific, occasioned by the immense rush of duly authorized, at the treasury of the United States, water into the bays of Campeachy and Honduras, in Washington, and at the several loan offices, on the impelled by the trade winds. This great accumulation books of which any portion of said stock may stand. of water now finds vent between cape Florida and A surrender of the certificates of said stock will be Cuba, where it runs with a velocity of five or six required at the time of payment. The interost on miles per hour, of a breadth of about 100 miles, and said stock will cease, from and after the thirtieth at an unknown depth. It takes its course along our day of September next. SAML. L. SOUthard, southern coast in a N. E. direction, brushing past the different projections of the coast, until it gets into the latitude of the Delaware, when it curves more to the OHIO. In 1810, Stark and Wayne counties, (in-castward, nearly touching George's and Newfound cluding that part of Holmes which was taken from land banks; then east southerly, until it strikes the Wayne), contained 2,734 inhabitants-of which coast of Africa; then south and south westerly, along Wayne had but 332. At that time, this district of the coast of Africa, until it loses itself about the laticountry had 3 tanneries, 56 looms, and made 584 tude of 4 to 8 north, replacing the water blown to the yards of woollen goods. In 1824, the same territory westward. Hence, the gulf stream may be said to contained about 30,000 inhabitants, and manufactured form a circle, and runs, with more or less velocity, not less than 90,000 yards of woollen goods. In 1810, as it is more or less compressed. I now come to the this territory had 5 grist-mills-there are now 30 in point. When this canal is opened, the rush of water Stark county. At that time there was but one dis-into the Pacific will be immense, and probably eat tillery; we cannot tell the present number-but our away a passage for itself equal in magnitude to the increase, in this particular, we apprehend, is equal, straits of Gibraltar. It follows, of course, that all perhaps superior, to any other-but we are firm ir those places on the Atlantic side of the continent, from the faith, that the distillery in operation in 1810, how-cape Florida to Porto Cavello, will reclaim from the ever small, would be enough, and more than enough, at the present day.

Acting secretary of the treasury.

Ohio paper.

ocean all banks that have nineteen feet water thereon, and the effect, on our coast, from the Delaware to SHIP CANAL THROUGH CENTRAL AMERICA. From the gerous shoals of Hatteras, Cape Fear, Cape Look-Out cape Florida, will be proportionably effected; the danlatest London papers. A bill is now passing through and Cape Romain will be dry. The gulf stream will the house of commons for the incorporation of a com- be done away; navigation rendered safe and easy. pany whose purpose is to make a passage for ships, The Florida reef will be stripped of all its terrors, from the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean, through the and our voyages from the eastern ports to Cuba, and narrow country which connects North and South the ports in the bay, rendered shorter and safer. But America. The immense advantage arising from such these are minor considerations to what I am now an undertaking is apparent to every one who looks at coming at. Lands about the mouth of the Mississippi a map of the world. The long and dangerous voyage will be vastly improved-the descent of the mouth around the vast American continent, by Cape Horn, being nineteen feet more, will cause the current of the will be thereby saved to all vessels going to the great river to eat away its bed, and leave the banks compaSouth sea; while the voyage to India and China will ratively high. It will drain immense marshes, that are be shortened 9 or 10,000 miles. The plan is not, how- I now unproductive and unhealthy; do away the ex

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