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Anderson, William, LL.D., Treatise
on Regeneration, noticed, 394.
Anderson's Rufus, D.D., Gospel in
Bible Lands, noticed, 571.
Augustine's Works, noticed, 561.


Bähr's, K. W. F., Book of the Kings,
noticed, 782.

Ballou's, Maturin M., Treasury of

Thought, noticed, 569.

Barnes's, Rev. Albert, Notes on the
Gospels, noticed 783.
Barrows, Prof. E. P., article by, 39,
427, 640. Sacred Geography and
Antiquities, noticed, 564.

Bascom, Prof. J., article by, 401,698.
Baumstark's, Ch. E., Christian Apol-
ogetics, noticed, 779.

Beecher's, Rev. H. W., Sermons, no-
ticed, 786; Lecture-Room Talks,
noticed. 787.

Bruce's, Rev. A. B., Training of the
Twelve, noticed, 203.

Butler's, Rev. William, Land of the
Veda, noticed, 582.

Casper's, A., Footsteps of Christ,

Translated by A. E. Rodham, no-
ticed, 394.

Chaplin's, Jeremiah, D. D., Life of
Henry Dunster, noticed, 573.
Characteristics of the Growth of
Christ's Kingdom, article on, by
Samuel Harris, D.D.; the pro-
gress is spiritual, 459; it is by the
instrumentality of the gospel, 460;
Christianity should not be regard-
ed as philosophy, 461; progress
not to be promoted by force, 463;
progress without observation, 464;
progress providential, 465; remov-
ing of obstacles, 466; the growth
of certain interests and customs
favorable to the growth of God's
kingdom, 467; lessons taught by
this, 468; the progress of the king-
dom by epochs, 469; the epochs
not the growth, but the results of
the growth, 470; an epoch not

necessarily by violence, 470; the
kingdom not responsible for the
violence incidental to the epochs
in its progress, 471; this violence
an evil, 473; epochs not always
recognized as such, 473; the pro-
gress usually further than the
agents had intended, 474; epochs
necessitate new ideas and a new
policy, 475; progress cumulative,
476; a demonstration of Christi-
anity by its life-giving power, the
great want of the age, 478.
Christ as a practical Observer of
Nature, Persons, and Events, arti-
cle on, by Rev. Selah Merrill, 510;
the mind of Christ intensely prac-
tical, 510; few things escaped his
notice, 512; Christ a man of cor-
'rect observation, 530.
Christian Law of Service, The,
article on, by Samuel Harris,
D.D., 310; the principle on which
the Christian law of service rests,
310; the first aspect of this prin-
ciple, greatness for service, 311;
greatness carries in it the obli-
gation to service, 311; the ability,
the measure of the service, 311;
the applications of the law, both
to the choice of business and to the
use of its gains, 312; every legiti-
mate business a service to human-
ity, 313; exchanges under the law
of reciprocity give scope to Chris-
tian service, 314; legitimate busi-
ness a service because productive,
315; a man renders service in
business by improving its methods,
316; by exhibiting strict integrity
and a high sense of honor, 317;
a man's influence outside of his
business affected by his character
in his business, 317; the Christian
law of service as applied to his
use of the gains of business, 317;
reasons for the Christian law of
service, 318; the example of the
Saviour, 318; the law, in accord-
ance with our best instincts. 318;

greatness comes by service, 319; | Collyer's, Rev. Robert, Sermons, no-

a man by service attains the most
intrinsic greatness, the most influ-
ence, 319; the law accords with
enlightened self-interest, 320; the
character expressed in service
the noblest type of character, 320;
such service brings into action all
the energies, 321; great respon-
sibilities develop greatness, 322;
society attains its best condition
only as governed by the law of
love, 323; a man does business
most thoroughly when he does it
as a service for God, 323; evil
effects of work only for gain, 324;
especially to society, 325; the
dividing line between selfishness
and Christian benevolence, 327;
worldly business not necessarily
worldliness, 327; the law of ser-
vice not fulfilled by giving merely
a part of one's income, 329; the
line not to be drawn between
what one expends on himself and
what he gives away, 330; is a
Christian justified in expending
money on himself beyond the
necessaries of life? 330; a life of
indulgence, 331; a life of service
333; blessedness possible only in
the realization of moral ideas,
333; this type of life sometimes
one-sided and defective, 334; in
Christian civilization the moral
forces predominate, 325; the Chris-
tian life springs from the sense of
sin and condemnation, 336; the
advancement of Christ's kingdom,
diffusive, 336.

Church Creeds, article on, by Enoch
Pond, D.D., 538; creeds necessary
to a church, 538; objections to
creeds, 538; not an infringement
upon Christian liberty, 539; objec-
tion that they cannot be understood,
540; creeds important as a testi-
mony to the great truths of the
gospel, 541; as promoting unity
and confidence, 541; as a means
of preserving the purity of the
church, 541; adopted by all de-
nominations, 542; how much shall
be embraced in a creed? 543; not
the same in all cases, 544; can a
church change its creed? 545.

ticed, 587.

Cowles, Rev. H., article by, 623.
Cowles, Rev. Henry, Revelation of
John, noticed, 204; Psalms, with
Notes, noticed, 781.
Cremer's, Hermann, Biblico-Theo-
logical Lexicon of New Testament
Greek, noticed, 562.
Czerwenka's, B., History of the Evan-
gelical Church in Bohemia, no-
ticed, 386.


Darwinism, article on, by Frederic
Gardiner, D.D., 240; the works
in which Darwin's peculiar theo-
ries are set forth, 240; his theory
to be distinguished from the theory
of evolution, 242; statement of
his theory, 242; reception, on the
part of the public, of Darwin's
theory, 243; total absence of
reference to the Scriptures, 245;
theologians have stood aloof from
the discussion of Darwinism, 246;
public reception of Darwin's sub-
sidiary theories of "pangenesis"
and "sexual selection," 248; the
reception of his theory of sexual
selection a matter of prediction
rather than history, 250; consid-
eration of the theory of evolution,
252; in the general in harmony
with the Mosaic account of the
creation, 252; the theory of evo-
lution more precisely defined, 255;
argument in its favor drawn from
the manifest gradation of rank in
the animal and vegetable king-
doms, 256; from the analogy be-
tween evolution and embryonic
development, 257; from the prev-
alent similarity in points of struc-
ture and constitution, 258; "rudi-
mentary structures as seen in
animals, 258; the argument from
"homology," 260; the geographi-
cal distribution of animals, 260;
the argument from "abnormal
reversions," 260; the cumulative
force of these arguments, 261; the
truth of the theory of evolution to
be assumed in the argument on
Darwinism, 262; arguments in
favor of Darwinism, 262; it alone
gives a rational account of the

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process of evolution, 262; the va-
riability of all plants and animals,
262; the geological succession of
plants and animals, 265; "mim-
icry," explained in the Darwinian
theory only, 266; the general
harmony and adaptation of nature
accounted for, as is claimed, by
Darwinism, 268; examples of
Darwin's mode of reasoning, 269;
examples of petitio principii, 271;
apt to take as the basis of an
argument what has not been
proved, 272; proof of the descent
of man by Dr. Maudsley, 274;
Darwin's theory of the origin of
man, 276; the intelligence of man
different from that of brutes,
276; language as used by men
and by brutes, 277; the applica-
bility of Darwinism to man denied
by some of the most powerful
advocates of Darwinism, especially
by Mr. Wallace, 279; was man's
original state that of the savage?
282; evidence of the antiquity of
man,282; calculations as to the an-
tiquity of man resting on an in-
secure basis, 283; a past period,
indefinitely long, required for the
development of man, 285; argu-
ment of Sir W. Thompson on this
point, 286; Mivart's arguments
against Darwinism, 287.
Delitzsch's, Franz, Biblical Commen-
tary on the Psalms (Translation),
noticed, 201, 576.
Destructive Analysis in Theology,
article on, by Prof. Lemuel S.
Potwin, 419.

Deutsch's, Solomon, Key to the Pen-
tateuch, noticed, 202.
Dorner's, Dr. I. A., History of
Protestant Theology, noticed, 206. |
Dr. Hodge's Systematic Theology,
article on, 553; merits of the
work, 553; Hodge's views of the
origin of the idea of God, 553; he
supposes the existence of God can
be proved, and also that it is self-
evident, 553; he has not shown
that the perception of God's exist-
ence is so immediate as to prove it
innate, 554; has not shown that
the knowledge of God is so uni-
versal as to prove it innate, 556;
VOL. XXIX. No. 116. .


does not show that the scriptures
and history prove the knowledge
of God to be innate, 558; he has
not shown that the belief in the
divine existence is so necessary as
to prove it to be innate, 559.

Egyptology, article on, by Joseph
P. Thompson, D.D., 771; Revue
Archéologique, 771; Lenormant's
Memoirs upon the Ethiopian Epoch
in Egyptian History, 771; de
Rouge's Analysis of Geographical
Inscriptions at Edfou, 771; Mono-
graphs of Lepsius on Egyptian Art,


English Eloquence and Debate,
article on, by George Shepard,
D.D., 22; sketch of eloquence as
exhibited in the English Parlia-
ment, 22; little eloquence more
than two centuries ago, 22; period
of the civil war in 1640, 23; time
of Queen Anne, 23; of George
the First, 24; three periods of Eng-
lish debate, 28; Irish eloquence,
29; American eloquence, 30; com-
parison of ancient and modern
eloquence, 31; few valuable prin-
ciples to be deduced from the his-
tory of English eloquence, 33; the
power to reach men an admirable
power, 35; the purpose of the
speaker modifies all that comes
from him, 37.


Frank's, Dr. F. H. R., System of
Christian Certitude, noticed, 196.


Gardiner, Prof. Frederic, articles by,
240, 593.
Girdleston's, Rev. R. B., Synonyms

of the Old Testament, noticed, 400.
Grätz's, Prof. H., Book of Ecclesias-
tes, noticed, 386.

Harris, Prof. Samuel, articles by,
114, 310, 459, 602.
Heard's, Rev. J. B., Tripartite Na-
ture of Man, noticed, 577.
Hebrew Grammar and Lexicogra-
phy, article on, by Rev. George
H. Whittemore, 547; merits of
Gesenius's Student's Hebrew
Grammar and Lexicon, 547; the
historical survey of the Hebrew

language contained in the Gram-
mar, 548; changes that have af-
fected the sounds of the language
have affected its vowel system,
548; substitution of the English
w for the German w or v as the
equivalent of the Hebrew vav,
549; origin of the vowel sounds,
549; the treatment of the verb
and of participial and infinitive
forms of nouns, 550; merits of the
Student's Hebrew Lexicon, 551.
Hefele's, Dr. Chas. J., History of the

Christian Councils, noticed, 507.
Hengstenberg's, E. W., Book of Job,
noticed, 387.

Herrick, Prof. J. R., article by, 209.
Hoffmann's, Dr., Deutschland, no-
ticed, 199.


Infant Baptism and a Regenerated
Church-Membership Irreconcila-
ble, article on, by Rev. W. H. H.
Marsh, 665; prevalent vagueness
of conception in regard to the
relation of baptized children to
the church, 667; the subject of
personal regeneration related to
all theories of the church-member-
ship of baptized children, 678;
reasons for which infant baptism
and a regenerated church-mem-
bership are irreconcilable, 687;
the great difference between Bap-
tists and Paedobaptists, in the
realization of the idea of a regen-
erated church-membership, 697.
Influence of the Pulpit, The, article
on, by Prof. John Bascom, 698;
power of the preacher in general,
698; the pulpit often disparaged,
699; the pulpit undervalued, 702;
sources of its influence, 704; the
identification of the pulpit with
progress, 709; means of enlarging
the influence of the pulpit, 711;
increased cultivation permeated
by faith, 711; broader defence of
Christian principles, 714; moral
force with which religious truths
are held, 716.

Influence of the Press, The, article
on, by Prof. John Bascom, 401:
the printing-press a powerful agent
in civilization, 401; glance at the
history of newspapers, 401; the

popular element in the press gain-
ing ground rapidly, 403; results
of the newspaper growth, 404; on
the privacy of life, 404; it inten-
sifies in a high degree the passing
impressions of the hour, 406; loss
of individuality, 407; the press
unfavorable to moral integrity
and soundness, 408; the press a
constant means of reaching private
ends, 410; exclusion of articles
of real merit, 411; the press a
strong incentive to personal van-
ity, 412; reason for dwelling on
these evils, 412; the levelling
down of literature and science to
the popular mind inevitable, 414;
excessive pride of Americans in
their newspapers, 415; the ener-
getic character of our reforms due
to the press, 415; two sorts of
influence belonging to the press,
involuntary and designed, 416;
injurious effects of the publication
of the details of crime, 417.


John i. 26, 'Ey Banτíw èv vdatu.
Exegesis of, article, by Rev. J.
Tracy, D.D.,532; alleged error in
using with in the place of in, 532;
σúv not understood where no prep-
osition is used, 532; év primarily
expresses locality, 533; it cannot
be rendered into, 534; still un cer-
tain whether John baptized by
immersion, 537.

Jowett's, B., Dialogues of Plato,
noticed, 392.


Keim's Dr. T., History of Jesus of
Nazareth, noticed, 197, 384.
Krauth's, Charles P., D.D., Con-
servative Reformation and its
Theology, noticed, 204.

Kubel's Social and Economic Legis-
lation of the Old Testament, no-
ticed, 200.

Lange's, Dr. J. P, Life of the Lord
Jesus Christ, noticed, 564.
Lawrence's, Rev. E. A., D.D., Life

of Joel Hawes, D.D., noticed, 573.
Lecky on Morals, article on, by

Prof. J. R. Herrick, 209; rela-
tion of the principles of ethics to

theological opinions, 209; design |
of Lecky's History of Morals, 210;
his views of ethical principles im-
portant to be understood, 211;
his classification of theories, 211;
the ethics of interest, 212; objec-
tions to the ethics of interest, 213;
his views of intuitive morals, 215;
the argument in favor of the
ethics of interest drawn from the
diversity of moral judgments,
216; his exposition of the intui-
tive theory of morals faulty, 216;
he does not recognize an objective
standard of morals in the divine
reason, 218; nor in the human
reason, 219; the perpetual change
in the standard of morals and in
the relative value of particular
virtues, 220; his account of moral
types unsatisfactory, 221; treat-
ment of Christianity unsatisfac-
tory, 223; as shown in his account
of the condition of the Roman
empire, 223; account of Pagan
morality, 224; his glorification of
stoicism, 225; his account of the
moral character of Christian Rome,
226; he is unjust to Christianity
because he does not recognize the
cycles of civilization from a true
historic point of view, 228; his
false assumption that Rome was
converted and Christianity propa-
gated by simply natural agencies,
230; comparison of his positions
with each other, 231; manner in
which he regards miracles as con-
nected with the introduction of
Christianity, 233; comparison of
the Pagan and Christian systems
of morals important, 236: Chris-
tianity a system of instruction of
a peculiar character, 236; the
facts of the gospel history insepa-
rable parts of the Christian sys-
tem, 237.

Lyell's Student's Elements of Geol-
ogy, article on, by John B. Perry,



"Man of Sin," 2 Thess. ii. 3-9, The,

article on, by Prof. Cowles, 623.
Marriott's, Rev. W. B., Testimony
of the Catacombs, noticed, 396.
Marsh, Rev. W. H. H., article by, 665.

McCosh's, James, D.D., Christianity

and Positivism, noticed, 207.
Merrill, Rev. Selah, article by, 510.
Müller's, Max, Lectures on the
Science of Religion, noticed, 580.
Murphy, J. C., LL.D., articles by,
74, 289.


Nott's, Pres. Eliphalet, Resurrection
of Christ, noticed, 784.
Noyes's, Prof. Daniel J., Memoir of
N. G. Upham, noticed, 568.

Organic and Visible Manifestation
of Christ's Kingdom, and the
Human Agency in its Advance-
ment, The, article on, by Prof.
Samuel Harris, 114; the church
the organic outgrowth in human
history of the life that is in Christ,
114; the Spirit present where the
church is, and the church existent
only where the Spirit is, 115; the
true idea of the church as the
outgrowth of the life that is in
Christ, 117; the Spirit acts pri-
marily on individuals, 117; the
church an organized association
of persons renewed by the Holy
Spirit, 118; the individualism of
the church, 119; this statement
historically proved, 120; the con-
stitution of the church has fur-
nished an important principle of
political and social progress, 121;
the church as an organization
subordinate to the life, 122; the
organization the outgrowth of
the life, 122; the organization ex-
ists for the life, 122, the church
not mediatorial, 123; this idea of
the church has penetrated politi-
cal and social institutions, 123;
the church not a mediator between
God and man, 125; the truths of
Christianity uttered in the hier-
archial church only in monstrous
forms, 125; the unity of the church
the unity of the spirit, 127; the
church local and congregational,
not national, 127; the church has
no authority to govern, 127; the
national or ecumenical unity of
the churches, the unity of the
spirit, 129; the method by which
the fellowship of the churches

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