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this event will no longer be an impedi- | face of those treaties, that had taken place ment to the amicable adjustment of the which might assuredly be called an upexisting differences between the Porte and toward event. Let him not be misunderthe Greeks; but, nevertheless, that does stood. God forbid that he should throw not at all deprive the event of its character any blame on the gallant admiral to whom of“ untoward.” The noble baron opposite reference had been made ! No person, has said, “Do you mean to make a charge knowing the difficult situation in which against your naval commander ?” Certainly the gallant officer was placed, could, withnot. No man has a right to make a out being acquainted with all the cir. charge against him. His majesty and his cumstances of the case, venture to say late government, who have had the gal- whether he had acted rightly or wrongly. lant admiral's conduct under their con- Still, he could not avoid observing that, sideration, have wholly acquitted him of in one sense, the battle of Navarino was blame; and I certainly have no right to an untoward event. When he considered come forward and say that the gallant ad- the actual situation of the country, with miral has done otherwise than his duty to reference to the interests of agriculture, his king and his country. I will say, that trade, and finance, there was in his opinion the gallant admiral was placed in a very no one object which could be put in comdelicate and peculiar situation. He was petition with the necessity of taking every in command of a squadron of ships, acting step, consistently with the honour of a in conjunction with admirals of other great country, to bring about peace. He nations, and he so conducted himself as should give his hearty support to the to acquire their confidence, and to induce Address. them to allow him to lead them to vic- The Marquis of Londonderry said, that tory. Feeling this to be the case, I should the last time he had spoken in that House, feel myself unworthy of the high situation he had expressed his disapprobation of an which I hold in his majesty's councils if ! unnatural alliance, which he had prophecied were capable of uttering a single word would soon dwindle away. A noble lord against the gallant admiral. Meaning, as opposite had then made a very ingenious I did, that the government should carry remark; but he would now ask him, the Treaty fairly into execution, it would whether recent events had not completely be highly blamable in me to insinuate a fulfilled his prophecy? He rejoiced at the censure against the man who was charged change which had taken place. He trusted with the execution of difficult orders that, under the new administration, the under that Treaty.

country would be placed on a high and The Earl of Eldon expresssed a hope commanding situation. The name of the that, in the arduous sit in which the illustrious individual at the head of the country was at present placed, no impedi- government carried great weight with it ment would be thrown in the way of the throughout Europe. In no transaction of government, in their efforts for the pre- his public life had he failed. Indeed, he servation of the peace of Europe. It could seemed to have been born under a star hardly be said, that there had been an ad- which insured him success. Now that ministration in the country for the last nine his noble friend was at the head of the months. It could hardly be said that there national councils, he was persuaded the had been a parliament in the country which interests of the country, both at home and had either considered or done any thing for abroad, would be managed in such a way, the same period. Under thesecircumstances, as would again raise England to that proud it was high time to look to the most press- preeminence from which she had declined ing object of British interests,--the pre- during the last year. The noble earl opservation of the peace of Europe. He did posite (Grey), than whom no man stood not mean to enter into the consideration higher in the public opinion on account of of the treaties which had been alluded to, his rare consistency and noble disinterestseeing that they were not at present before edness, particularly during the events of their lordships. If, however, he under the last year, had said, that a want of stood the meaning of those treaties, as he confidence in the person at the head of had read them in various publications, one government was a fair ground of opposiof them aimed at the preserving of peace, tion to his administration. He would take and the other provided that hostilities the proposition in its converse sense, and should not be committed. Yet, in the say, that his unbounded confidence in the present premier would induce him to give he bad stated that he would not support him his entire support, without reference certainly, that he would not be reckonto minor points. He knew that the noble ed a member of--any opposition which duke at the head of the government was might be formed against that administraincapable of allowing any disunion to exist tion. Such was his situation last year ; in his cabinet. Should any part of it be and in a similar situation, he still found affected by the dry-rot, he would at once himself. He went the full length of the cut it off. And if that was a reason for noble marquis in the tribute of respect others to support the noble duke's ad- which he had paid to the noble duke at ministration, how much stronger must it the head of the government. It was hardly not be with him, who had for twenty years possible that any person could feel more served side by side, with that great man, warm admiration towards that distinguishin whom he had never seen any thing but ed individual than he did; but in the comwhat ought to be esteemed and admired. position of the administration there were He said these words honestly and fairly defects which rendered it impossible that before him ; as, since his noble friend had he could give it his general countenance. come into his present situation, he had had Nothing could make him happier than to no other opportunity of testifying his find, as occasions occurred, that the measatisfaction at his appointment.

sures of the administration would be of Earl Grey said, that the noble marquis such a nature as to entitle them to his had been pleased to speak of him in a support; but, under present circumstances, very kind and much too flattering manner. he must stand aloof, supporting the mea He rose now merely for the purpose of sures of government when they seemed stating distinctly, what he had said on a to be for the advantage of the country, and former occasion, to which the noble mar- opposing them, however reluctantly, when quis had alluded, and which did not bear he could not conscientiously believe them the interpretation that the noble marquis to be of that description. Having now had put upon it. The noble marquis had said more, perhaps, than enough in ex. stated, that he (earl Grey) had said, that planation of the conduct of a person of so a want of confidence in the head of the little consequence as himself, he would administration was a just ground of op- make a few observations upon what had position to the administration. Now, occurred that evening. He agreed with he did not recollect that he had given ex- the learned lord who spoke from the pression to such a sentiment. He did un- cross-bench, in considering the battle doubtedly say, that a want of confidence of Navarino a most untoward event. He in the head of the administration was a was not disposed, from any knowledge just, nay, the best ground for any man re- which he had of the circumstances of the fusing his accession to it. He had said, case, to impute blame to the gallant officer further, that a want of confidence, not in who had commanded upon that occasion. the head only of an administration-for it He had long been acquainted with sir was not a personal objection that had Edward Codrington, and could undertake actuated him in his conduct last year, it to assert, that a better, a braver, or a more was an objection to the general principle skilful, officer did not exist. He agreed on which the administration was com- with the noble duke, that it would be exposed—but a want of confidence in an tremely unjust to look with too critical administration generally, was an effectual an eye at the conduct of an officer placed bar to a pledge of general support. That in such difficult circumstances as sir was the situation in which he found him- Edward had been, and who had exerted self placed last year. He did not see in himself to support what he believed to be the composition of the cabinet such an the true interest and honour of his country. assurance for the prosecution of measures It was with the greatest satisfaction he had and principles which he considered es- heard from the noble duke, that whatever sential to the good government and pros- word might be employed in the royal perity of the country, as would induce him Speech, whether“ untoward” or any thing to give it his general support ; and on those else---no intention existed of throwing any grounds he withheld his support, although imputation on the conduct of that gallant some members of that administration were officer. With respect to the transaction persons entitled, in the fullest extent, to itself, he concurred with the learned lord his confidence. At the same time, however, in thinking it most unfortunate. That the effect which was naturally to be expected be brought in, founded on the principle from such an event might be averted, he of the measure of last session ; certainly sincerely trusted ; and the generally pacific not the same measure. tone of the royal Speech increased his The Earl of Darnley moved, that the hopes on this head. His noble friend words, ancient ally,” in the Address, be behind him (lord Holland), who had ad- omitted, and the words “a country at dressed the House with his usual acute- peace and amity with us” be substituted ness, and had displayed a considerable for them. extent of information, had, in the course Earl Ferrers begged to ask the noble of a speech, which he must think his noble duke at the head of the government, whefriend had better have reserved until the ther he retained the office of commandersubject should come under discussion, in- in-chief of the forces ? stituted a parallel between the battle of The Duke of Wellington replied, that Navarino, and an event which had occurred when he received his majesty's commands in the early part of the last century under to form an Administration, he felt great sir George Byng. He suspected that, reluctance to place himself at the head of when the two cases came to be carefully it. Finding, however, that it was the examined, considerable points of distinc unanimous opinion of his colleagues, that tion would be found to exist between them. he ought to occupy that situation, and Upon this topic, however, he would antici- finding also that, under the circumstances, pate nothing. Whatever impression he might it was not easy to find a person to fill the have on the subject, he felt it to be be- office which he now had the honour to coming, and indeed absolutely necessary, hold, he determined to resign the office of to reserve the expression of his opinions, commander in chief. until the requisite information should be The Marquis of Lansdowne said, he did laid before their lordships. When the not rise with the intention of offering period to which he alluded arrived, he the slightest objection to the Address, should be prepared to state fearlessly, and which it was his ardent wish to see unaniwithout reference to any party interests, i mously carried ; but, after what had been his opinion upon the subject. Before he stated in the course of the discussion, sat down, he desired to say one word upon having recently been honoured with an another topic. A noble friend of his had office in a situation in his majesty's goput a question with respect to an omission vernment, he felt himself called upon to in the royal Speech, and the noble duke declare, that there was no one act of that had stated in reply, that it was the in- government, but more especially no one of tention of government to introduce a bill its acts connected with the transactions respecting the trade in corn, founded upon which had been the subject of that night's the principle of the bill of last session. conversation, that he would not consider He had voted for that bill on the second himself bound to defend. He could asreading, and therefore could have no ob- sure his noble friend at the head of the jection to the introduction of a bill on the foreign department, who immediately resame principle. Now, he objected to presented the person at the head of that some of the regulations of the bill of last department before him; whose dying insession, and thought, besides, that it might structions he received ; and whose intenbe improved; and therefore, if a bill pre- tions he was expected to fulfil; that cisely similar, should be introduced, it whenever he should be called upon to dewould, in his opinion, require amendment. fend the whole of that system of which he What he was anxious to do was, to direct was the representative, from whatever side the attention of the House to the fact, that of the House the attack might proceed, the noble duke had stated only that a bill he would find in him a sincere and zealous, would be introduced founded on the same though perhaps a useless, supporter. He principles as that of last year; but not felt confident, that even though his noble that the same bill would be introduced. friend should not be able to do so, he himself Unless this point were explained, the could satisfy the House of the sound prinnoble duke's answer might possibly be ciples on which the negotiations had promisconstrued.

ceeded. He could also satisfy the House The Duke of Wellington said, that the and the country, that no danger of war noble earl had rightly understood him. had been unnecessarily incurred by his What he had stated was, that a bill would | majesty's ministers. He was not only

bound to make this declaration, but he felt discretion. He hoped that, in justice to it his duty to say, in relation to the recent the gallant admiral, all the documents posconflict, that if any blame did attach any sible would be produced. On the intelwhere, most assuredly it was not on the ligence of the affair at Navarino reaching gallant officer who commanded the fleet. this country, it was found that further inHe agreed with the noble duke oppo- formation was wanting. That information site, and with other noble lords who had was supplied ; and being supplied, it was ,

, spoken, that the battle of Navarino was seen that the gallant admiral was entitled an unfortunate circumstance, inasmuch as to the warm approbation of the governit occasioned the destruction of life, and ment and of the country. It was not intended to lead to those unhappy conse- cumbent on him to say more upon the quences, which always contributed to present occasion. With respect to other alienate friendly powers, and to set them events, he was prepared to give the fullest in something like interminable hostility explanation when called upon. He had with each other ; but, at the same time, risen merely to enter his protest on behalf he should be ashamed if he did not of a gallant individual, who was entitled declare that it would be childish to expect to the protection, not of his friends alone, that when an armed interference had been but of every individual who possessed a determined on by treaty, it could take particle of British honour. place without the risk of war.

He agreed

Lord Goderich said, that, having been a with the noble duke in thinking, that war member of the government under which should not take place, if the objects of the the noble duke had been instructed to sign intervention could be effected without it; the protocol at St. Petersburgh, and but the consequences of opposition must having also been a party to the treaty of have been foreseen by those who framed the London, he felt it due to his own characprotocol and the treaty of London. There ter to say that he subscribed entirely to all was no meaning in establishing a hostile that had fallen from his noble friend who intervention unless we were prepared to had spoken last. Whenever the time encounter all the consequences which should arrive for discussing the course of must result from it, melancholy as they policy in which he had had a share, he might be. He hoped his majesty's minis-should be prepared to express his senters would be able to prove that no blame timents with the same fearlessness with rested any where; but that the conduct which he now addressed their lordships ; of our commander at Navarino was part of and he concurred with his noble friend in the policy which he had not heard, in the believing, that it would not be difficult to course of that night's debate, it was in- prove, that there was nothing in that tended to change; but, if ministers enter- policy, or in the particular transaction tained

any such intention, he hoped they growing out of it, inconsistent with the would have the manliness to avow it. If, honour of the country or its best interests. however, blame rested any where, it would He entirely concurred in all that had been be easy to prove that it did not rest with said respecting the conduct of sir Edward the gallant individual who had been so Codrington. In his opinion he had exerfrequently alluded to, and never without cised a sound discretion. He was placed praise and honour, but with those who con- in circumstances of no ordinary difficulty, cluded the treaties that had placed him in and he had discharged his duty with conthe situation in which he appeared to have summate skill and courage. He was preexercised a sound discretion, with refer- pared to support the gallant admiral, not ence to his sense of duty. Although he only on the principle that it was the duty was anxious that the Address should be of a government to support those who carried without opposition, he could not executed their orders, but from a deliberhave given it his support without the ex- ate conviction that he was justified, under planation from the noble duke with respect the circumstances, in the course which he to the term "untoward,” as applied to had taken, and that in taking that course he that gallant commander who had presided had neither tarnished his own previously over the allied fleets during the conflict.acquired fame, nor sullied the honour and When the documents should be laid before glory of his country. their lordships, it would

appear that the Earl Dudley said that his noble friend gallant officer was intrusted with a neces- at the head of the government had stated, sarily large, but well and fairly-exercised, that the foreign policy which had been VOL. XVIII.


adopted by the late administration, would only at the head of the councils of his be persevered in; and that he desired, Sovereign, but in a situation of most also, to confirm what his noble friend had exalted estimation with the whole country, asserted. With regard to the affair at it was needless for me to trouble the Navarino, he concurred in all that had House with my own private opinions ; for been said in praise of the course pursued on all public matters they were invariably by sir Edward Codrington.

in accordance with those which he was The Address was agreed to nem. diss. so well able to declare. He possessed a

The usual sessional orders were voted, faculty to which I have no pretensions : and the earl of Shaftesbury was appointed he had eloquence to describe every feeling chairman of committees.

and impulse in his comprehensive mind

a mind so comprehensive, that it embraced HOUSE OF COMMONS.

every thing calculated to increase the Tuesday, January 29,

greatness or promote the welfare of his

country. I only touch lightly upon this STATE OF THE LAW AND ITS ADMINIS- subject, because I cannot but feel the TRATION.] Mr. Brougham gave notice strongest emotions whenever my mind is that, on the 7th of February, he would turned to the present situation of my poor submit to the House a motion, touching brother (hear !). Knowing, as I do, howthe state of the Law of this Country, and ever, that since his unfortunate malady, as its Administration in the Courts of Justice, often as his attention has been directed with a view to such Reforms in the same that way, he has felt and expressed the as time may have rendered necessary, and greatest anxiety for the continued glory experience may have shewn to be ex- and prosperity of his country, I could not pedient.

refrain from stating thus much. I would

also advert cursorily to another event Court of CHANCERY.] Mr. M. A. deeply to be regretted, which has occurred Taylor gave notice, that on the 12th of since the melancholy incapability of lord February he would move for certain Liverpool. I allude to the death of a man returns connected with the Court of of the greatest eloquence-a statesman Chancery, preparatory to a general motion to whom I have often listened with the relative to the Delays and Abuses in that highest admiration ; for whom I am conCourt.

fident my brother, both from early con

nection and warm admiration of his talents, ADDRESS ON THE King's Speech.] had the strongest regard ; and with whom The Speaker acquainted the House, that he had formed an early and most intimate the House had been in the House of Lords, friendship, founded upon mutual esteem. to hear the Speech of the Lords Com- I never shall forget the effect produced by missioners, of which, to prevent mistakes, that right hon. gentleman's commanding he had obtained a copy. After he had eloquence; and, in my feeble way, and in read it to the House,

the only mode in which I am capable of The Hon. Cecil Jenkinson said: In stating it, I must express of it my profound rising, Sir, on the present occasion, to admiration. But he is no more still more move, that an humble Address be pre- completely so than my poor brother; and sented to his Majesty, I must observe, in Providence having disposed of these two the outset, that no degree of confidence in great men--I hope I may in justice be my own powers has placed me in this allowed to call my brother great, as well situation on the contrary, there is no as the late Mr. Canning-every body

: man more diffident of himself, and with looked with anxiety to the establishment reason, than I am. I am not, indeed, a of a new Administration, which should young member, but I have troubled the embody all the sentiments, and receive all House very seldom upon any subject of that approbation, which I believe generally discussion that has come before it. Hav- characterized and followed my brother's ing mentioned this circumstance, I may government, through a long series of years add, that, as long as a person--to whom I [hear !). Upon this part of the subject I can hardly allude without an emotion hope I have not trespassed too far. I hope which deprives me of the little power 1 I have not pressed my ideas of the respect have of expressing myself-as long as that entertained for lord "Liverpool beyond person, I mean my noble brother, was not what it will bear. I am aware that it is a

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