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LXIII. Intelligence and Miscellaneous Articles.

On Relativity and Electrodynamics.

To the Editors of the Philosophical Magazine.

DEAR SIRS, 27th April, 1918. AS S the result of some correspondence, Dr. G. A. Schott has detected an error of sign in my calculation of the transverse inertia of a "contracted conducting electron." In consequence of this the following numerical correction should be inserted in my recent paper on "Relativity and Electrodynamics." For a contracted conducting electron

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

There is a corresponding correction for a Bucherer electron,

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]


[blocks in formation]

Allen (Dr. H. S.) on molecular fre-

quency and molecular number,
338, 404, 445.

Anderson (Prof. A.) on the co-
efficients of potential of two con-
ducting spheres, 286; on the
problem of two and that of three
electrified spherical conductors,
Arc, on some potential problems
connected with the circular, 396.
Archæan rocks, on the radioactivity
of, 206.

Astronomical bearings of the elec-
trical theory of matter, on the,
141, 327, 481.

Atom, on X-ray spectra and the
constitution of the, 293.
Audibility factor of shunted tele-
phones, on the, 131, 487.
Banerji (S.) on aerial waves gene-
rated by impact, 97.
Barton (Prof. E. H.) on variably-
coupled vibrations, 62; on coupled
circuits and mechanical analogies,
Basu (N.) on the diffraction of light
by cylinders of large radius, 79;
on a new type of rough surface,

Bessel functions of equal order and
argument, on, 364.

Bickley (W. G.) on some two-dimen-
sional problems connected with
the circular arc, 396; on two-
dimensional motion of an infinite
liquid, 500.

Books, new:-Researches of the De-
partment of Terrestrial Magnetism,
220; Centennial Celebratiou of
the United States Coast and Geo-
detic Survey, 291 1; Millikan's
The Electron, 370; Napier Ter-
centenary Volume, 371; Hors-
burgh's Modern Instruments and
Methods of Calculation, 372;
Hancock's Elliptie Integrals, 372;
Annuaire du Bureau des Longi-
tudes, 444.

Browning (Miss H. M.) on variably-
coupled vibrations, 62; on coupled
circuits and mechanical analogies,

Cloud, on the scattering of light by
a. 373.
Coloured flames, note on Fox Tal-
bot's method of obtaining, 382.
Colours, on the resolution of mixed,
by differential visual diffusivity,
Conductors, on the coefficient of
potential of electrified spherical,
286, 388.

Corona discharge, on the pressure
effect in, 261.

Coupled circuits and mechanical
analogies, on, 140, 203.
Currents, on the maximum force
between two coaxial circular, 13.
2 N

Phil. Mag. S. 6. Vol. 35. No. 210. June 1918.

Cyclones, on rain, wind, and, 221.
Cylinders, on the diffraction of light
by, 79.

Deeley (R. M.) on rain, wind, and
cyclones, 221.

Diffraction, on the asymmetry of the
illumination - curves in oblique,


Distribution law, on Wien's, 190,

Eddington (Prof. A. S.) on electrical
theories of matter and their astro-
nomical consequences with special
reference to the principle of rela-
tivity, 481.

Edgeworth (Prof. F. Y.) on the law
of error, 422.

Electrical circuits, on coupled, and
mechanical analogies, 140, 203.

currents, on the maximum
force between two coaxial circular,

discharge, on the pressure
effect in, 261.

potential of two conducting
spheres, on the coefficients of,


theory of matter, astronomical
and gravitational bearings of the,
141, 481.
Electrified spherical conductors, on
the problem of two and that of
three, 388.

Electrodynamics, on relativity and,
327, 508.

Electrolytes, on the effect of inter-
ionic force in, 214, 352.
Error, on the law of, 422.

Evaporation, on some problems of,
270, 350, 431.

Films, on the lubricating and other
properties of thin oily, 157
Flames, note on Fox Talbot's method
of obtaining coloured, 382.
Focometry, on the nodal - slide
method of, 21.

Focus, on light distribution round
the, of a lens, 30.

Gas reactions, on velocity-curves
for, 281, 435.

Gaseous diffusion, on, 270, 350, 431.
Geological Society, proceedings of
the, 135, 292, 502.

Graphical methods of correcting
telescopic objectives, on, 471.
Gravitational bearings of the elec-
trical theory of matter, on the, 141.

Gray (Prof. A.) on the hodographic
treatment and the energetics of
undisturbed planetary motion,
Greenhill (Sir G.) on coupled circuits
and mechanical analogies, 140.
Gwyther (R. F.) on a theory of
material stresses, 490.

Heat, on the value of the mechani-
cal equivalent of, 27.
Hemsalech (G. A.) on Fox Talbot's
method of obtaining coloured
flames, 382.

Hitchcock (Dr. F. L.) on the operator
in combination with homo-
geneous functions, 461.
Hodographic treatment of undis-
turbed planetary motion, on the,

Holmes (A.) on the Pre-Cambrian
rocks of Mozambique, 135.
Howe (Prof. G. W. O.) on the rela-
tion of the audibility factor of a
shunted telephone to the antenna
current, 131, 487.
Illumination-curves in oblique dif-
fraction, on the asymmetry of
the, 112.

Interferometers for the study of
optical systems, on, 49.

Interionic force, on the effect of,
in electrolytes, 214, 352.
Iodine, on the resonance spectra of,

Ionization pressure in corona dis-
charge, on the, 261.

Ives (Dr. H. E.) on the resolution
of mixed colours by differential
visual diffusivity, 413.
Jeffreys (Dr. H.) on some problems
of evaporation, 270; on Wien's
distribution law, 410; on trans-
piration from leaf-stomata, 431.
Kimura (M.) on the series law of
resonance spectra, 252.
Laplacean operator, note on the, 461.
Larmor (Sir J.) on transpiration
through leaf-stomata, 350, 433.
Leaf - stomata, on transpiration
through, 275, 350, 431.
Leathem (Dr. J. G.) on the two-
dimensional motion of infinite
liquid produced by the translation
or rotation of a contained solid,

Lens, on light distribution round
the focus of a, 30.

[blocks in formation]

Liquid, on the two-dimensional
motion of infinite, 119, 500.
Lodge (Sir O.) on the astronomical

and gravitational bearings of the
electrical theory of matter, 141.
Lubrication, notes on the theory of,
1, 157.

Majorana (Prof. Q.) on an experi-
mental demonstration of the con-
stancy of velocity of light reflected
from a moving mirror, 163.
Mechanical equivalent of heat, on
the value of the, 27.

Mercury, on the motion of the peri-
helion of, 141, 327, 481.
Milner (Dr. S. R.) on the effect of
interionic force in electrolytes,
214, 352.

Mitra (S. K.) on the asymmetry of
the illumination-curves in oblique
diffraction, 112.

Molecular frequency and molecular
number, on, 338, 404, 445.
Morrison (J.) on the Shap minor in-
trusions, 292.

Motion, on the two-dimensional, of

an infinite liquid produced by the
motion of a contained solid, 119,
500; on the, of a heavy particle
on a new type of rough surface,


Moving mirror, on the constancy of
velocity of light reflected from a,

Mute, on the action of the, in bowed

stringed instruments, 493.
Nabla, on the operator, in combina-
tion with homogeneous functions,

Nagaoka (Prof. II.) on the calcula-

tion of the maximum force be-
tween two coaxial circular cur-
rents, 13.
Nodal-slide method of focometry,
on the, 21.

Objectives, on graphical methods of
correcting, 471.

Oil films, on the lubricating and
other properties of, 1, 157.

Oldham (R. D.) on the frequency of
earthquakes, 504.

Oswald (Dr. F.) on the Nimrud
volcano, 138.

Pendulums, on the vibrations of
coupled, 62.

Perihelia of certain planets, on the
motion of the, 141, 327, 481.
Planetary motion, on the hodo-
graphic treatment and the ener-
getics of undisturbed, 181.
van der Pol (B., jr.) on the relation
of the audibility factor of a
shunted telephone to the antenna
current, 134.

Positive rays, on a new secondary
radiation of, 59.

Potential of conducting spheres, on
the coefficients of, 286, 388.
Potential problems connected with
the circular are, on some, 396.
Radiation, on a new secondary, of
positive rays, 59; on the visibility
of, 174.

Radioactivity of Archæan rocks, on
the, 206.

Radio-telegraphy, on the audibility
factor in, 131.

Rain, wind, and cyclones, on, 221.
Raman (Prof. C. V.) on the wolf-note

in bowed string instruments, 493.
Rayleigh (Lord) on the theory of
lubrication, 1; on the lubricating
and other properties of thin oily
films, 157; on the scattering of
light by a cloud of small particles,


Reactions, on general curves for the
velocity of complete homogeneous,
281, 435.

Reeves (P.) on the visibility of
radiation, 174.

Relativity, on the second postulate
of the theory of, 163; on, and
electrodynamics, 327, 508.
Resonance spectra of iodine, on the,
236; on the series law of, 252.
Rocks, on the radioactivity of
Archæan, 206.

Searle Miss N. S.) on the pressure
effect in corona discharge, 261.
Silberstein (Dr. L.) on light distri-
bution round the focus of a lens,

Smeeth (Dr. W. F.) on the radio-
activity of Archæan rocks from
the Mysore State, 206.

Sollas (Prof. W. J.) on a flaked flint
from the Red Crag, 503.
Sound, on the, produced by the
impact of two spheres, 97.
Spectra, on the resonance, of iodine,
236; on the series law of reson-
ance, 252; on X-ray, and the
constitution of the atom, 293.
Spheres, on the coefficients of poten-
tial of conducting, 286, 388.
Stamp (L. D.) on the Silurian rocks
of Clun Forest, 502.

Stresses, on a doctrine of material,

Surface, on a new type of rough, 496.
Sutton (T. C.) on the value of the

mechanical equivalent of heat, 27.
Talbot's method of obtaining co-
loured flames, note on, 382.
Telephone, on the audibility factor
of a shunted, 131, 487.
Telescopic objectives, on graphical
methods of correcting, 471.
Todd (Dr. G. W.) on general curves
for the velocity of complete homo-
geneous reactions, 281, 435.
Tomkins (J. A.) on the nodal-slide
method of focometry, 21.
Twyman (F.) on interferometers for
the study of optical systems, 49.
Tyndall (Dr. A. M.) on the pressure
effect in corona discharge, 261.
Vegard (Dr. L.) on the X-ray
spectra and the constitution of
the atom, 293.

Vibrations, on variably-coupled, 62,

Visibility of radiation, on the, 174.
Visual diffusivity, on the resolution
of mixed colours by differential,


Walker (G. W.) on relativity and
electrodynamics, 327, 508.
Watson (Prof. G. N. on Bessel
functions of equal order and argu-
ment, 364.

Watson (Dr. H. E.) on the radio-
activity of Archæan rocks from
the Mysore State, 206.

Waves, on aerial, generated by im-
pact, 97.

Wien's distribution law, on, 190,

Wind, rain, and cyclones, on, 221.
Wireless telegraphy, on the audi-
bility factor of a shunted telephone
in, 131, 487.

Wolf-note, on the, in bowed string
instruments, 493.

Wolfke (Dr. M.) on a new secon-
dary radiation of positive rays,


Wood (F. E) on Wien's distri-
bution law, 190.

Wood (Prof. R. W.) on the reson-

auce spectra of iodine, 236; on
the series law of resonance spectra,

X-ray spectra and the constitution
of the atom, on, 293.


Printed by TAYLOR and FRANCIS, Red Lion Court, Fleet Street.

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