Critical WORKS O F Monfieur RAPIN, In Two Volumes. VOL. II. CONTAINING I. His Reflections on Eloquence in General; and particularly on that of the Bar and Pulpit. II. His Reflections on Ariftotle's Treatise of IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. Upon Philofophy in General. Upon Phyficks. Upon Metaphyficks. Upon the Ufe of Philofophy in Religion. Newly Tranflated into ENGLISH, by BASIL KENNET, D. D. late President of Corpus Chrifti College, Oxon; and Others The Second Edition Cozreaed. LONDON: Printed for R. Bonwicke and Richard Wilkin in St. Paul's Church-yard; F. Walthoe and Tho. Ward in the Temple; T. Goodwin, M. Wotton and B. Tooke in Fleet-street ; F. Nicholfon in Little-Britain; and S. Manfhip and R. Smith near the Royal Exchange. 1716. THE CONTENTS OF THE proposed to Eloquence made it reign at IX. To ftudy and follow One's own Genius, another X. Nothing more effential than the Pronunciation. XI. Logick by Perfecting our Discourse, gives Perfe- XII. An Orator must proportion his, Difcourfe to XIII. The Neceffity of Distinguishing the several XIV. Of the Frigid and the Boyish Style. XV. Of the Sublime Style, and the Use to be made XVI. Eloquence fpoilt by too much Ornament. ~XVIII. The Neceffity of Studying the Language. XX. Of the Ordonnance of a Discourse. XXI. True Eloquence rather strikes the Heart than XXII. The Affectation of Speaking finely, very often XXIII The Elequence of Things, (which alone is true Eloquence,) confifts in the Turn that is XXIV. Eloquence becomes admirable, only by the XXV. Virtue and Modefty, the Character of a XXVI. Evil Education of Youth, the great IM died Oratory. EN Speak at the Bar before they have stu; III. Forms of Practice, likewife prejudicial. IV. The Modes of Language, another Hindrance. V. As is alfo the Study of too exact a Method in a VI. And on the other Hand, the Negligence of VIII. Extraordinary Strokes have their Place and IX. The good Opinion of the Orator's Modera- X. Eloquence appears childish by too frequent à Ufe XI. That Eloquence false, which is too folicitous of XII. The Perfection of Eloquence arifes from the XIII. The Subjects of Pleading, many times not XIV. The Judiciary Kind diffufes it felf to other |