This, as we say, must have been the case in diabolic possessions, where the Body only was thus supernaturally affected. Yet in those, where the mind alone, or equally with the body, suffered by these disorders, I confess, we might expect some extraordinary marks or symptons of supernatural Agency, when it was for the purpose of the EVIL SPIRIT to display his Power. Here the immaterial principle within us affords larger room, and more conveniences to be acted upon, by an exterior agent: although the irregular efforts of the mind itself are so wonderful as to be frequently mistaken for a foreign agency. Yet this notwithstanding, there are, in these mental disorders, powers exhibited, that can never be mistaken, by a careful observer, for its own. Some of which, are, in fact, recorded to have been exerted; in order, as it were, to confute these learned men, who seem to think we ought to reject all diabolic possessions but such as are ascertained by Symptoms supernatural. ६ An instance of such we have in* the Damsel possessed. with the Spirit of DIVINATION, who brought her Master much gain by SOOTHSAYING. This Woman, Paul dispossessed, and so spoiled her Master's trade; who thereupon raised a fierce persecution against the Apostle. The symptoms of Divination and Soothsaying, that is, telling of things absent, and foretelling things future, were certainly supernatural; and, for such, must be acknowledged by the Objectors; who I hope will not yet forget the Personages, they have assumed, of Believers: against whom only this reasoning on the Demoniacs is directed and addressed. Having now seen what these learned Writers have to oppose to my System of the Gospel-Demoniacs: I crave leave, in the next place, to bespeak their attention to what I have to urge against theirs. Enough hath been said to shew that this is no trifling or unimportant Question. The untoward consequences being these, which unavoidably follow the Concession, that Jesus and his Dise * Acts xvi. 16, & seq. : ciples did only accommodate themselves to the fanciful and superstitious opinions of the times, in placing natural distempers in the visionary Class of Supernatural. 1. Unbelievers may conclude (and by too many they will be supposed not to conclude amiss) that much advantage is hereby gained over the Evidences of our Faith. While it is believed, from the testimony of the Evangelists, that Jesus cast out Devils, and healed such as were possessed with them, that plausible subterfuge against his miraculous cures, which pretends that the relief afforded * .. * See Sermon On the Fall of Satan, (vol. x. of this Edit.) which completes this Note. The Reader will pleuse to observe, that to the fol• lowing INDEX, is subjoined an Alphabetical LIST of AUTHORS, &c. quoted in The DIVINE LEGATION; which quotations are not referred to in the Index. INDEX TO THE DIVINE LEGATION. A. ABIMELECH, account of him Abraham, a brief historical view of the call of God to him and his family - by some authors taken for Zoroaster - vol. iv. p. 88 iv. 438 - supposed by M. Fourmont to be Cronon - the true meaning of the blessing pronounced on him, pointed out ν. 394 - exposition of the history of the command to sacrifice his son Isaac - vi. 3-24 - explanation of "Our Father Abraham wished to see my the import of God's revelation to him explained in what sense said by Christ to have seen his day, vi. 23.31 times Adoption, account of the practice of, in ancient and modern - ii. 91 Adoration, Prideaux's account of the ancient form of, iv. 199 ii. 174 Æneas, exposition of the story of his descent into hell, ii. 78 ibid. ii. 85 personally alludes to Augustus - description of his shield ii, 160 Æsculapius, observation on the ancient story and character of - ii. 172 Africans, deductions from their knowledge of a future state Alexander the Great, the probable motive of his commu- Job, and the Ode of Horace, "O Navis referunt," v. 447 religious, distinguished - vi. 48 argument deduced from the general passion for, vi. 101 Alliance of Church and State, mutual inducements to enter invention of, prior to the time of Moses America, remarks on the religion of the Natives of, i. 304 - - - remarks on the language of from the book of ii. 331 Anatomy, practised and studied by the ancient Egyp- tians Ancients, enquiry into their opinions concerning the immor- iv. 103 tality of the soul - iii. 148 |