EVOLUTION AND THE AMATEUR NATU- FAMINE, A LESSON OF THE: AN INDIAN the, 636 et seq.-three groups of, 638 Field, Mrs, 'Bryda,' a novel by, noticed, 225. Field, Mr Cyrus W., connection of, with "FIELD, THE SENATE AND THE," 733. Flinders, Matthew, voyages of discovery 'Flotsam,' by Mr Seton Merriman, Forrest, Mr R. E., novels of the Mutiny FORTY-ONE YEARS IN INDIA, 297. FRESH START, A, 158. "GENTLEMAN OF FRANCE, A:" THE GOAT, THE: HIS USEFUL QUALITIES, AND HOW HE CAME BY THEM, 398. GORDON'S STAFF-OFFICER AT KHARTOUM, Gray, Maxwell, 'In the Heart of the Gray, Sir Thomas, account of the 'Scala- GREAT SIBERIAN IRON ROAD, THE, 1. Gun-shyness, uselessness of dogs affected HALCYON DAYS, 37. Hannson, Fru Marholm, 'Modern Harrisse, Mr, researches of, on the HOW THE FAMINE CAME TO BURMA, 536. Hyde, Dr, peasant songs of Ireland by, Ibsen, Henrik, notice of 'Little Eyolf,' INDIA, FORTY-ONE YEARS IN, 297. Indian famines, the problem of prevent- THE FAMINE, 852. Irwin, H. C., 'A Man of Honour' by, IS IRELAND REALLY OVERTAXED? 118. "JÓ REGGELT!" A HUNGARIAN LOVE- JOE, TRAVELLING, 420. JOHN CABOT: AN ANNIVERSARY STORY, Journalism, the early days of, 704- Jowett, Mr, the biography of, 722-uni- JUNE 22ND, 887. KAFIRISTÁN AND THE KÁFIRS, 359. 364. Káfirs, the, origin of, 359-notices by King's Mousquetaires, the, M. de Tré- Kingsley, Henry, notice of 'Stretton' Kipling, Mr Rudyard, the qualifications 'Land Campaigns since Waterloo, Effect LAND OF SUSPENSE, THE: A STORY OF 'Les Trois Mousquetaires' of Dumas 'Life of James II.,' the anonymous, ex- 'Life of Sir John Franklin' by Mr H. 'London Legend, A,' by Mr Justin H. 'L'Orme du Mail' by M. Anatole France, 'Lost Pibroch, The,' by Mr Neil Munro, LOVE-STORY, A HUNGARIAN, 100. 627. Lytton, Bulwer, the novels of, 646. Macleod, Miss Fiona, the Miriam of the Macpherson, James, the "Nairne Papers" of, examined, 800 et seq. MARLBOROUGH'S UNCONSCIOUS TREASON, Matheson, Mrs Robertson, the poems Maurice Dering,' a story of the Mutiny, Maxwell, Sir Herbert, the Trout-Fishing Mazarin, Cardinal, avarice of, 764, 768 M'Carthy, Mr Justin H., 'A London Legend' by, notice of, 225. 226. 'Modern Woman' by Fru Marholm Moscow Peresílnî Prison for convicts, 224. Munro, Mr Neil, 'The Lost Pibroch' "Nairne Papers," Macpherson's, exam- NAVAL BIOGRAPHY AND CRITICISM, RE- 'Naval Policy' by Mr G. W. Steevens, notice of, 405. 'Navy and the Nation, The,' by Mr J. NEWSPAPER PRESS, THE: HALF A CEN- Nisbet, Mr Hume, 'The Queen's Desire' OLD SALMON-POACHING STORY, AN, 690. Ossian, Centenary Edition of, by Mr OYSTER, THE CHINESE, 280. Paget, Mr, reply to Macaulay's charges Reviewing, Cobbett and Shelley on, 21 of, 33-editors and, 34, 35. Roberts, Lord, 'Forty-one years in Royal Commission on Tweed and Solway Russian convicts, march of, to Siberia, THE SALADIN AND KING RICHARD: 'Pibroch, the Lost' by Mr Neil Munro, 'Pickle the Spy' by Mr Andrew Lang, 'Policy, Naval,' by Mr G. W. Steevens, Political prisoners, conveyance of Rus- PRESS, THE NEWSPAPER: HALF A CEN- PRISONS OF SIBERIA, THE: I. ON THE PSYCHOLOGY OF FEMINISM, THE, 104. 'Queen's Desire, The,' by Mr Hume QUEEN'S OWN GUIDES, THE, 625. Raleigh, Sir Walter, execution of, at RECENT BOOKS-FRENCH AND ENGLISH, RECENT NAVAL BIOGRAPHY AND CRIT- RECOLLECTIONS OF AN IRISH HOME, 578. REGISTRATION OF WOMEN TEACHERS, Renan, M., influence of, on the Celtic RETRIEVERS, AND HOW TO BREAK THEM, Retrievers, breeding of, for sport, 744- Saladin, character of, 392-victory of, Salisbury, Lord, attacks on, by Sir SALMON POACHING STORY, AN OLD, 690. Thomas Gray, 45 et seq. 476. 'Seeta,' a novel of the Mutiny by Col. Shaw, Mr Thomas, attempts of, to de- SIBERIA, THE PRISONS OF: I. ON THE SIXTY YEARS SINCE, 'TIS, 599. SOME PLANTATION MEMORIES, 331. Stewart, Colonel, early career of, 317- Stirling, Sir T. Gray's account of the TREASON, MARLBOROUGH'S UNCONSCIOUS, 'Trooper Peter Halket of Mashonaland' 869. Trout-fishing, decline of, in Scotland, Upper Teviotdale Fisheries Association, Victorian era, progress during the, 599 Virginia, description of, at the close of Walton, Izaak, death of, at Winchester, Street, Mr G. S., 'The Wise and the 221. Surgical science, advances in, during SURREY, DARIEL: A ROMANCE OF, SUSPENSE, THE LAND OF: A STORY OF TOMSK, A LEGEND OF: MONARCH OR Tomsk, description of the town of, 258 Traill, Mr H. D., 'Life of Sir John Trans-Siberian Railway, the, route of, 496. WIFE, RAB VINCH'S, 232. 'Wise and the Wayward, The,' by Mr Woman suffrage, the modern demand WOMEN TEACHERS, THE REGISTRATION Yeats, Mr, the prose tales of, notice of, Printed by William Blackwood and Sons. |