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the fourth cataract, which is about half-way between these two places, is thus described by Mr Chelu :


"Although the length of the cataract does not exceed six kilometres, it is difficult to go up it against stream in less than six days, say one kilometre per day. The velocity of the water in some places is extraordinary; in others there is no depth. At some points hauling is impossible account of the multitude of rocks which rise up along the course of the channels, narrow and deep; further on it is literally necessary to slide the boats over sand or rock. Attempted with boats of some size the passage of the fourth cataract is only possible if, after lightening them of their loads, it isarranged to haul them byanumber of men varying between 50 and 1500."

From this description it will be easily understood how, opposed by wind and stream and confronted by constant perils, the upward navigation in this portion of the river presents so much difficulty that the transport of artillery and stores for a large army is dangerous. It is this which makes the construction of a light railway220 miles in length-across the desert, from Wady Halfa to Abu Hamed, an absolute necessity. But Abu Hamed once reached and put in railway connection with the base at Wady Halfa, a free way is secured at high water to Khartoum, 330 miles distant. It is hoped that this line may be completed by the 1st of September, but to accomplish this will require the utmost efforts of the energetic Sirdar, his officers and men. Should Abu Hamed be connected with Wady Halfa by the 1st of September, then Berber may be got to before the waters have fallen; but if not, then next year both Berber and Khartoum may be taken during the flood.

This movement by stages as may be feasible is decidedly the

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The Chancellor of the Exchequer's anticipations are well founded. The material for the railway being provided for by the grant in aid, the other expenses will be covered by the surplus of 1897, which is likely to amount to £400,000.

We cannot close without expressing our satisfaction at the firm language used by the Chancellor of the Exchequer in regard to the occupation of Egypt: "The fact that we have been compelled to make this advance [of money] through, certainly, no fault or action of our own is, I think, rather likely to prolong the occupation."

These words are emphatic when it is remembered that they proceed from official lips, and they are all that could have been desired. Their effect has already been felt in Egypt and in France. In Egypt the most simple intelligences have been impressed by the fact that the mixed tribunals and the Caisse de la Dette, who posed before them as supreme, have proved to be of no account at all


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We cannot close without expressing our satisfaction at the frm language used by the Chancellor of the Exchequer in regard to the occupation of Egypt: "The fact that we have been compelled to make this advance (of money] at high water to Khar- through, certainly, no fault or 330 miles distant. It is action of our own is, I think, hat this line may be com- rather key to prolong the oсец by the 1st of September, pati .ccomplish this will require ost efforts of the energetic its waren breed that they pro These words are emphatic when his officers and men, wednofasi laps, and they Abu Hamed be connected that cod have been de Vady Halfa by the 1st of str ber, then Berber may be her tolept and in France Thor Pect has already before the waters are in the most simple intelli but if not, then next year het hoor impressed by the erber ar toum mata that the nexed tribunals and the case the in Dette, who posed fos than as supreme, move the of no account st

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when British policy was in question. In France the speech of M. Hanotaux to the Chamber of Deputies, in reply to that of the Chancellor, spread discouragement in the ranks of the Colonial party, whose mission it is to foment the Egyptian agitation, because it referred not to the rights of France in Egypt but to the rights of Europe. In the majority of the French press the declarations of M. Hanotaux were severely criticised, and growing impatience of the Egyptian question is clearly evident. In one newspaper we read :

"The English act and disregard our vain protestations. They know that these will never be followed by action, and that the Government will never exceed, in regard to Egypt, the limit of platonic talk.

"One thing is certain, that the English will never leave Egypt of

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Printed by William Blackwood and Sons.

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THERE is a point in life which, having reached, we have no longer any objection to call ourselves old. On the table-land up to-shall I say sixty?-the level lasts long with some people, less long with others, age is allowed either with conscious magnanimity or slightly uneasy mirth, a laugh at the wrong side of the mouth, according to the forcible popular description. "Getting quite an old fellow" we admit with a certain kindly ridicule of ourselves, if we are still strong and well. But as the years go on the position changes, and one gets less and less to object to the rôle of Methuselah. There begins to arise a forlorn gratification in speaking of one's self as old. At first, perhaps, a faint hope of being contradicted is in the speaker's tone; but he soon gets over that, and almost with a touch of pleasure, often quite happily, at the last with a sense that


it is a distinction, allows the once appalling fact that he is an old


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If ever old age could be in fashion, it would be now, when all our thoughts are concentrated on the celebration of a great life, which has already passed the limits traced for mankind the threescore and ten to which, whatever other things may be doubted in Scripture, we all adhere with a touching unanimity. If there was a new order instituted, not of Victoria but of THE QUEEN, to distinguish those who had marched behind her Majesty over the snows of seventy years, it would be quite a popular thing, and would help the young people to cultivate a quality in which, I fear, they do not now (if they ever did) excel that respect for white hairs, which is so seemly on their part. The Queen's example should bring the Seventies into fashion.

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