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" I will ransom them from the power of the grave ; I will redeem them from death: O death, I will be thy plagues; O grave, I will be thy destruction: Repentance shall be hid from mine eyes. "
The Triumph of Faith: By the Late Rev. William Romaine - Page 125
by William Romaine - 1809 - 200 pages
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Memoirs of the life of Mr. Josiah Tomkins, publ. by dr. Montague

James Nassau - 1774 - 402 pages
...where there are pleafures for evermore. O fay unto me, I will ranfom thee from the power of the grave : O Death ! I will be thy plagues ; O Grave, I will be thy deftruftion J Then fhall I triumphantly fing, Though I -walk through the gloomy vale, Where death,...
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A Collection of Theological Tracts, Volume 1

Richard Watson - Christian life - 1791 - 558 pages
...chap. xiii. verfe 14. I will ranfom them from the power of the grave, I will redeem them .from death. 0 death , I will be thy plagues ; O grave, I will be thy deflrufiton : repentance Jhall be kid from mine eyes. . Ijaiah exprelfes the very fame thinjr, chap....
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Sermons and Other Practical Works: Consisting of Above One Hundred ..., Volume 4

Ralph Erskine - Sermons - 1795 - 518 pages
...but under grace." — In cafe of the fear of death, look to the promife of death-conquering grace ; " O death, I will be thy plagues ; O grave, I will be thy deftruction." — In whatever cafe you are, look to, and live upon the promife. And feeing you are...
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Life in God's Favour. A Seasonable Discourse in Death-threatening Times ...

Oliver Heywood - 1796 - 272 pages
..." Lord, help me to believe thy faithful word, and to take the comfort of it. Haft thou not faid, ' O death, I will be thy plagues ; O grave, I will be thy deftruftion ?' Haft thou not wrefted the weapon out of the enemy's hand, and deftroyed him that had...
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Life in God's Favour ... being the substance of Sunday Sermons upon Psalm xxx. 5

Oliver HEYWOOD - 1796 - 274 pages
..." Lord, help me to believe thy faithful word, and to take the comfort of it. Hafl thou not faid, ' O death, I will be thy plagues ; O grave, I will be thy deftruftion ?' Haft thou not wrefted the weapon out of the enemy's hand, and deftroyed him that had...
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The Whole Works of the Late Rev. Mr. Ebenezer Erskine, Minister of ..., Volume 2

Ebenezer Erskine - Sermons - 1798 - 630 pages
...his anger, and tramples them in his fury." When death the king of terrors encounters him, he cries, " O death, I will be thy plagues ; O grave I will be thy deftru£Uon." When the armies of hell encounter him, he fpoils them, and leads them about in triumph,...
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Sermons, tr. by R. Robinson (H. Hunter)

Jacques Saurin - 1800 - 308 pages
...fully discovered in the latter part of this chapter, a few verses after the text, / will ransom them from the power of the grave, I will redeem them thy plagues, O grave, I will be thy destruction. You know, my brethren, St. Paul informs us, that this promise will not be accomplished till after the...
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The Universalist's Miscellany, Or, Philanthropist's Museum, Volume 4

Universalism - 1800 - 498 pages
...nation also. " I will ransom them from the power of the grave : I will redeem them from death : O de.uh, I will be thy plagues; O grave*, I will be thy destruction; repentance shall be hid from mine eyes." Hos. xiii. 14. Does not this refer to those wicked individuals, who have been cut off in their rebellion...
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The Universalist's Miscellany, Or, Philanthropist's Museum, Volume 4

Universalism - 1800 - 490 pages
...also. " I will ransom them from the power of the grave : I will redeem them from death : O death, 1 will' be thy plagues ; O grave *, I will be thy destruction ; repentance shall be hid from mine eyes." Hos. xiii. 14. Does not this refer to those wicked individuals, who have been cut off' in their rebellion...
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The Christian observer [afterw.] The Christian observer and advocate, Volume 69

...the grave; I will redeem them (literally, I will be, or act the part of their Goel) from death : 0 hurableminded, — it seetns impossible to admit any interpretation of the former passage which must be felt and confessed...
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