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From seats of power divine; and hope, or trust,
That our Existence winds her stately course
Beneath the Sun, like Ganges, to make part
Of a living Ocean; or, to sink engulfed
Like Niger, in impenetrable sands

And utter darkness: thought which may be faced,
Though comfortless! Not of myself I speak ;
Such acquiescence neither doth imply,

In me, a meekly-bending spirit


By natural piety; nor a lofty mind,
By philosophic discipline prepared

For calm subjection to acknowledged law;
Pleased to have been, contented not to be.
Such palms I boast not; no! to me, who find,
Reviewing my past way, much to condemn,
Little to praise, and nothing to regret
(Save some remembrances of dream-like joys
That scarcely seem to have belonged to me)
If I must take my choice between the pair
That rule alternately the weary hours,
Night is than day more acceptable; - sleep
Doth, in my estimate of good, appear

A better state than waking; death than sleep:
Feelingly sweet is stillness after storm,
Though under covert of the wormy ground!

Yet be it said, in justice to myself,

That in more genial times, when I was free
To explore the destiny of human kind,
(Not as an intellectual game pursued
With curious subtilty, from wish to cheat
Irksome sensations; but by love of truth
Urged on, or haply by intense delight

In feeding thought, wherever thought could feed)
I did not rank with those (too dull or nice,
For to my judgment such they then appeared,
Or too aspiring, thankless at the best)
Who, in this frame of human life, perceive
An object whereunto their souls are tied
In discontented wedlock; nor did e'er,
From me, those dark impervious shades, that hang
Upon the region whither we are bound,
Exclude a power to enjoy the vital beams
Of present sunshine. Deities that float

On wings, angelic Spirits, I could muse
O'er what from eldest time we have been told

Ŏf your bright forms and glorious faculties,
And with the imagination be content,
Not wishing more; repining not to tread
The little sinuous path of earthly care,

By flowers embellished, and by springs refreshed.
-"Blow winds of Autumn!-let your chilling breath
"Take the live herbage from the mead, and strip
"The shady forest of its green attire,

"And let the bursting clouds to fury rouse
"The gentle Brooks! - Your desolating sway,"
Thus I exclaimed, "no sadness sheds on me,
"And no disorder in your rage I find.
"What dignity, what beauty, in this change
"From mild to angry, and from sad to gay,
"Alternate and revolving! How benign,
"How rich in animation and delight,
"How bountiful these elements


"With aught, as more desirable and fair, "Devised by Fancy for the Golden Age;

"Or the perpetual warbling that prevails "In Arcady, beneath unaltered skies,

"Through the long Year in constant quiet bound,


Night hushed as night, and day serene as day!”.
But why this tedious record?.

Is garrulous; and solitude is apt

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To anticipate the privilege of Age.

Age, we know,

From far ye come; and surely with a hope
Of better entertainment-let us hence!

Loth to forsake the spot, and still more loth To be diverted from our present theme,

I said, "My thoughts agreeing, Sir, with yours,
Would push this censure farther; - for, if smiles
Of scornful pity be the just reward

Of Poesy, thus courteously employed
In framing models to improve the scheme
Of Man's existence, and recast the world,
Why should not grave Philosophy be styled,
Herself, a Dreamer of a kindred stock,
A Dreamer yet more spiritless and dull?
Yes, shall the fine immunities she boasts
Establish sounder titles of esteem

For Her, who (all too timid and reserved
For onset, for resistance too inert,
Too weak for suffering, and for hope too tame)
Placed among flowery gardens, curtained round
With world-excluding groves, the Brotherhood
Of soft Epicureans, taught - if they

The ends of being would secure, and win

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The crown of wisdom to yield up their souls To a voluptuous unconcern, preferring

Tranquillity to all things. Or is She,"

I cried, "more worthy of regard, the Power,
Who, for the sake of sterner quiet, closed

The Stoic's heart against the vain approach
Of admiration, and all sense of joy?"

His Countenance gave notice that my Accorded little with his present mind;


I ceased, and he resumed.-"Ah! gentle Sir,
Slight, if you will, the means; but spare to slight
The end of those, who did, by system, rank,

As the prime object of a wise Man's aim,
Security from shock of accident,

Release from fear; and cherished peaceful days
For their own sakes, as mortal life's chief good,
And only reasonable felicity.

What motive drew, what impulse, I would ask,
Through a long course of later ages, drove
The Hermit to his Cell in forest wide;
Or what detained him, till his closing eyes
Took their last farewell of the sun and stars,
Fast anchored in the desert? Not alone

Dread of the persecuting sword-remorse,
Wrongs unredressed, or insults unavenged
And unavengeable, defeated pride,
Prosperity subverted, maddening want,
Friendship betrayed, affection unreturned,
Love with despair, or grief in agony:

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