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for the eye could discover no possible passage after having passed the first rocks, over which the sea broke with ungovernable fury. Our good Captain, (and I shall never forget him) from the moment of our entering the passage, had taken his stand upon the mizen topmast shrouds, from which he overlooked the rocks and saw some prospect of escape, and did not for a moment lose his calmness and fortitude; he had now become so hoarse that his orders were conveyed by one sailor to another, until they reached the helmsman.

"About midway the passage, a rope from the spanker struck and twisted itself round the wheel, and the rudder for a moment became unmanageable. At this critical juncture, as we were about striking the rock, the steward ran with an axe, and with one blow freed the wheel: the ship obeyed instantly, and (as we afterwards found,) rubbed up a small piece of her copper upon the rock which would otherwise have terminated our mortal career. Behind us was a brig in much the same situation with ourselves, but in endeavouring to follow us struck upon one of the rocks, and it is presumed all on board perished; we were fortunate enough to escape them all, and getting between the island and the main land, our Captain came down and went into the cabin, where he was greeted by all the passengers, the ladies in particular, jumping upon his neck to give him the affectionate kiss of gratitude. However, before all had finished, the first officer came running down, saying there was high land ahead, under the lee bow; from its situation, the Captain immediately recognized the point of Cape La Houge, and said 'then our voyage must terminate; for it was impossible to gain the centre of the channel and go to sea. When she came near enough we saw two vessels already on shore. The Captain ordered all sail to be set that could, in order that she might go up higher than otherwise, thinking there was more hope of saving our lives by being near in shore; accordingly she was put head on, and struck with a tremendous crash, about 5 o'clock in the afternoon. Thanks to Providence, we were in a good ship, commanded by a first rate officer. The tide was at its utmost height, which was a bounty unforeseen except by Him, who orders all things wisely.Every moveable in the cabin, except trunks, &c. went to pieces; crockery, &c. disappeared from the shelves, and was seen scattered over the floor. Here we lay until about 9 o'clock, when a man from the shore came on board, and said we were high and dry, for the tide had left us-about a dozen of us left the ship with him, and arrived at midnight at his little hut, where we found persons from other vessels which had been lost. My wife upon reaching the shore (although she had strength to walk some distance upon the rocks,) fainted away, her courage having left her, and she being no longer agitated by the fear of danger. About two o'clock in the morning other passengers arrived, and at four the

Captain and crew left the ship. We were received with more than expected hospitality-the beds were given up to the ladies, their former occupants sleeping with the gentlemen upon straw on the floor. The next day being All-Saints, we went to church with hearts filled with gratitude towards that Great and Good Being, who had so wonderfully and in so special a manner preserved our lives. Although a Catholic church, and the service in Latin, it did not prevent us from silently and fervently offering up our prayers of thanksgiving and praise. The next day, Sunday, we again went to church and heard a most impressive sermon from our worthy fellow-passenger, the pious Bishop Cheverus-I was sorry my wife could not understand him, but he made a short and pathetic address, in English, to the Captain and passengers, after the church service was over. All the inhabitants of the village (called Audeville) seemed to vie with each other which should be the most hospitable; although we have had little else than bread, milk, butter, and cabbage soup, yet it was all they had, and was given with a cheerfulness which made it equal to the most kingly fare. We left these good people on Tuesday morning for Cherbourg, twenty to twenty-five miles distance, some on horseback, some on foot, and the ladies, with the old and lame, on the carts which transported our baggage, for carriages could not go down to the cape. At the end of five or six miles, I found my wife so uncomfortable that I took her on behind me, having made a sort of pillion with a great coat and cloak, upon which she rode to Cherbourg very comfortably. Here we remained two days to recruit our strength, and then proceeded to Paris, where we arrived on Monday the 10th, about two o'clock."

The Grace of God Manifested.

For the Methodist Magazine.

(A Scotch Emigrant.)

IN newly settled countries, amidst the complicated scenes which attend their progress and settlement, in respect to civilization and the introduction of Christianity, characters of peculiar worth can only be fully estimated, when we are brought by sad necessity to feel the shock which society has sustained by their death! Such is the case in the present instance.

Surrounding this place, where we have endeavoured to erect the standard of the Redeemer's kingdom in the wilderness, there is a greater contrariety and peculiarity of character than is to be found in the United States, or perhaps in the world! About twenty-five miles below this, on the east side of the Wabash, we

have a singular society formed by a German, (Mr. Geo. Rapp.) called “The Harmony Society." We cannot now, nor would it be proper for us here, to enter into a description of this people, or their place of "enchantment." A mixture of many excellent with many superstitious things, seems to be the briefest expression we can use in relation to their government. Fifty miles above us, on the same side of the river, is a settlement of Shakers, but too well known to require any description of them. From sixteen to eighteen miles west of us, we have an English settlement, originally projected by the English emigrant, Mr. MORRIS BIRKBECK. This settlement is composed chiefly of those of the Unitarian sect, formed pretty much like that of Dr. PRIESTLEY on Wyoming in Pennsylvania, about twenty-five years ago; and no doubt, like that, composed of that class of European population, not calculated in the general, to do well for themselves, or for the country which they have adopted. In addition to this contrariety of religious character, we have Baptists, two sets of them; Presbyterians, the General Assembly, and Cumberland; some Episcopalians, and many Newlights; some Universalists, and a settlement of French, of the Roman Catholic faith. To this may be added our church, which is tolerably numerous.

The notes by Mr. BIRKBECK, on his travels through the Atlantic and Western States, and his "Letters from Illinois," giving a glowing description of the country, particularly this part of it, induced several, among others, perhaps, Mr. ADAM CORRY, a Scotchman, and a gentleman of considerable estate in England, to make some large purchases of lands near this, with a view of forming a Scotch settlement. The subject of this memoir, Mr. JOHN CORRY, brother of the former, took an interest in a part of the land, and became the first "Scottish pioneer," of that settlement; which is situated about fifteen miles north of this place. He was born in Dumfrieshire, and married his amiable companion in Galloway, where he resided till he embarked for America, the 19th June, 1819, with his companion, one son, four daughters, two nephews, and a servant girl. He landed in New-York the 24th of August, and arrived at the falls of the Wabash, 20th January, 1820. On the way, he lost his youngest daughter. On their arrival at the place of destination, the spirit of the family was very much depressed. None but those that have left ease, the comforts and conveniences of life and society behind, with a view of fixing a residence in the wilderness, can imagine what sensations arise in the minds of the young, especially females, on such occasions. Here was a spectacle, and interesting too, in the highest degree. A family, whose whole deportment had marked them out as persons who had maintained a high rank in society in their own country, well educated, and refined in their manners, here in the wilderness of America, about to meet and encounter the most serious difficulties in forming a new settlement! A vast

country before them; and, although cheered by nature, in her grandest attire, abounding in beautiful prairies and groves, it was only here and there a solitary cabin pointed out to them the habitation of man. However Providence appeared specially to provide for them. Old Brother JACOB SCHRADER, once a member of the venerable Mr. OTTERBEIN's church, in Baltimore, who had removed to Tennessee, where the Pastor of his church died, on the special direction of Mr. OTTERBEIN, with all that society, joined the Methodist church. Brother SCHRADER had subsequently removed to Indiana: being better satisfied with Illinois, he had again removed and settled near Mr. CORRY's lands. In Brother S. and his amiable family, Mr. CORRY and his family, conceived that they had found friends indeed; and they truly proved to be such. Brother SCHRADER had opened his doors for preaching, and there was both circuit and local preaching at his

A class was soon formed, which became large and respectable. It was here that Brother CORRY and his family, on Sabbath, or on week days, attended preaching regularly; and what was singular, it was here for the first time that they had ever heard a Methodist Preacher! Though strictly educated under the auspices of the church of Scotland, this family no sooner heard the doctrines of the Methodist church, than, upon serious reflection, they pronounced them to be the doctrines of the gospel.

In 1819-20, a Mr. STONE rode this circuit. In 1820-21, a Mr. JOHN STEWART was our travelling preacher. On going the first round in the fall of 1820, Brother STEWART was very strict in his attention in reading the discipline and rules of the Society. At Brother SCHRADER'S Mr. STEWART read them, and as was usual with him made remarks thereon, and was very particular in impressing the duty of family prayer upon the professors of religion. Mr. CORRY and family as usual, were present. Brother SCHRADER remarked to the writer, that previously to this, he thought it very singular that his friend and neighbour CORRY would not permit a professor of religion, known as such to him, to visit him without requesting of them to have worship with his family before their departure. Oh! what a reproof this to many of us! and what also astonished and delighted hini was, that his youngest son, Samuel, going one Sabbath morning to bring up his father's milch cows, informed him, that when he passed Mr. CORRY's he saw the three young ladies pass by into a hazle grove near at hand, and all kneel down to secret prayer! The writer himself was highly pleased with the appearance and deportment of this amiable family when attending divine service.

In the month of August, 1821, a Camp meeting was to be held near Mount Carmel. Mr. CORRY signified his wish to Brother SCHRADER to attend that meeting with his family, (neither of them I presume had ever been at one) and requested Brother S. to ask

his wife (Sister S.) to come over and give his family proper directions as to what was to be prepared, and sent two of his boys to assist Brother S's sons in erecting a tent for their accommodation. A brief account of this Camp meeting was published in the Magazine, Oct. No. 1821, p. 392, in a letter from Mr. W. BEAUCHAMP to the Editors, in which he mentions that seven out of eight of that family experienced religion at that meeting. It was at this meeting that Brother CORRY was powerfully awakened, and embraced religion. This deeply affected the young people. They were also awakened, and embraced religion, all of them perhaps in the course of about an hour! (the old lady having previously professed religion.) They then returned home, and not one of them now but what was rejoicing, except the eldest daughter, who began to doubt. When the glad news was proclaimed on their arrival, the poor servant girl began to weep bitterly. She had continued at home to take care of the house. Immediately the whole family fell upon their knees and continued in prayer alternately the whole night. When about break of day the servant girl obtained an evidence of the pardon of her sins-the doubts and fears of the eldest daughter were removed, and there was a general family rejoicing!

I had never visited Brother CORRY. till after this happy occurrence, and when I then entered his house I felt such a degree of my own unworthiness, that I could not forbear expressing the sensations of my soul, flowing from the " abundance of my own heart." I found him to be indeed the Christian and the gentleman; and never till now had I seen so fully exemplified the outward deportment corresponding with the inward man. Here, so recently a wilderness, were springing up a large settlement and society. Though myself an early settler of both Kentucky and Ohio, this exceeds any thing I ever saw; and here a family who lived as it were in a little heaven on earth.

Brother CORRY did not realize his expectations in forming a settlement of his own countrymen; the alarm of sickness which prevailed through Illinois and Missouri, in the fall of 1820, and which has subsequently been general through the United States, so alarmed even those who had landed in America, that they stopped at various places by the way. From the first it appeared to be Brother C's disposition to become wholly American in every thing that he conceived to be praiseworthy in their characHis scrupulous regard, however, to a proper observance of the Sabbath; his refusing to buy meal or flour ground, or meat slaughtered, on that holy day, had already marked him out as a very singular character, in the view of some of the wild frontier settlers, who like the poor Indian I once saw on White River, (Capt. WHITE-EYES) say "we know no Sabbath;" yet by those and all others he was universally beloved and respected.


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