CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY. SCHOOLS. Miss Head's School for Girls. Special care for health of girls. Gymnasium and outdoor games. Cheerful family life. Certificate admits to University of California and Vassar College. ILLINOIS, CHICAGO, 1060 N. Halsted Street. The McCormick Theological Seminary opens Thursday, Sept. 24. Term continues seven months. Nine instructors. Fine equipment and ample accommodations. For catalogue address "Faculty." KENTUCKY, HARRODSBURG. 5 Beaumont College. Perhaps "One of the very best of all the Girls' Schools of the South;" in some departments the peer of any in either section. Director in our Conservatory of Music, J. H. Norman, Mus. Doct., Oxon., trained by Sir John Goss, W. T. Best, Rubinstein, and Charles Halle. Beautiful home. TH. SMITH, А.М., Pres. (Alumnus of University of Va.) NEW JERSEY, NEW BRUNSWICK. Theological Seminary Reformed (Dutch) Church. (Founded 1784.) Five professors. Tuition, furnished rooms, fuel, light, use of gymnasium and library (43,000 vols.) free. Open to students of any denomination. Address Rev. J. P. SEARLE, Secretary. NORTH CAROLINA, RALEIGH. IDEAL MUSIC BOXES Play Any Number of Tunes Are the most complete, durable, and perfect We have in stock 21 different styles, from Send 4-cent stamp for 65-page illustrated catalogue with list of tunes. Jacot & Son, Union Square, N. Y. City. LEONARD SCOTT PUBLICATION CO., 112 Wall St., New York. THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. THE CONTEMPORARY REVIEW. MAY, 1897. The Powers and the East in the Light of the War. By Francis de Pressensé (Foreign Editor of Le Temps'). Side-Lights on the Cretan Insurrec tion. By Ernest N. Bennett. Among the Liars. By H. Cecil Lowther. The Schleswig-Holstein Question and its Place in History. By the Right Hon. Professor Max Müller. On Bank Holidays-and a Plea for one more. By the Right Hon. Sir John Lubbock, Bart., M.P. May Carols. By Miss A. M. Wakefield. The Home of the Cabots. By Senator H. Cabot Lodge. The Progress of Medicine during the Queen's Reign. By Malcolm Morris, F.R.C.S.Ed. Goree: A Lost Possession of England. By Walter Frewen Lord. The Apotheosis of the Novel under man. Tobacco in relation to Health and Character. By Ed. Vincent Heward. Gongora. By James Mew. The Sacrifice of the Mass. By J. Horace Round. The Duke of Argyll's Criticisms. By Herbert Spencer. MAY, 1897. The Concert of Europe. The Sultan and the Powers. Our Naval Demonstration. By Wm. Laird Clowes. The Pope and the Archbishops. By Robert Rainy. Brahms and the Classical Tradition. By W. H. Hadow. The Obverse Side of Aristophanes, By R. E. S. Hart. Was Fenianism ever Formidable? By William O'Brien. The Devil in Modern Occultism. By By F. Legge. Russia As It Is. By W. Durban, The Awakening of the Coptic Church. By A Coptic Layman. The Financial Relations Between Ireland and Great Britain. By L. H. Courtney. THE FORTNIGHTLY REVIEW. THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW. MAY, 1897. The Contagious Diseases Acts: A Warning. By Ellis Ethelmer. The Cave Deposits of the Ardennes.-I. "Naval Defence." By Torpedo. Sheridan. By James Grahame. The Sovereignty of the People. By Horace Seal. What Ireland Wants. By Robert Ewen. The Increase of Insanity. By W. J. Corbet. Practising the Goose-Step in Education. By Joseph J. Davies. Theories of Life and Their Value. By Edith Gray Wheelwright. Anglo-Saxon Music. By William Henry Sheran. "Cottage Homes" for Pauper Children: A Reply. By C. R. W. Offen. Contemporary Literature. (1) Science. (2) Philosophy and Theology. (3) Sociology, Politics, and Jurisprudence. (4) History and Biography. (5) BellesLettres. (6) Art. MAY, 1897. A Study in Turkish Reform. Ay A Unpublished Letters from J. S. Mill The Twentieth Italian Parliament. Professor William Wallace. By J. H. "Epic and Romance." By John Oliver The Island of Sakhalin. By Henry de Windt. Degrees for Women. By J. F. Tanner. The Wrong Way with the Navy. By The Idea of Comedy and Pinero's Russia on the Bosphorus, By Capt. Madame Bartet. By Yetta Blaze de Bury. cus. Crete and the Cretans. By Dr. E. J PRICE, EACH, POSTPAID, 40 CENTS. RECENT NOTABLE PAPERS. LITERATURE. 1. Life in Poetry: Poetical Expression. By Prof. COURTHOPE, C. B. Nineteenth Century, February, 1897. 2. The New Realism. By H. D. TRAILL. Fortnightly Review, January, 1897. 3. Gibbon's Life and Letters. By HERBERT PAUL. Nineteenth Century, February, 1897. 4. Coventry Patmore: A Portrait. By EDMUND GOSSE. Contemporary Review, February, 1897. 5. Coventry Patmore: The Praise of the Odes. By Louis GARVIN. Fortnightly Review, February, 1897. 6. The Child in Recent English Literature. By Prof. SULLY. Fortnightly Review, February, 1897. 7. The Blight on the Drama. By William Archer. Fortnightly Review, January, 1897. 8. The Individual Always the Unit. By HORACE SEAL. Westminster Review, January, 1897. 9. On the Selling of Books. By J. SHAYLOR. Nineteenth Century, December, 1896. RELIGION. 1. The Elizabethan Religion (in correction of Mr. George Russell). By J. HORACE ROUND. Nineteenth Century, February, 1897. 2. Irenaeus on the Fourth Gospel. By Prof. GWATKIN. Contemporary Review, February, 1897. 3. The Mussulmans of India and the Sultan. By CANON MACCOLL. Contemporary Review, February, 1897. 4. The Papal Bull. By SYDNEY F. SMITH, S. J. Contemporary Review, January, 1897. 5. The Burial Service. By Prof. ST. GEORGE MIVART. Nineteenth Century, January, 1897. SCIENCE. 1. Timber Creeping in the Carpathians. By E. N. BUXTON, Nineteenth Century, February, 1897. 2. Bacteria and Butter. By G. CLARKE NUTTALL. Contemporary Review, January, 1897. 3. Spencer and Darwin. By GRANT ALLEN. Fortnightly Review, February, 1897. 4. The World Beneath the Ocean. By ARTHUR P. CROUCH. Nineteenth Century, December, 1896. ECONOMICS. 1. Morals and Civilisation. By H. G. WELLS. Fortnightly Keview, February, 1897. 2. Poor Law and Children. By E. S. LIDGETT. Contemporary Review, February, 5. Law and the Laundry. (1) Commercial Laundries. By Mrs. BERNARD BOSANQUET, Mrs. CREIGHTON, and Mrs. SIDNEY WEBB. (2) Laundries in Religious Houses. By Lady CAVENDISH. Nineteenth Century, February, 1897. 6. Individualists and Socialists. By the Hon. and Very Rev. the DEAN OF RIPON. Nineteenth Century, February, 1897. 7. The Depopulation of France. Wesminster Review, December, 1896. PRICE, EACH, POSTPAID, 40 CENTS. LEONARD SCOTT PUBLICATION CO., 112 Wall Street, New York. SPEND THE SUMMER AT : : : DEER PARK, On the Crest of the Alleghanies, 3,000 Feet Above Tide-Water. Season Opens June 21st, 1897. This famous mountain hotel, situated at the summit of the Alleghanies, and directly upon the main line of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, has the advantage of its splendid vestibuled express train service both east and west, and is therefore readily accessible from all parts of the country. All Baltimore & Ohio trains stop at Deer Park during the season. There are also a number of furnished cottages with facilities for housekeeping. The houses and grounds are supplied with absolutely pure water, piped from the celebrated "Boiling Spring," and are lighted by electricity. Turkish and Russian baths and large swimming pools are provided for ladies and gentlemen, and suitable grounds for lawn tennis; there are bowling alleys and billiard rooms; fine riding and driving horses, carriages, mountain wagons, tally-ho coaches, etc., are kept for hire; in short, all the necessary adjuncts for the comfort, health or pleasure of patrons. FOR TERMS APPLY TO D. C. JONES, B. & O. Central Building, Baltimore, Md. |