His Spirit in the gospel chariot rides, hides. His love in gracious offers to her bears, In kindly answers to her doubts and fears, Resolving all objections more or less From former fins, or present worthlefsness. Persuades her mind of's conjugal confent, And then impow'rs her heart to say, Content. Content to be divorced from the law, No more the yoke of legal terms to draw. Content that he diffolve the former match, And to himself alone her heart attach. Content to join with Christ at any rate, And wed him as her everlasting mate. Content that he should ever wear the bays, And of her whole salvation have the praife. Content that he should rife, though the should And to be nothing, that he may be all. [fall, Content that he, because she nought can do, Do for her all her work, and in her too. Here she a peremptory mind displays, That he do all the work, get all the praise. And now she is, which ne'er till now took place, Content entirely to be sav'd by grace. She owns that her damnation just would be, And therefore her falvation must be free: That nothing being hers but fin and thrall, She must be debtor unto grace for all. Hence comes she to him in her naked cafe, To be invested with his righteousness. She comes, as guilty, to a pardon free; As vile and filthy, to a cleansing sea: E 1 As poor and empty, to the richest stock; } 'Lo! all my burdens may in him be eas'd; The justice I offended he has pleas'd; The bliss that I have forfeit he procur'd; 'The curse that I deserved he endur'd; 'The law that I have broken he obey'd; The debt that I contracted he has paid: 'And though a match unfit for him I be, ' I find him ev'ry way most fit for me. [part, 'Sweet Lord, I think, would thou thyself im'I'd welcome thee with open hand and heart. 'But thou that sav'st by price, must save by ' O fend thy Spirit in a fiery show'r, [pow'r; • This cold and frozen heart of mine to thaw, That nought, save cords of burning, love, can 6 draw. O draw me, Lord, then will I run to thee, ' And glad into thy glowing bosom flee. 'I own myself a mass of fin and hell, ' A brat that can do nothing but rebel: ‘But didst thou not, as facred pages shew*, '(When rifing up to spoil the hellish crew, 'That had by thousands, sinners captive made, 'And hadst in conquʻring chains them captive 'Get donatives, not for thy proper gain, [led) But royal bounties for rebellious men, 'Gifts, graces, and the Spirit without bounds, 'For God's new house with man on firmer grounds? 'O then let me a rebel now come speed, Thy holy Spirit is the gift I need. 'His precious graces too, the glorious grant, 'Thou kindly promis'd, and 1 greatly want. 'Thou art exalted to the highest place, 'To give repentance forth, and ev'ry gracet. * Pfal. Ixviii. 18. † Acts v. 31. •O Giver of spiritual life and breath, The author and the finifer of faith; • Thou húsband-like must ev'ry thing provide, 'If e'er the like of me become thy bride.* SECT V. Faith's view of the freedom of grace, cordial renunciation of all its own ragged righteousness, and formal acceptance of and closing with the person of glorious CHRIST. T HE bride with open eyes, that once were dim, The Prince, who is not in difpenfing nice, 6 O glory to the Lord, that grace is free, * Elfe never would it light on guilty me. I nothing have with me to be its price, • But hellish blackness, enmity, and vice.' In former times the durst prefuming come To grace's market with a petty sum Of duties, prayers, tears, a boafted fet, Expecting Heav'n would thus be in her debt. These were the price, at least she did suppose She'd be the welcomer because of those: But now the fees the vileness of her vogue, The dung that close doth ev'ry duty clog; ‡ Heb. xii. 2. The fin that doth her holiness reprove, * Heb. i. 3. 1 |