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On executions from general
court 343.


Of pork, beef, flour, tar, pitch
and turpentine 146. Oftobac-
co, how appointed, their duty
and oath 159, 161, 162. Their
salaries 175, $52. Incapaci-
ties of 180, 185. Proceedings
against, for breach of duty
194. When to attend 224.
How to account, 224.
May be collectors 226. Of
lumber, how appointed; their
oath, duties and fees 233, 234.
Of tobacco, to pay for that
condemned, on a review 473.
Salaries of reduced during the
French war 567.



What declared lawful 102. All
contracts for greater, void
102, 103. How persons bound
by usurious contracts may be
relieved 103.

Power of governor to call out

the militia, to repel 112, 115.
Act concerning continued
350. Act making provision
against amended, in conse-
quence of the incursions of
the French and Indians 544.
Duty of officers, on receiving
intelligence of 544. To op-
pose the enemy immediately,
till further orders 545. To
call a council of officers 545.
Fines, for neglect 545. Pun-
ishment of mutiny 546. Felo-
ny to hold correspondence
with, or give intelligence to
the enemy 546. Officers and
soldiers in actual service, lia
ble to all the penalties impos-

ed on militia 546. Courts
martial, how constituted 547.
To take an oath 547. Form
of oath 547. To appoint a
clerk 547. His oath 547.
Punishment of disobedience
547. For prophane swearing
and drunkenness 548. Limi-
tation of punishment 548.
Protection of officers, if sued
548. Not permitted to resign,
if called into service 548. Pay
of 548, 549. Of artificers 549.
For transportation 549. Fines
on soldiers, for disobeying
orders, at a battery 549. Act
making provision against
amended 559. Punishment of
mutiny and desertion 560.
Commission for holding
courts martial may be grant-
ed by the governor 560. Of
what number court to consist
561. Oaths of members
561. Clerk to be appointed
561. His oath: 561. What num-
ber must concur, in sentence
562. Within what hours, to
sit 562. Party to have a copy
of his sentence 562. Trans-
cript of proceedings, to be
sent to governor 562. Sen-
tence to be suspended until
governor's pleasure known
562. Power of magistrates to
apprchend deserters 562.
Constables charged with de-
serters, may impress men
563. Penalty to suffer escapes
563. Encouragement to ap-
prehend deserters 563. Penal-
ty to harbour, or deal with
them for their arms &c. 563.
How recoverable 563. Protec-
tion of officers, for any thing
done, in their character 564.

[blocks in formation]

Public, how appointed 135. His
qualifications, fees, duties,
and privileges 135, 136,

Statute of, adopted 339.

Agreement between, and Wil-
liam Armistead, concerning
certain lands, confirmed 412.

Of general ceurt, who 326.
Oath 326. In chancery $27.

On protested bills of exchange,
equal to 86. By default, or
nonsuit 335. Final, costs on

Of general court 327, 328.
Power of sheriff to summon 349.
Surveyors of, and their assis-
tants to be sworn 63. Rules
in entries for, 33. How sur-
veyor may enter for himself
34. Rules in special cases 34.
Assistant surveyor not to
make entry 35. In what coun-
ty to reside 35. Rules in ma-
king surveys, returning plats
&c. 35. Surveyor's books,
how examined, and preserv-
ed 36. Chain carriers 36.

Notice of surveying must be
given 36. When entries void,
for non attendance 36. Plats
to be delivered to the owners
only 37. Exceptions 37. Se-
curities, for surveyor's fees,
void 37. Penalties, how reco-
verable, 37. How an acre may
be condemned for a mill 55.
Grants for, in certain parts
of Northern Neck confirmed
198, 199. Vestry of upper
parish in Nansemond, autho-
rised to sell certain lands, de-
vised by William Cadowgan,
266. Two acres, of which
Elizabeth Exum is seized,
rested in justices of South-
ampton 283. Titles of, pur-
chased of Nottoway Indians
confirmed 284. Vestry of
Washington parish, in West-
moreland county, authorised
to sell a certain tract of 290.
Intail of certain lands, where-
of Rebecca, wife of William
Clinch, is seized, in Charles
City, docked 297. Certain in-
tailed, vested in Reuben Skel-
ton 300. Agreement between
John New and Benjamin
Harrison concerning, confir-
med 303. Intail of certain
lands, whereof Arthur Smith
is seized, docked 308. So of
David Garland 311. Certain
intailed lands vested in Hen-
ry Washington 314. So, as
to Thomas Chamberlayne
319. So, as to William Dan-
dridge 321. Vestry of South
Farnham, in Essex, author-
ised to sell their glebe 588.
Justices, &c. of Elizabeth
City, enabled to take certain
lands, devised by Benjamin

Sym, for a free school 389.
Vestry of parish of Blisland,
in James City and New Kent,
authorised to sell certain
lands, and lay out the money
in plate and church ornaments
393. Intail of certain lands,
in Fairfax, whereof Gerard
Alexander is seized, docked
399. So, as to Robert Chew,
for lands in Middlesex 402.
John Armistead authorised to
dispose of certain intailed
lands 405. Intail of certain
lands in Gloucester, whereof
Lawrence Smith is seized,
docked 407. Agreement be-
tween Philip Johnson and
William Armistead, concern-
ing, confirmed 412. Intail of
certain lands, in King Wil-
liam, whereof Nathaniel West
Dandridge is seized, docked
428. Certain lands, lying in
Northampton, vested in Lit-
tleton Eyre 443. Intail of
certain lands, in Nansemond,
docked, and vested in Thomp-
son Swann 446. So, as to
lands, whereof Joseph Brid-
ger is seized, in fee-tail 448.
Secretary of colony authoris-
ed to sell certain lands at-
tached to his office 511. A
greement between Wm. Wi-
thers and Augustine Wash-
ington, for land in Stafford,
confirmed 513.

Public, how established 60, 64.
Imposed, to aid in carrying on
the French war 463. Extra-
ordinary, for the same pur-
pose 522. Act for better col-
lecting 566. Remedy against

sheriffs 566. Collectors to be
appointed, when 567.

Sundry acts repealed 131. Cer-
tain laws passed in 1748, re-
pealed by proclamation 215.

Trustees of, authorised to make
a causeway, through a marsh
212. Act establishing town
of amended 278.

Parish, how levied, collected

and paid 88, 90. Persons at
iron works exempted from
189. How paid in tobacco
168, 171. Act for raising
public 201, 247, 374. Sheriff
to give bond for collection of



Or pass, for persons going out
of the country, how obtained,
44,48. To keep ordinary, 71.
Fee for, 72. Marriage, how
obtained, 82. To practise law
as an attorney, 141. To ped-
lars, 245.

To be erected at Cape Henry,
227,228. Duty to be paid by
masters of ships, 228.

For proving store accounts, 54,
55. Act of, not to avail in fa-
vor of soldiers, while ex-
empted from arrests, 527.

What debts contracted for re-
tailed void, 74. Act laying
duty on, continued, 193. Ad-
ditional duty, on rum, 194.
Duty continued, 222,354. Ad-
ditional on spirits, not the
produce of the British sugar,
islands, 471.



When and where appointed, 115. No person to be married with-


[blocks in formation]

out licence or publication of
banns, 81. Penalty on minis-
ters marrying otherwise. 81.
On granting false certificate
of publication of banns, 82.
Marriage licences, how is-
sued, 82. Where an infant
marries, 82 Penalty for is-
suing or signing licences,
contrary to law, 83. Penalty
on publishing banus, or mar-
rying servants, 83. On ser-
vants married, or free per-
sons marrying such, 84. Fees
for marrying, 84. For exact-
ing greater, 84. Penalties,
how recoverable, 84.
white to intermarry with
black, &c. 361. Penalty on
ministers, 362.


Duty of, to servants. 357. Be-
tween and servants, when
void, 358.

Act for clearing Mattapony ri-
ver, 394. Power and duty of
trustees, 395.

Lieutenant, reward to, for his
gallant conduct in the late
engagement on the Mononga-
hola, 528.

Sealed, to be kept at mills, 59.
Prepared, or administered by
slaves felony, 105.
clergyable, when not, 105.

Definition of, 250. How pun-Parish of, formed from St. An-

[blocks in formation]

surrection, paid as public ex-
presses, 117.

County courts may contract for
ferriage of 20. Power of go-
vernor to call out in cases of
invasion or insurrection, 113.
Duty of officers, 113. Penal-
ty for neglect, 114. On sol
diers failing to appear arm-
ed, 114. Impressments, how
conducted, 114,115. Look-
outs appointed, 115. Pay of
officers and privates, 116.
Must furnish their own armis,
&c. 116. Messengers, how
paid, 117. Artificers pay,
117. Watermen, 117. Ves-
sels, carriages, &c. 117.
Guards, 117. Public arms,
when furnished, 118. Act for
better regulating amended,
421. Patrollers appointed,
421. Their duty, 421. Their
allowance, 422. Penalty on
officer not appointing, 422.
Single men subject to be
drafted, 527. Act further re-
gulating and training, 530.
Who to be enrolled, 531. Who
exempted, 531. How to be
armed and accoutred, 531.
Exempts to furnish arms, 532.
Mulattoes, negroes, and In
dians, how employed, 533.
Misbehaviour, 534. Courts
martial, 534. Fines for va-
rious delinquencies, 535. Of-
ficers, how to be armed at
musters, 537. Time allowed
to provide such arms, by of-
ficers, 537. By soldiers, 538.
Arms exempted from execu
tion, or distress, 538. No ex-
empted overseer or miller to
appear at musters, 538. Fines

incurred by infants and ser-
vants how to be paid, 539.
Sheriff to collect fines asses-
sed by courts martial, 539.
Remedy against sheriff, 539.
Commissioned officers to take
certain oaths, 540. Penalty
for failure, 540. Present offi-
cers to act until others be ap-
pointed by the governor, 541.
Appropriation of fines, 541.
Fines for failing to attend
courts martial, 541. Adjutant
general exempted from pay-
ment of ferriages, 541. Mili-
tia of Williamsburg and Nor-
folk, not compellable to mus-
ter out of the city or borough,
541. Courts martial to be
held therein, 542. What offi-
cers exempted from serv-
ing, 542. Patrollers, bow
appointed, 542. Their du-
ty, 542.
Their compensa-
tion, 543. Penalty on officers
failing to appoint patrollers,
543. On patrollers failing to
do their duty, 543. Patrol in
Williamsburg and Norfolk,
543. General issue, pleadable,
and special matter may be
given in evidence, in prosecu-
tions against patrollers, 544.
Costs, how recoverable, 544.
Officers to reside in their
counties, 530. Duty of offi-
cers of, on invasion or insur-
rection, 54. Officer, receiv-
ing notice of, to give infor-
mation to county lieutenant,
544. And immediately to op-
pose the enemy, until further
orders, 545. Fines for neglect,
545. Punishment for mutiny
and desertion, 546. All offi-
cers and soldiers in actual

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