| Sir Walter Raleigh - Great Britain - 1751 - 418 pages
...Yet ftabb at thee whofe will, No ftabb the Soul can kill. His PlL GRIMACE. GIVE me my Scallop-fhell of Quiet, My Staff of Faith to walk upon ; My Scrip...of Joy, immortal Diet ; My Bottle of Salvation. My My <5own of Glory, (Hope's true Gage) And thus I'll take my Pilgrimage. Blood muft be my Bodies only... | |
| 540 pages
...to have Sir Walter Ralei*V* Pilgrimage. been. only 1! k? a. . bo-v Pla.viB* Give me my scallop-shrll of quiet, My staff of faith to walk upon, My scrip of joy, immortal diet, My bottle of salvation ; Mj crown of glory, hope's true gage, And thu-i I'll take my pilgrimage. Blood must be my only balmer,... | |
| Arthur Cayley - 1806 - 482 pages
...Rather than live in snuff, will be put out. f ', ' ? . .. ..•,i.- • ' *~~ MT PILGRIMAGE. Give Bfte my scallop-shell of quiet^. My staff of faith to walk upon, My scrip of joy, ircunort; J diet, , . , . ,\ My bottle of sal vation, •. .. / d Copied from the original by Archbisjipp... | |
| Robert Southey, Samuel Taylor Coleridge - English literature - 1812 - 362 pages
...been written by Sir Walter the night preceding his execution. MY PILGRIMAGE. Give me my scallop shell of quiet, My staff of faith to walk upon, My scrip...joy, . . immortal diet ; My bottle of salvation, My gown of glory, hopes true gage, And thus I'll take my'pilgrimage. Blood must be my bodies balmer, While... | |
| Robert Southey - 1812 - 364 pages
...night preceding his execution. MY p1LGR1MAGE. Give me my scallop shell of quiet. My staff of faith t > walk upon, My scrip of joy, . . immortal diet ; My bottle of salvation, My gown of glory, hopes true gage, °^ And thus 1'll take my pilgrimage. WO Blood must be my bodies balmer,... | |
| England - 1918 - 1062 pages
...could have written his " Pilgrimage" : "Qive me my scallop-shell of qniet, My staff of faith to lean upon, My scrip of joy, immortal diet, My bottle of salvation, My gown of glory, hope's true gage ; And then I'll take my pilgrimage." These lines, beautiful in them*... | |
| 1822 - 970 pages
...towards the close, to the manner and immediate approach of his death seems to confirm this belief: Give me my scallop-shell of quiet, ' My staff of faith to walk upon, My gcrip of joy, immortal diet ; My bottle of salvation ; My gown of glory, (Hope's true gage,) And thus... | |
| England - 1823 - 478 pages
...towards the close, to the manner and immediate approach of his death seems to confirm this belief: Give me my scallop-shell of quiet, My staff of faith...of joy, immortal diet ; My bottle of salvation ; My gown of glory, (Hope's true gage, ) And thus I'll take my pilgrimage. Blood must be my body's only... | |
| Christian life - 1862 - 346 pages
...on this low earth your eagle's nest ? Arise ! de part ! for this is not your rest." MY PILGRIMAGE. GIVE me my scallop-shell of quiet, My staff of "faith...scrip of joy (immortal diet !) My bottle of salvation, i My gown of glory, hope's true gauge ; And thus I take my pilgrimage. Blood must be my body's balmer,... | |
| Isaac Disraeli - Authors - 1824 - 468 pages
...the Pilgrimage," has this beautiful passage: " Give me my-scallop-shell of quiet, My staff of truth to walk upon, My scrip of joy immortal diet; My bottle of salvation. My gown of glory, Hope's true gage, And thus I '11 take my pilgrimage— Whilst my soul, like a quiet... | |
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