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Cloth'd with the fun, thy robes of light
The morning rays outshine;

The lamps of heav'n are not so bright,
Thy Husband decks thee fine.
Though hellish smoke thy duties stain,
And fin deforms thee quite;
Thy Surety's merit makes thee clean,
Thy Husband's beauty white.
Thy pray'rs and tears, nor pure, nor good,
But vile and loathsome seem;

Yet gain, by dipping in his blood,
Thy Husband's high esteem.

No fear thou starve, though wants be great, in him thou art complete:+

Thy hungry foul may hopeful wait,


Thy Husband gives thee meat.
Thy money, merit, pow'r, and pelf,
Were squander'd by thy fall;
Yet, having nothing in thyself,
Thy husband is thy all.
Law-precepts, threats, may both beset
To crave of thee their due;
But justice for thy double debt
Thy Husband did pursue.
Though justice stern as much belong
As mercy to a God;
Yet justice suffer'd here no wrong,
Thy Husband's back was broad.
He bore the load of wrath alone,
That mercy might take vent;
Heav'n's pointed arrows all upon
Thy Husband's heart were spent.

† Col ii. ro.


No partial pay could justice still,
No farthing was retrench'd;
Vengeance exacted all, until
Thy Husband all advanc'd.
He paid in liquid golden red
Each mite the law requir'd,
Till with a loud 'Tis finished†,
Thy Husband's breath expir'd.
No process more the law can tent;
Thou stand'st within its verge,
And mayst at pleasure now present
Thy Husband's full discharge.
Though new contracted guilt beget
New fears of divine ire;

Yet fear thou not, though drown'd in debt,

Thy Husband is the payer.

God might in rigour thee indite

Of highest crimes and flaws;
But on thy head no curse can light,

Thy Husband is the cause.


CHRIST the believer's friend, prophet, priest, king, defence, guide, guard, help, and healer.

EAR soul, when all the human race

DELay weltring in their gore,

Vast numbers in that dismal case
Thy Husband passed o'er.
But pray, why did he thousands pass,
And fet his heart on thee?
The deep, the searchless reason was,
Thy Husband's love is free.

† John xix. 30,

The forms of favour, names of grace,
And offices of love,


He bears for thee, with open face
Thy Husband's kindness prove.
'Gainst darkness black, and error blind,
Thou hast a fun and shield*:
And, to reveal the Father's mind,
Thy Husband's Prophet seal'd.
He likewise to procure thy peace,
And save from fin's arrest,
Refign'd himself a facrifice;
Thy Husband is thy Priest.
And that he might thy will fubject,
And sweetly captive bring,
Thy sins subdue, his throne erect,
Thy Husband is thy King.
Though num'rous and affaulting foes
Thy joyful peace may mar;
And thou a thousand battles lose,
Thy Husband wins the war.
Hell's forces, which thy mind appal,
His arm can foon dispatch;
How strong foe'er, yet for them all
Thy Husband's more than match.
Though fecret lufts with hid contest,
By heavy groans reveal'd,
And devils rage; yet do their best,
Thy Husband keeps the field.
When, in defertion's evening dark,
Thy steps are apt to flide,
His conduct seek, his counsel mark,
Thy Husband is thy guide.

Pfalm xxxiv. ΙΙ.



In doubts, renouncing self-conceit,
His word and Spirit prize:
He never counsell'd wrong as yet,
Thy Husband is so wife.
When weak, thy refuge seest at hand,
Yet cannot run the length:
'Tis present pow'r to understand
Thy Husband is thy strength.
When shaking storms annoy thy heart,
His word commands a calm:
When bleeding wounds, to ease thy smart,
Thy Husband's blood is balm.
Truft creatures, nor to help thy thrall,
Nor to affuage thy grief:
Use means, but look beyond them all,
Thy Husband's thy relief.
If Heav'n prescribe a bitter drug,
Fret not with froward will:
This carriage may thy cure prorogue;
Thy Husband wants not skill.
He fees the fore, he knows the cure
Will most adapted be;
'Tis then most reasonable, fure,
Thy Husband choose for thee.
Friendship is in his chastisements,
And favour in his frowns;
Thence judge not then in heavy plaints,
Thy Husband thee disowns.
The deeper his sharp lancet go
In ripping up thy wound,
The more thy healing shall unto
Thy Husband's praise redound.


CHRIST the believer's wonderful physician, and wealthy friend.


IND Jesus empties whom he'll fill,
Casts down whom he will raise;
He quickens whom he seems to kill;
Thy Husband thus gets praise.
When awful rods are in his hand,
There's mercy in his mind;
When clouds upon his brow do stand,
Thy Husband's heart is kind.
In various changes to and fro,
He'll ever conftant prove;
Nor can his kindness come and go,
Thy Husband's name is Love.
His friends in most afflicted lot
His favour most have felt;
For when they're try'd in furnace hot,
Thy Husband's bowels melt.
When he his bride or wounds or heals,
Heart kindness does him move;
And wraps in frowns as well as smiles,
Thy Husband's lasting love.
In's hand no cure could ever fail,
Though of a helpless state
He can in desp'rate cases heal,
Thy Husband's art's so great.
The medicine he did prepare,
Can't fail to work for good :
O balfan pow'rful, precious, rare,
Thy Husband's facred blood:

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