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yo'urs, but yo'u: fo'r the children o'ught not to lay up for the parents, but the parents for the chil'dren. 15 And I will very gladly spend' and be' spent for you; though the more abun'dantly I love you, the less I be' loved. 16 But be' it so, I did not bur'den you: nevertheless', be'ing craf'ty, I caught you with gui'le. 17 Did I make a ga'in of you by an'y of them whom I sent' un'to you? 18 I desired Ti'tus, and with him' I sent a broth'er: did Ti'tus make a ga'in of you? walked we not in the sa'me spirit? walked we' not in the same steps'? 19 Again', think ye that we excu'se ourselves un'to you? we spe'ak befo're Go'd in Chri'st: but we do' a'll things, de'arly belov'ed, for your ed'ifying. 20 Fo'r I fe'ar, lest, when I come, I shall not fi'nd you such as I would', and that' I' shall be found un'to you such as ye would not'; lest there be' deba'tes, en'vyings, wra'ths, stri'fes, back'bitings, whis'perings, swell'ings, tu'mults: 21 And' lest, when I come again', my Go'd will hum'ble me amon'g you, and that' I shall bewa'il man'y which have sin'ned already, and have not repented of the uncle'anness, and fornica'tion, and lasciviousness, which they have commit'ted.


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CHAP. XIII. This is the third' time' I am com'ing to you. In the mouth of tw'o or thre'e wit'nesses shall every word' be established. 2 I told you befo're, and foretel' you, as if I were present, the second time; and be'ing ab'sent, now I wri'te to them' which he'retofore have sin'ned, and to all oth'er, that, if I come again', I will nọt spa're: 3 Since ye se'ek a proof of Chri'st spe'aking in me, which to you-ward is not we'ak, but is might'y in you. For though he was crucified through we'akness, yet he liv'eth by the power of Go'd: fo'r we also are we'ak in hịm, but we shall liv'e with him by the power of Go'd to'ward you. 5 Exam'ine yourselves wheth'er ye be in the faith; pro've your own selves: kno'w ye not your own selves, how that Je'sus Chri'st is in' you, except ye be rep'robates? 6 But I trust that ye shall kno'w that we' are not' reprobates. 7 Now I pray to Go'd that ye do no evil; not' that we' should appear appro'ved, but that yo' should do that which is hon'est, though we' be as rep'robates. 8 Fo'r we can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth. 9 Fo'r we are glad', when we' are we'ak, and ye' are strong and this' a'lso we wish, 'e'ven' your perfection. 10 Therefore I write these things be'ing ab'sent, lest be'ing

pres'ent I should use sha'rpness, acco'rding to the power which the Lord hath giv'en me to ed'ification, and not to destruc'tion. 11 Finally, breth'ren, farewell'. Be per'fect, be of good com'fort, be of on'e mi'nd, live in pe'ace; and the Go'd of love and pe'ace shall be with you. 12 Gre'et one another with an ho'ly kiss. 13 A'll the saints salu'te you. 14 The gra'ce of the Lo'rd Jesus Chri'st, and the lov'e of Go'd, and the commu'nion of the Holy Gho'st, 'be' with you all. A'men'.

The second epis'tle' to the Corinthians was writ'ten from Philip'pi, a city' of Macedo'nia, by Ti'tus and Lu'cas.





1 PAUL, an apos'tle, (not of men', ne'ither by man', but by Je'sus Chri'st, and Go'd the Father, who ra'ised him from the dead',) 2 And all the breth'ren which are with me, un'to the church'es of Gala'tia: Gra'ce 'be' to you, and peace, from Go'd the Father, and 'from our Lo'rd Je'sus Chri'st, 4 Who ga've himself' for our sin's, that he might deliv'er us from this present e'vil world, acco'rding to the will of Go'd and our Father: 5 To whom 'be' glo'ry for ev'er and ev'er. A'men'. 6 I ma'rvel that ye are so so on removed from him that called you in'to the gra'ce of Chri'st un'to anoth'er gos'pel: 7 Which is not' another; but there be som'e that troub'le you, and would pervert' the gos'pel of Chri'st. 8 But though we', or an a'ngel from heav'en, pre'ach an'y oth'er gos'pel un'to you than that which we' have pre'ached un'to you, let him be accurs'ed. As we said befo're, so say I now again', If an'y 'man' pre'ach an'y oth'er gos'pel un'to you than that ye have received, let him be accurs'ed. 10 Fo'r do I now persua'de men', or Go'd? or do I seek to please men? fo'r if I yet pleased men', I should not' be the servant of Chri'st.



11 But I certify you, breth'ren, that the gos'pel which was preached of me' is not' af'ter man'. For I neither received it of man', ne'ither was I ta'ught it,' but by the revela'tion of Jesus Chri'st. 13 Fo'r ye have heard' of my conversation in time past' in the Jews' religion, how that beyond' meas'ure I persecuted the church of Go'd, and wa'sted it; 14 And prof'ited in the Jews' religion abov'e man'y my e'quals in mine o'wn na'tion, be'ing more exce'edingly zealous of the tradit'ions of my fa'thers. 15 But when it pleased Go'd, who separated me from my mother's wo'mb, and called 'me' by his gra'ce, 16 To reveal his Son' in me, that I might pre'ach him amon'g the heathen; immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood': 17 Neither went I up to Jerusalem to them which were apostles befo're me; but I went in'to Ara'bia, and return'ed again' un'to Damas'cus. 18 Then, af'ter three years, went up to Jeru'salem to se'e Pe'ter, and abo'de with him fif'teen days. 19 But oth'er of the apos'tles saw I non'e, save Ja'mes the Lo'rd's broth'er. 20 Now the things which I write un'to you, behold, befo're Go'd, I li'e not. 21 Afterwards I came in'to the re'gions of Syria and Cilicia; 22 And was unkno'wn by fa'ce un'to the church'es of Jude'a which were in Chri'st: 23 But they had heard' o'nly, that he' which per'secuted us in times past', now pre'acheth the faith which one'e he destroy'ed. 24 And they glo'rified Go'd in me.

CHAP. II. Then fo'urteen years af'ter, I went up again' to Jeru'salem with Ba'rnabas, and took Ti'tus with 'me' also. 2 And I went up by revela'tion, and commu'nicated un'to them that gos'pel which I pre'ach amon'g the Gen'tiles, but privately to them which were of reputation, lest by an'y means I should' run, or had' run, in va'in. 3 But neither Ti'tus, who was with' me, be'ing a Gre'ek, was compelled to be circumcised: 4 And that because of false breth'ren un'awares bro'ught in', who came in' priv'ily to spy' out our lib'erty which we have in Chri'st Je'sus, that they might bring us in'to bon'dage: 5 To whom we ga've pla'ce by subjec'tion, no', not for an hour', that the truth of the gospel might contin'ue with you. 6 But of those who seemed to be somewhat, whatsoever they were, it ma'keth no matter to me': Go'd accep'teth no' man's person fo'r they who seemed to be somewhat' in con'ference ad'ded nothing to me: 7 But con'trariwise, when

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they saw that the gospel of the un'circumcision was commit'ted un'to me', as the gos'pel' of the circumcision was' un'to Pe'ter; 8 (Fo'r he that wro'ught effec'tually in Pe'ter to the apostleship of the circumcision, the sa’me was might'y in me' to'ward the Gen'tiles :) 9 And when Ja'mes, Ce'phas, and John', who seemed to be pillars, perceived the gra'ce that was giv'en un'to me, they ga've to me' and Barnabas the right' hands of fellowship, that we should go' un'to the he'athen, and the'y un'to the circumcis'ion. 10 O'nly they would'' that we should remem'ber the po'or; the sa'me which I also was fo'rward to do'. 11 But when Pe'ter was come to An'tioch, I withstood' him to the face, beca'use he was to be bla'med. 12 Fo'r, befo're that certain ca'me from Ja'mes, he did e'at with the Gen'tiles but when they were come he withdrew', and sep'arated himself', fe'aring them' which were of the cir cumcision. 13 And the oth'er Jews dissembled likewise with him; insomuch' that Barnabas a'lso was carried awa'y with their dissimula'tion. 14 But when I sa'w that they walked not up'rightly, acco'rding to the truth of the gospel, I said un'to Pe'ter befo're them' a'll, If thou, be'ing a Jew', liv'est af'ter the man'ner of Gen'tiles, and not as do the Jew's, why compell'est thou the Gen'tiles to live as do the Jew's? 15 We' who are' Jew's by na'ture, and not sin'ners of the Gen'tiles, 16 Kno'wing that a man is not jus'tified by the works of the la'w, but by the faith of Jesus Chri'st, e'ven we' have belie'ved in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the fa'ith of Chri'st, and not' by the works of the la'w: fo'r by the works of the la'w shall no' flesh be jus'tified. 17 But if, while we se'ek to be jus'tified by Chri'st, we ourselves also are found sin'ners, is therefore Chri'st the minister of sin'? Go'd forbid'. 18 Fo'r if I build again' the things which I destroy'ed, I make myself' a transgress'or. 19 Fo'r I' through the la'w am dead' to the law, that I might live un'to Go'd. 20 I am crucified with Chri'st: nevertheless' I live; yet not I', but Chri'st liv'eth in' me: and the li'fe which I now' live in the flesh' I live by the faith of the Son of Go'd, who lov'ed me, and ga've himself' for me. 21 I do not frustrate the grace of Go'd: fo'r if right'cousness 'come' by the la'w, then Chri'st is dead in va'jn.



CHAP. III.1 O fo'olish Gala'tians, who hath bewitch'ed vou, that ye should' not obe'y the truth, befo're whose eyes sus Chri'st hath been ev'idently set fo'rth, cru'cified

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amon'g you? 2 This o'nly would I learn' of you, Received ye the Spirit by the works of the la'w, or by the he'aring of faith? Are ye so fo'olish? hav'ing begun' in the Spirit, are ye now' made perfect by the flesh'? 4 Have ye suf'fered so man'y things in va'jn? if' 'it be' yet in va'ịn. 5 He therefore that min'istereth to you the Spirit, and work'eth miracles amon'g you, 'do'eth he it' by the work's of the law, or by the hearing of faith? 6 E'ven as A'braham belie'ved Go'd, and it was accoun'ted to him for right'eousness. 7 Kno'w ye ther'efore that they which are of faith, the sa'me are the chil'dren of A'braham. 8 And the scripture, forese'eing that Go'd would justify the he'athen through fa'ith, pre'ached befo're the gos'pel un'to A'braham, sa'ying,' In the'e shall a'll na'tions be bless'ed. 9 So then they which be of fa'ith are bless'ed with faithful A'braham. 10 Fo'r as man'y as are of the work's of the la'w are un'der the curs'e: fo'r it is writ'ten, Curs'ed is every one that contin'ueth not in a'll things which are writ'ten in the book' of the la'w to do' them. But that no man is jus'tified by the la'w in the sight of Go'd, it is ev'ident: fo'r, The just shall live by faith. 12 And the la'w is not' of fa'ith: but, The man that do'eth them shall live in them. 13 Chri'st hath rede'emed us from the curs'e of the law, be'ing made a curs'e for us': fo'r it is writ'ten, Curs'ed is' every one that han'geth on a tre'e: 14 That the bless'ing of A'braham might come on the Gen'tiles through Jesus Chri'st; that we' might receive the prom'ise of the Spir'it through fa'ith. 15 Breth'ren, I spe'ak af'ter the man'ner of men'; Though it be' but a man's' cov'enant, yet if it be' confirm'ed, no' man disannul'leth, or add'eth thereto'. 16 Now to A'braham and his se'ed were the promises ma'de. He sa'ith not, And to se'eds, as of man'ý; bụt as of on'e, And to thy' seed, which is Chri'st. 17 And this' I say, that' the covenant, that was confirm'ed befo're of Go'd in Chri'st, the law, which was fo'ur hun'dred and thirty years af'ter, can'not disannul', that it should make the promise of none effect'. 18 Fo'r if the inheritance be' of the law, it is no mo're of prom'ise: but Go'd ga've 'it' to Abraham by prom'ise. 19 Wherefore then 'ser'veth' the law? It was ad'ded beca'use of transgress'ions, till the se'ed should com'e to whom the prom'isę was ma'de; and it was ordained by angels in the hand of a media'tor. 20 Now, a media'tor is not' a media'tor' of

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