Paradise Lost, 1668-1968: Three Centuries of CommentaryEarl Roy Miner, William Moeck, Steven Edward Jablonski The Commentary, the first full version on Paradise Lost since the Richardsons' in 1734, combines numerous resources with features used for the first time. It includes the best commentary from Annotations like Patrick Hume's (1695), to the variorum editions of Newton (1749) and Todd (1801-42), and the modern professional editions culminating in Alastair Fowler's (1968). Other elements include an essay on the early pre-annotative criticism from 1668, including Marvell, Dryden, Dennis, and others; copious use of the OED; numerous cross-references to Milton's other works and passages in Paradise Lost; fourteen excurses and other contributions by the present editors. This Commentary is itself a research library for Paradise Lost. It uniquely presents biblical, classical, and vernacular citations: the ultimate rather than a more recent source is cited, so dating the comment; every cited passage is quoted, and every question is in English. Only a text of the poem is required. Earl Miner is Townsend Martin, Class of 1917, Professor of English and Comparative Literature at Princeton University, William Moeck teaches English at Nassau Community College. Steven Jablonski is a public librari |
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Page 153
... glory .... thou shalt see my back parts : but my face shall not be seen . " [ N , citing Greenwood ] ¶Visu- ally , the lines recall Moses ' accounts in Exodus 24.15 365-67 Then Crown'd again thir gold'n Harps they took ... Like Quivers ...
... glory .... thou shalt see my back parts : but my face shall not be seen . " [ N , citing Greenwood ] ¶Visu- ally , the lines recall Moses ' accounts in Exodus 24.15 365-67 Then Crown'd again thir gold'n Harps they took ... Like Quivers ...
Page 387
... glory obtained to be styled great conquerors . " Newton read it to mean that " To overcome , etc. shall be held the highest pitch of glory , and shall be done for that purpose , shall be achieved for that end and purpose . " Todd ...
... glory obtained to be styled great conquerors . " Newton read it to mean that " To overcome , etc. shall be held the highest pitch of glory , and shall be done for that purpose , shall be achieved for that end and purpose . " Todd ...
Page 409
... glory . As Fowler says , it is not clear whether 369-71 include only the kingdom of grace or that of glory as well . [ EM ] 370-71 bound his Reign / With earths wide bounds , his glory with the Heav'ns . Virgil , Aeneid 1.287 , “ who ...
... glory . As Fowler says , it is not clear whether 369-71 include only the kingdom of grace or that of glory as well . [ EM ] 370-71 bound his Reign / With earths wide bounds , his glory with the Heav'ns . Virgil , Aeneid 1.287 , “ who ...
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