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At ultimi nepotes,

Et cordatior ætas

Judicia rebus æquiora forsitan

Adhibebit integro sinu.

Tum livore sepulto,

Si quid meremur sana posteritas sciet
Rousio favente.

Ode tribus constat Strophis, totidémque Antistrophis, unâ demum Epodo calusis, quas, tameși omnes nec versuum numero, nec certis ubique colis exacté respondeant, ita tamen secuimus, commodè legendi potiùs quàm ad antiquos concinendi modos rationem spectantes. Alioquin hoc genus rectiùs fortasse dici monostrophicum debuerat. Metra partim sunt κατὰ σχέσιν, partim ἀπολελυμένα. Phaleucia quæ sunt Spondæum tertio loco bis admittunt, quod idem in secundo loco Catullus ad libitum fecit.

Ad Christinam Succorum Reginam nomine Cromwelli.
BELLIPOTENS Virgo, septem Regina Trionum,
Christina, Arctoï lucida stella poli,

Cernis quas merui dura sub casside rugas,
Utque senex armis impiger ora tero;
Invia fatorum dum per vestigia nitor,
Exequor et populi fortia jussa manu.
Ast tibi submittit frontem reverentior umbra;
Nec sunt hi vultus Regibus usque truces,


Explaining the antiquated and difficult Words in MILTON'S poetical Works.

P. L. stands for Paradise Lost; P. R. for Paradise Regain'd; S. A. for Samson Agonistes; P.for the Poems; and S. for the Sonnets. The letters i, ii, iii, &c. denote the books; the figures 1, 2, 3, c. the verses.

When a word occurs but once or twice, or is taken in a peculiar sense, or has different senses in different places; in all these cases the places are pointed out.

As Milton's critics differ as to the sense of some words, some preferring one sense and some another, the different senses are often given.

The etymology of a great many words is given, and frequently the literal, or original, as well as the metaphorical signification.


To abash, to put into confusion, to make ashamed

To abide, P. L. iv. 87. to bear or support the con sequences of a thing

Abject, contemptible, or of no value, P. L. ix 571. without hope or regard, S. A. 169

Absolved, Absolute, P, L. vii. 94. viii. 421, 547. finished, compleated, perfected; from the Latin. absolutus

Acanthus, the herb Bear's-foot.

Acclame, a shout of praise, acclamation

Arquist, S. A. 1755. the same as acquisition; acquirement, attainment, gain

To admit, to commit, used in the Latin sense, P. L. viii. 637

Adorn, P. L. viii. 576. (an adjective.) Made so adorn, &c. finely dressed

Adust, Adusted, burnt up, hot as with fire, scorched, dried with fire

Advis'd, P. L. vi. 674 (a participial adverbial), advisedly, designedly

Afer, P. L, x. 702. the south-west wind

Afflicted, P. L. i. 186. routed, ruined, utterly broken; in the Latin sense of the word. It otherwise signifies put to pain, grieved, tormented Affront, outrage, contempt, P. R. iii. 161.; open opposition, encounter, S. A. 531

Agape, P. L. v. 357. (an adverb), staring with eagerness

Aghast, struck with horror, as at the sight of a spectre; stupified with terror

Agonistes, an actor, a prize-fighter; Gr. 'Ayovisns, ludio, histrio, actor scenicus


P. L. ii. 517, the name of that art which

is the sublimer part of chymistry, the transmutation of metals. It is what is corruptly pronounced ookamy, i. e. any mixed metal

Alp, P. L. ii. 620. S. A. 628. for mountain in ge

neral. In the strict etymology of the word it signifies a mountain white with snow. It is commonly appropriated to the high mountains which separate Italy from France and Germany Altern, P. L. vii. 348. (an adjective), acting by turns, in succession each to the other To Alternate, to perform alternately.

Alternate hymns, P. L. v. 656, 657. sing by turns, and answer one another

Amarant, P. L. iii. 353. 'Aμàpavlos, for unfading, that decayeth not; a flower of a purple velvet colour, which, though gathered, keeps its beauty, and when all other flowers fade, recovers its lus tre by being sprinkled with a little water Ambition, that which adds fuel to the flame of pride, and claps spurs to those furious and inordinate desires that break forth into the most execrable acts to accomplish men's haughty designs. Milton stigmatizes ambition as a worse sin than pride, P. L. iv. 40. See Pride. A going about with studiousness and affectation to gain praise, as the origin of the Latin word imports, S. A. 247 Ambrosial, partaking of the nature or qualities of ambrosia, the imaginary food of the gods; fragrant, delicious, delectable. Milton applies this epithet to the night, P. L. v. 642

To amerce, P. L. i. 609. to deprive, to forfeit. It properly signifies to mulct, to fine; but here it has a strange affinity with the Greek àμépòw, to deprive, to take away

Amice, P. R. iv. 427. clothing; the first or undermost part of a priest's habit, over which he wears the alb; derived from the Latin, amicio, to clothe

Ammiral, P. L. i. 294. the same as Admiral, the principal commander of a fleet

Amorous. Milton seems to use this word, P. R. ii. 162. rather in the sense of the Italian amoroso, which is applied to any thing relating to the pas-. sion of love, than in its common English acceptation, in which it generally expresses something of the passion itself

Amphisbana, P. L. x. 524. a.serpent said to have a head at both ends; so named of auqibarra, because it went foreward either way

Anarch, P. L. ii. 988. the author of confusion
Angelic virtue, P. L. v. 371. an angel

To announce, P. R. iv.504. to publish, to proclaim

Antarctic, P.L. ix. 79. the southern pole, so called, as opposite to the northern

Antic, S. A. 1325. one that plays antics; he that uses odd gesticulation; a buffoon

Apathy, P. L. ii. 564. not feeling, exemption. from passion; freedom from mental pertur


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