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"kindreds of the nations fhall worship before "thee," Pfal. xxii. 27. "God be merciful un"to us, that thy way may be known upon "earth, thy faving health among all nations. "God fhall blefs us: and all the ends of the "earth fhall fear him," Pfal. lxvii. 1, 2. 7. “He "fhall have dominion alfo from fea to fea, and "from the river unto the ends of the earth.

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Yea, all kings fhall fall down before him all "nations fhall ferve him.-Men fhall be blessed "in him all nations fhall call him bleffed," Pfal. lxxii. 8. 11. 17. "Thou shalt arife, and "have mercy upon Zion ;-fo the heathen shall "fear the name of the Lord, and all the kings "of the earth thy glory," Pfal. cii. 13. 15. "And it fhall come to pafs in the last days, that "the mountain of the Lord's house shall be ef"tablished in the top of the mountains, and "fhall be exalted above the hills, and all na"tions shall flow unto it', Ifa. ii. 2. "The Gen"tiles fhall come to thy light, and kings to the brightnefs of thy rifing. The abundance of "the fea fhall be converted unto thee, the for"ces of the Gentiles fhall come unto thee," Ifa. 1x. 3. 5. "At that time they fhall call Jerufa"lem the throne of the Lord, and all the nations fhall be gathered unto it, to the name of "the Lord, to Jerufalem: neither fhall they "walk

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(1) Zech. ix. 10. Micah iv. 1, 2.

"walk any more after the imagination of their " evil heart," Jer. iii. 17." The Gentiles fhall "come unto thee from the ends of the earth, " and fhall fay, Surely our fathers have inherit"ed lies, vanity, and things wherein there is no profit," Jer. xvi. 19. "The ftone that fmote "the image became a great mountain, and fill"ed the whole earth," Dan. ii. 35. "I faw "in the night visions, and behold, one like the "Son of man ;-and there was given him do"minion, and glory, and a kingdom,that all

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people, nations, and languages fhould ferve "him: his dominion is an evarlafting dominion, "which shall not pafs away, and his kingdom "that which fhall not be deftroyed;-and the

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kingdom, and dominion, and the greatness of "the kingdom under the whole heaven fhall "be given to the people of the faints of the "moft High, whofe kingdom is an everlasting


kingdom, and all dominions fhall ferve and o"bey him," Dan. vii. 13, 14. 27. "The Lord"will famish all the gods of the earth, and men "fhall worship him, every one from his place, "even all the ifles of the heathen," Zeph. ii. II. "I will turn to the people a pure language, "that they may all call upon the name of the "Lord, to ferve him with one confent," Zeph. iii. 9. "Thus faith the Lord of hofts, It fhall. yet come to pafs, that there fhall come people, "and

" and the inhabitants of many cities: And the "inhabitants of one city fhall go to another,


faying, Let us go fpeedily and pray before the "Lord, and to feek the Lord of Hofts: I will go alfo. Yea, many people, and strong nations feek the Lord of hofts in Jeru pray before the Lord," Zech. "And the Lord fhall be king

"shall come to "falem, and to

viii. 20, 21, 22.


❝ over all the earth: in that day fhall there be one Lord, and his name one," Zech. xiv. "From the rifing of the fun, even unto the go"ing down of the fame, my Name shall be great

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among the Gentiles, and in every place in"cenfe fhall be offered unto my Name, and a

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pure offering; for my Name fhall be great

among the heathen, faith the Lord of hofts," Mal. i. I. "And there were great voices in "heaven, faying, The kingdoms of this world "are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of "his Chrift, and he fhall reign for ever and "ever," Rev. xi. 15.

II. The church at this period fhall be united in the use of the fame government and ordinances, in doctrine and difcipline, fo as to constitute one body. In proof of this affertion, obferve, fuch union actually subfiited betwixt the feveral parts of the primitive church, though extenfively diffused over the earth. In confequence.


of this union, the church is reprefented by the metaphor of a woman, Rev. xii. 1. During the reign of Antichrift, this woman is "hid in the "wilderness;" that is, the church as a community is invisible in the world. But the period of her state in the wilderness, being limited to 1260 years, this implies, that at the close of that period she shall again be visible as a community, confequently united in the use of the fame government and ordinances.

Again, the Millennial church fhall be formed chiefly by the miniftry of the converted Jews; "for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and "the word of the Lord from Jerufalem," Ifa. ii. 3.; and they fhall form the several churches converted by them, upon the plan of their own national church, being the model they received from God in the wilderness. This circumstance was one great cause of the union which prevailed in the primitive church. All the Gentiles were converted by Jews, and when it is repeated immediately before, and during the Millennium, it fhall occafion a fimilar union at that period.

The feveral texts which intimate that the Gentiles fhall flow into Jerufalem, Ifa. ii. 2. and Ix. 1.-7. imply; not only that they fhall be admitted members of the church, but likewife that they shall confider the Jewish church


as a centre of union, to which all controverfies fhall be referred, and to whofe decifions they fhall fubmit. This was another circumftance which prevented divifion in the primitive church, as appears from the reference of the controversy respecting circumcifion, Acts xv. 22.—30.

The reality and neceffity of fuch an union among the members of the Millennial church, is afferted by Zechariah, chap. xiv. 16, 17. " And "it fhall come to pafs, that every one that is “left of all the nations which came against Je

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rufalem, fhall even go up, from year to year, "to worship the King, the Lord of hofts, and "to keep the feast of tabernacles. And it fhall "be, that whofo will not come up of all the fa"milies of the earth unto Jerufalem to worship "the King, the Lord of hofts, even upon them "fhall be no rain.' To keep the feast of tabernacles at Jerufalem, according to the Mofaick inftitution, at that period in which the church extends over all the earth, is obviously impoffible, because of the great distance of many places from Jerufalem. By the feaft of tabernacles, we are to understand in general, the gofpel-ordinances, fo called, not only in allufion to the Mofaick inftitution, but in regard the Jews actually dwelt in tabernacles, in the wilderness of Affyria, when the knowledge of these ordinances is communicated to them, Hofea 3 H


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