THE MONTHLY REPOSITORY AND REVIEW OF THEOLOGY AND GENERAL LITERATURE. NEW SERIES, VOL. V. JANUARY TO DECEMBER, 1831. LONDON: PUBLISHED BY C. FOX, 67, PATERNOSTER ROW; R. HUNTER, ST. PAUL'S PREFACE. THE readers of the MONTHLY REPOSITORY have already been apprized of the change which has taken place in its Proprietorship, by the Editor's purchase of the Copyright and Stock from the Unitarian Association. The principles which it advocates, and the objects to which it is devoted, remain the same ; and the exertions of the Editor will be unceasing to render it increasingly efficient for the promotion of Knowledge and Truth, of Civil and Religious Liberty, and of whatever tends to facilitate the improvement and multiply the happiness of mankind. In the pursuit of these objects he hopes for the continuance and extension of the assistance which has already been so kindly afforded him; for the support of enlightened, zealous, and benevolent Chistians; and for the blessing of Divine Providence. MONTHLY REPOSITORY OFFICE, 67, PATERNOSTER ROW. |